Coming up!! A comprehensive list of Software Composition Analysis Tools.
Following repo contains a collection of SCA tools which can be used to analyze risks in third party components which were used as part of code. Feel free to add up any new tools. **Note: ©️ stands for proprietary sofware. All other tools are open source. **
- Dependancy-Check - OWASP Dependancy-check supports Java, .Net. Additional experimental support has been added for Ruby,Node.js,Python and Limited C/C++ build systems.(autoconf and cmake)
- SourceClear ©️ - Thirdparty component analysis for Java,Ruby,Javascript,Python,Objective C,GO and PHP
- WhiteSource ©️ - Secure your opensource components for C#,Java,C++,.NET,PHP,Python,Ruby,Docker,nodejs,Javascript etc.
- BlackDuck ©️ Open source software security audit
- Snyk ©️ continuously find and fix vulnerabilities in your depandancies. it supports JS,Java,Python,Ruby,Go,PHP,.NET,Scala etc.
- Securing Open Source Libraries By Guy Podjarny