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Kubecost Helm chart

This is the official Helm chart for Kubecost, an enterprise-grade application to monitor and manage Kubernetes spend. Please see the website for more details on what Kubecost can do for you and the official documentation here, or contact [email protected] for assistance.

To install via Helm, run the following command.

helm upgrade --install kubecost -n kubecost --create-namespace \
  --repo cost-analyzer \
  --set kubecostToken="aGVsbUBrdWJlY29zdC5jb20=xm343yadf98"

Alternatively, add the Helm repository first and scan for updates.

helm repo add kubecost
helm repo update

Next, install the chart.

helm install kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer -n kubecost --create-namespace \
  --set kubecostToken="aGVsbUBrdWJlY29zdC5jb20=xm343yadf98"

While Helm is the recommended install path for Kubecost especially in production, Kubecost can alternatively be deployed with a single-file manifest using the following command. Keep in mind when choosing this method, Kubecost will be installed from a development branch and may include unreleased changes.

kubectl apply -f

The following table lists commonly used configuration parameters for the Kubecost Helm chart and their default values. Please see the values file for the complete set of definable values.

Parameter Description Default
global.prometheus.enabled If false, use an existing Prometheus install. More info. true
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled If true, Prometheus server will create a Persistent Volume Claim. true
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.size Prometheus server data Persistent Volume size. Default set to retain ~6000 samples per second for 15 days. 32Gi
prometheus.server.retention Determines when to remove old data. 15d
prometheus.server.resources Prometheus server resource requests and limits. {}
prometheus.nodeExporter.resources Node exporter resource requests and limits. {}
prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled prometheus.serviceAccounts.nodeExporter.create If false, do not crate NodeExporter daemonset. true
prometheus.alertmanager.persistentVolume.enabled If true, Alertmanager will create a Persistent Volume Claim. true
prometheus.pushgateway.persistentVolume.enabled If true, Prometheus Pushgateway will create a Persistent Volume Claim. true
persistentVolume.enabled If true, Kubecost will create a Persistent Volume Claim for product config data. true
persistentVolume.size Define PVC size for cost-analyzer 32.0Gi
persistentVolume.dbSize Define PVC size for cost-analyzer's flat file database 32.0Gi
ingress.enabled If true, Ingress will be created false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.className Ingress class name {}
ingress.paths Ingress paths ["/"]
ingress.hosts Ingress hostnames [cost-analyzer.local]
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration (YAML) []
networkPolicy.enabled If true, create a NetworkPolicy to deny egress false
networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.enabled If true, create a newtork policy for cost-analzyer false
networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.annotations Annotations to be added to the network policy {}
networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.additionalLabels Additional labels to be added to the network policy {}
networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.ingressRules A list of network policy ingress rules null
networkPolicy.costAnalyzer.egressRules A list of network policy egress rules null
networkCosts.enabled If true, collect network allocation metrics More info false
networkCosts.podMonitor.enabled If true, a PodMonitor for the network-cost daemonset is created false
serviceMonitor.enabled Set this to true to create ServiceMonitor for Prometheus operator false
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus {}
serviceMonitor.relabelings Sets Prometheus metric_relabel_configs on the scrape job []
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Sets Prometheus relabel_configs on the scrape job []
prometheusRule.enabled Set this to true to create PrometheusRule for Prometheus operator false
prometheusRule.additionalLabels Additional labels that can be used so PrometheusRule will be discovered by Prometheus {}
grafana.resources Grafana resource requests and limits. {}
grafana.serviceAccount.create If true, create a Service Account for Grafana. true Grafana Service Account name. {}
grafana.sidecar.datasources.defaultDatasourceEnabled Set this to false to disable creation of Prometheus datasource in Grafana true
serviceAccount.create Set this to false if you want to create the service account kubecost-cost-analyzer on your own true
tolerations node taints to tolerate []
affinity pod affinity {}
kubecostProductConfigs.productKey.mountPath Use instead of kubecostProductConfigs.productKey.secretname to declare the path at which the product key file is mounted (eg. by a secrets provisioner) N/A
kubecostFrontend.api.fqdn Customize the upstream api FQDN computed in terms of the service name and namespace
kubecostFrontend.model.fqdn Customize the upstream model FQDN computed in terms of the service name and namespace
clusterController.fqdn Customize the upstream cluster controller FQDN computed in terms of the service name and namespace
global.grafana.fqdn Customize the upstream grafana FQDN computed in terms of the release name and namespace

Adjusting Log Output

The log output can be customized during deployment by using the LOG_LEVEL and/or LOG_FORMAT environment variables.

Adjusting Log Level

Adjusting the log level increases or decreases the level of verbosity written to the logs. To set the log level to trace, the following flag can be added to the helm command.

--set 'kubecostModel.extraEnv[0].name=LOG_LEVEL,kubecostModel.extraEnv[0].value=trace'

Adjusting Log Format

Adjusting the log format changes the format in which the logs are output making it easier for log aggregators to parse and display logged messages. The LOG_FORMAT environment variable accepts the values JSON, for a structured output, and pretty for a nice, human-readable output.

Value Output
JSON {"level":"info","time":"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00","message":"Starting cost-model (git commit \"1.91.0-rc.0\")"}
pretty 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00 INF Starting cost-model (git commit "1.91.0-rc.0")


To perform local testing do next:

  • install locally kind according to documentation.
  • install locally ct according to documentation.
  • create local cluster using kind
    use image version from e.g. kindest/node:v1.25.11@sha256:227fa11ce74ea76a0474eeefb84cb75d8dad1b08638371ecf0e86259b35be0c8
kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.25.11@sha256:227fa11ce74ea76a0474eeefb84cb75d8dad1b08638371ecf0e86259b35be0c8
  • perform ct execution
ct install  --chart-dirs="." --charts="."