![python logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/python/python.png)
I am a software engineer and a computer science student at the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence Cairo University Information Systems department
- Pro
Starred repositories
written in Dart
Clear filter
A nice clean recipe app UI using flutter.
Flutter App real-time object detection with Tensorflow Lite
A Flutter package to create easy slide animation countdown / countup timer.
SharpAPI.com - Automate with AI-powered API. Leverage AI API for workflows automation in E-Commerce, Marketing, Content Management, HR Tech, Travel, and more.
youssefaltai / notes-app
Forked from mahmoudnader150/notes_appNader's Express.js + Flutter project