Orbiter / docs
Forked from RocketChat/docs-oldThe Rocket.Chat server, desktop, mobile, user, admin & developer documentation.
Orbiter / AnonCam
Forked from lightbox/QuickSnapAndroid camera implementation based off the official Gingerbread camera app source code
Orbiter / android-yolo
Forked from natanielruiz/android-yoloReal-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network with TensorFlow
Orbiter / academic-www
Forked from ryanncrowley/academic-wwwDocumentation site for Academic
FOSSASIA 2016 Summit
hpdang / zally
Forked from zalando/zallyA minimalistic, simple-to-use API linter
A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire
hpdang /
Forked from zalando/zalando.github.ioWebsite and project coordination for the Zalando Open Source Team
UNESCO Hackathon Website
OpenTechSummit Thailand 2019
hpdang / tech-radar
Forked from zalando/tech-radarVisualizing our technology choices
hpdang / susi_skill_data
Forked from fossasia/susi_skill_dataA storage place for susi skills
Support site for eventyay platform
FOSSASIA Summit 2020
Opinionated StackSet resource for managing application life cycle in Kubernetes
Workshop material for "Introduction to Programming with Python"
Robot Manipulator workshop made from laser cut wood following the MeArm design
hpdang / pslab-python
Forked from fossasia/pslab-pythonPython Library for PSLab Desktop:
hpdang / pinyin
Forked from pepebecker/pinyinWebinterface for my pinyin-convert module which let's you convert Chinese characters to pinyin and convert between pinyin with numbered tones and pinyin with tone marks.
hpdang / phimpme-android
Forked from fossasia/ Photo Imaging and Picture Editor
Github mirror of all MediaWiki extensions - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing)
Website for OpenTechSummit China
Best Practices Working Open
A virtual MediaWiki development environment, built on Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Puppet.
hpdang / loklak_server
Forked from loklak/loklak_serverDistributed message search server to anonymously collect, share, dump and index tweet search results.
Upload tool for an led name tag with USB-HID interface
hpdang / jitsi-meet
Forked from jitsi/jitsi-meetJitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.