Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your readmes!
Copy paste this into your markdown content, and that's it. Simple!
change the ?username=
value to your GitHubs's username
![Anurag's github stats](
To hide any specific stats, you can pass a query parameter ?hide=
with an array of items, you wanna hide.
![Anurag's github stats](["contribs","prs"])
To enable icons, you can pass show_icons=true
in the query param like so
![Anurag's github stats](
Other options:
hide the border box if you don't like it :D.&line_height=30
control the line-height between text.
- Default
- Hiding specific stats
- Showing icons
Github extra pins allow you to pin more than 6 repositories in your profile using a GitHub readme profile.
Yey! you are no longer limited to 6 pinned repositories.
Copy-paste this code into your readme and change the links.
Endpoint: api/pin?username=anuraghazra&repo=github-readme-stats
[![ReadMe Card](](
You usually won't be able to layout the images side by side to do that you can use this approach
<a href="">
<img align="left" src="" />
<a href="">
<img align="left" src="" />
Contributions are welcomed! <3
Made with ❤️ and javascript.