sudo su - postgres
psql -p <port>
CREATE DATABASE mail_khaifa;
CREATE USER mail_khaifa_user WITH PASSWORD 'mail_khaifa_user_pwd';
ALTER ROLE mail_khaifa_user SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE mail_khaifa_user SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE mail_khaifa_user SET timezone TO 'UTC';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mail_khaifa TO mail_khaifa_user;
ALTER ROLE mail_khaifa_user CREATEDB ; #Required only for running Unit tests locally.
The DB connection string is postgres://mail_khaifa_user:mail_khaifa_user_pwd@localhost:5433/mail_khaifa
Udpdate your .env file's DATABASE_URL
Connect to DB from command line using psql -
psql -d postgres://mail_khaifa_user:mail_khaifa_user_pwd@localhost:5433/mail_khaifa