Installation instructions
- Copy and to klippy/extras
- The printer.cfg syntax is as follows
[temperature_sensor voc_exhaust]
sensor_type: SGP40
# The name of the micro-controller that the chip is connected to.
# The default is "mcu".
# If the micro-controller supports multiple I2C busses then one may
# specify the micro-controller bus name here. The default depends on
# the type of micro-controller.
# The I2C speed (in Hz) to use when communicating with the device.
# The Klipper implementation on most micro-controllers is hard-coded
# to 100000 and changing this value has no effect. The default is
# 100000.
# ref_temp_sensor:
# The name of the temperature sensor to use as reference for temperature
# compensation of the VOC raw measurement
# ref_humidity_sensor:
# The name of the temperatur sensor to use as reference for humidity
# compensation of the VOC raw measurement
Example configuration
The following is an example using a BME280 and SGP40 on both the intake and the exhaust. The intake sensors are connected to GP12/GP13 bus on the Raspberry Pi Pico and the exhaust sensors are connected to GP14/GP15.
[temperature_sensor temp_intake]
sensor_type: BME280
i2c_mcu: pico
i2c_bus: i2c0d
i2c_speed: 400000
[temperature_sensor temp_exhaust]
sensor_type: BME280
i2c_mcu: pico
i2c_bus: i2c1d
i2c_speed: 400000
[temperature_sensor voc_intake]
sensor_type: SGP40 # Sensor on the top left
i2c_mcu: pico
i2c_bus: i2c0d
ref_temp_sensor: bme280 temp_intake
ref_humidity_sensor: bme280 temp_intake
i2c_speed: 400000
[temperature_sensor voc_exhaust]
sensor_type: SGP40 # Sensor on the right
i2c_mcu: pico
i2c_bus: i2c1d
ref_temp_sensor: bme280 temp_exhaust
ref_humidity_sensor: bme280 temp_exhaust
i2c_speed: 400000
In order to display the full VOC sensor information in Mainsail, the following command needs to be run once in the mainsail directory:
grep -l additionalSensors * -R | xargs sed -i 's+additionalSensors=\[+additionalSensors=\["sgp40",+g'
This command will need to be rerun each time Mainsail is updated
The module is a slightly modified version of the module found in the Adafruit CircuitPython SGP40 repository.