Add links to your code in Alphabetical Order.
Format: -[Program name](name of the file)
-0/1 Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming approach
-Automorphic Number
-Balanced Parentheses
-Binary Search
-Binary Search Tree
-Bubble Sort
-Bucket Sort
-Check whether a number is an armstrong number
-Circular Doubly Linked List
-Circular Queue
-Circular Queue
-Circular Singly Linked List
-Doubly Linked List
-Heap Sort
-Linear Search
-Longest Common Subsequence
-Longest length path in a matrix
-Merge Sort
-Neon Numbers
-Nth Term of AP
-Nth Term of GP
-Radix Sort
-Selection Sort
-Sieve of Eratosthenes
-Find an element in a sorted matrix
-Kadane's Algorithm