Code for the TASLP paper "PSLA: Improving Audio Tagging With Pretraining, Sampling, Labeling, and Aggregation".
Code for the Interspeech 2021 paper "AST: Audio Spectrogram Transformer".
dcm2nii DICOM to NIfTI converter: compiled versions available from NITRC
🔉 spafe: Simplified Python Audio Features Extraction
Code and slides for the "Deep Learning (For Audio) With Python" course on TheSoundOfAI Youtube channel.
Code for YouTube series: Deep Learning for Audio Classification
Code and slides of my YouTube series called "Audio Signal Proessing for Machine Learning"
mcdonohue / rstanarm
Forked from stan-dev/rstanarmrstanarm R package for Bayesian applied regression modeling
Pytorch 3D U-Net Convolution Neural Network (CNN) designed for medical image segmentation
Awesome list of software that I use to do research in medical imaging.
Deep Learning Papers on Medical Image Analysis
Final code project for the *Big Data Engineering* course in the Master in Computational Biology, with the purpose of training several MLlib Spark-based image classification solutions for predicting…
A collection of code snippets from the publication Daily Dose of Data Science on Substack:
Ejemplos de código para el Máster de IA en Sanidad de CEMP
Biostatistics - Why? What? How?
Biostatistics 301: Introduction to Statistical Computing