written in Shell
Clear filter
fossasia / pi-gen
Forked from RPi-Distro/pi-genTool used to create the raspberrypi.org Raspbian images
heroku buildpack for Apache Ant to run Loklak
bluemix buildpack for Apache Ant to run Loklak
SUSI Installer for RPi and Linux Desktops
scripts and patches for building tlptexlive
norbusan / mathlibre
Forked from knxm/mathlibreLive Linux for Mathematical Software
norbusan / psutils
Forked from rrthomas/psutilsUtilities for manipulating PostScript documents
norbusan / susi_installer
Forked from fossasia/susi_installerSUSI installer for RPi and linux desktop
A collection of tools and data to test the deepspeech_server