Hana Avis is a professional and user-friendly hotel booking app, designed to make the process of finding and reserving hotels as seamless as possible. Our wide selection of hotels and advanced search algorithm allows users to easily find the perfect accommodation for their needs.
With Hana Avis, you can say goodbye to the hassle of browsing multiple websites for the perfect hotel. Our app brings all the information you need in one place, making it easy for you to find and book the hotel of your dreams. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a business trip, Hana Avis has got you covered.
Advanced search functionality: Our search algorithm allows users to easily filter hotels by location, price, amenities, and more. Find the perfect hotel for your budget and preferences in seconds. 🔍
Real-time availability and bookings: Users can check room availability and prices in real-time and make their bookings instantly. No more waiting for confirmation emails. 📅
Personalized hotel recommendations: Our app suggests hotels based on users' previous bookings and search history, making it easier for them to find their next favorite hotel. 🏆
Manage reservations: Users can view and manage their current and past reservations, as well as cancel or modify them. Keep track of all your bookings in one place. 🗃
Admin Functionality: Admins can add, edit, or delete hotels and rooms, as well as view users and reservations info, allowing them to manage the app's content and data. 🛠
To run the Hana Avis app through an enviroment, you will need to have the following softwares installed on your computer:
- IntelliJ IDEA / Eclipse / NetBeans / Apache NetBeans / Visual Studio Code / Spring Tools Suite
- MySQL Workbench / phpMyAdmin / Sequel Pro / DBeaver / SQLyog / HeidiSQL
- Clone the repository to your local machine by running the following command in your command line:
git clone https://github.com/mahmutovichana/Hotel-Reservations-App.git
- Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
- In the project structure, navigate to the "src" directory and open the Main class.
- Run the Main class by clicking the green play button or by pressing Shift+F10
You should now see the Hana Avis app open on your screen.
To run the Hana Avis app from the command line, you will need to have the following software installed on your computer:
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Open the command prompt or terminal on your computer.
- Navigate to the directory where the Hana Avis app is located.
- Compile the Java files by running the following command:
javac -cp "path/to/mysql-connector-java.jar" Main.java
- Run the app by executing the following command:
java -cp "path/to/mysql-connector-java.jar;." Main
Please make sure to replace path/to/mysql-connector-java.jar with the actual path to the mysql connector jar file on your computer.
Hana Avis Screenshots
- Intellij IDEA
- Scene Builder
- MySQL Workbench
Have any questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]
We would love to hear from you and help you plan your next trip! 💬
Thank you for choosing Hana Avis for your next hotel booking. We're confident that you'll love our app and have a great time on your trip! 🌟