A javascript sdk for Mailgun built with webpack, babel & es6. This can be used in node or in the browser*.
NOTE: If used in the browser, a proxy is required to communicate with the Mailgun api due to cors limitations. Also, do not publish your private api key in frontend code.
Table of Contents
- Requires node.js >= 18.x
Install mailgun.js with:
npm install mailgun.js
The next step is to import the module and instantiate a mailgun client by calling new Mailgun(formData)
and then using mailgun.client
setup the client with basic auth credentials (username: 'api', key: 'key-yourkeyhere')
NOTE: starting from version 3.0 you need to pass FormData (we need this to keep library universal). For node.js you can use built-in FormData or form-data
IMPORTANT: if you are using EU infrastructure, you need to also pass url: 'https://api.eu.mailgun.net'
together with auth credentials as stated in Mailgun docs
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import
or require
const formData = require('form-data'); // or built-in FormData
const Mailgun = require('mailgun.js');
const mailgun = new Mailgun(formData);
const mg = mailgun.client({username: 'api', key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere'});
import FormData from 'form-data'; // or built-in FormData
import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js';
const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);
const mg = mailgun.client({username: 'api', key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere'});
Be aware that there are four bundles available for usage. All of them are conditionally exported by package.json and separated by environment (Browser/Node.js):
Node.js environment:
CommonJS (CJS), a bundle to use with the CommonJS module system in Node.js.
Usage example:
// In this case, the .dist/CJS/mailgun.node.cjs file is expected to be used const Mailgun = require('mailgun.js'); const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);
ECMAScript modules (ESM) a bundle for the Node.js environment
Usage example:
// In this case, the .dist/ESM/mailgun.node.js file is expected to be used import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js'; const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData); ...
or with dynamic imports:
// In this case, the .dist/ESM/mailgun.node.js file is expected to be used const Mailgun = await import('mailgun.js'); const mailgun = new Mailgun.default(FormData); ...
Browser environment:
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), a bundle to use with the
module loader in the browser. This bundle requires the RequireJS module loader to be present in the environment.Usage example for the case when the distribution is used directly in the browser:
<script src='http://requirejs.org/docs/release/2.3.6/comments/require.js'></script> <script> require(['./dist/AMD/mailgun.amd.js'], function(Mailgun) { const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData); ... }) </script>
ECMAScript modules (ESM) a bundle for browser environment.
Usage example for the case the distribution is used directly in the browser:
<script type="module"> import Mailgun from './dist/ESM/mailgun.browser.js'; const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData); ... </script>
or with dynamic imports:
<script> import ('./dist/ESM/mailgun.browser.js').then(Mailgun =>{ const mailgun = new Mailgun.default(FormData); ... }) </script>
Primary accounts can make API calls on behalf of their subaccounts. API documentation
import FormData from 'form-data'; // or built-in FormData
import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js';
const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);
const mg = mailgun.client({username: 'api', key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere'});
// then, if you need to reset it back to the primary account:
By leveraging client configuration options, users can effortlessly establish proxy connections that align with their network requirements. Ex:
import FormData from 'form-data'; // or built-in FormData
import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js';
const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);
const mg = mailgun.client({
username: 'api',
key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere',
proxy: {
protocol: 'https' // 'http' ,
host: '', // use your proxy host here
port: 9000, // use your proxy port here
auth: { // may be omitted if proxy doesn't require authentication
username: 'user_name', // provide username
password: 'user_password' // provide password
Types defined by SDK can be imported from 'definitions' submodule:
import { MailgunClientOptions, MessagesSendResult } from 'mailgun.js/definitions';
Interfaces and Enums defined by SDK can be imported from 'definitions' submodule:
import { Interfaces, Enums } from 'mailgun.js/definitions';
const mailgunClient: Interfaces.IMailgunClient = mailgun.client(clientOptions);
const yes = Enums.YesNo.YES;
The list of all available Types, Interfaces and Enums is auto-generated and located in the docs folder.
The following service methods are available to instantiated clients. The examples assume you have already created a mailgun client as mg
with valid credentials.
- Documentation
- Development
- expected response for client is a single objectlist
- expected response for client is a list of objectscreate
- expected response for client is a single objectupdate
- expected response is an object with a status messagedestroy
- expected response is an object with a status message
mg.messages.create(domain, data)
- api docsOptions:
Parameter Description to Email address of the recipient(s). Example: "Bob [email protected]". You can use commas to separate multiple recipients (e.g.: "[email protected],[email protected]" or ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]). cc Same as To
but forcarbon copy
bcc Same as To
but forblind carbon copy
subject Subject of the message. html HTML version of the message. text Text version of the message. message MIME string of the message. Make sure to use multipart/form-data to send this as a file upload. attachment File attachment. You can post multiple attachment values. Important: You must use multipart/form-data encoding when sending attachments. Also you can use {data: file, filename: filename}
to define custom filename.o:tag Tag string. See Tagging for more information. o:campaign Id of the campaign the message belongs to. See um-campaign-analytics for details. o:deliverytime Desired time of delivery. See Date Format. Note: Messages can be scheduled for a maximum of 3 days in the future. o:dkim Enables/disabled DKIM signatures on per-message basis. Pass yes or no o:testmode Enables sending in test mode. Pass yes if needed. See Sending in Test Mode o:tracking Toggles tracking on a per-message basis, see Tracking Messages for details. Pass yes or no. o:tracking-clicks Toggles clicks tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting. Pass yes, no or htmlonly. o:tracking-opens Toggles opens tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting. Pass yes or no. h:X-My-Header h: prefix followed by an arbitrary value allows to append a custom MIME header to the message (X-My-Header in this case). For example, h:Reply-To to specify Reply-To address. v:my-var v: prefix followed by an arbitrary name allows to attach a custom JSON data to the message. See Attaching Data to Messages for more information. -
HTML/TEXT Example:
mg.messages.create('sandbox-123.mailgun.org', { from: "Excited User <[email protected]>", to: ["[email protected]"], subject: "Hello", text: "Testing some Mailgun awesomness!", html: "<h1>Testing some Mailgun awesomness!</h1>" }) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
MIME Example:
mg.messages.create('sandbox-123.mailgun.org', { from: "Excited User <[email protected]>", to: ["[email protected]"], subject: "Hello", message: "<mime encoded string here>" }) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Messages with attachments:
Node.js example of send file as an attachment
const fsPromises = require('fs').promises; const path = require('path'); const filepath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../test.pdf'); let messageParams = { from: "Excited User <[email protected]>", to: ["[email protected]"], subject: "Test subject", text: "Hello here is a file in the attachment" } fsPromises.readFile(filepath) .then(data => { const file = { filename: 'test-rename.pdf', data } messageParams.attachment = file; return mg.messages.create('sandbox-123.mailgun.org', messageParams); }) .then(response => { console.log(response); })
Node.js example of send multiple files as an attachment
const fsPromises = require('fs').promises; const path = require('path'); const filepath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../test.pdf'); const filepath1 = path.resolve(__dirname, '../test.jpg'); let messageParams = { from: "Excited User <[email protected]>", to: ["[email protected]"], subject: "Test subject", text: "Test message" } (async () =>{ try { const firstFile = { filename: 'test.pdf', data: await fsPromises.readFile(filepath) } const secondFile = { filename: 'test.jpg', data: await fsPromises.readFile(filepath1) } messageParams.attachment = [firstFile, secondFile]; const result = await mg.messages.create('sandbox-123.mailgun.org', messageParams); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } })()
Node.js example of send file as inline image
const fsPromises = require('fs').promises; const path = require('path'); const filepath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../test.jpg'); let messageParams = { from: "Excited User <[email protected]>", to: ["[email protected]"], subject: "Test subject", html: '<div><img alt="image" id="1" src="cid:test.jpg"/></div> Some extra text' } fsPromises.readFile(filepath) .then(data => { const file = { filename: 'test.jpg', data } messageParams.inline = file; return mg.messages.create('sandbox-123.mailgun.org', messageParams); }) .then(response => console.log(response))
Browser example of send file
Before sending the file you need to somehow get the Blob of the file. Usually can get it from the onChange event of input tag with type file.
const handleFileSelected = async (event) => { const files = Array.from(event.target.files) const fileBuffer = await files[0]; } <input type="file" onChange={handleFileSelected} name="file-uploader"/>
Then you can use the same approach as shown above for node.js apps.
const file = { filename: 'test.pdf', data: fileBuffer }; let messageParams = { from: "Excited User <[email protected]>", to: ["[email protected]"], subject: "Test subject", text: "Hello here is a file in the attachment", attachment: file }; const res = await mg.messages.create(DOMAIN, messageParams);
Promise returns:
{ id: '<[email protected]>', message: 'Queued. Thank you.' }
Mailgun’s templates uses a fork of the very popular template engine handlebars.
To provide values for a substitution you need to use 'h:X-Mailgun-Variables' property in the message description.
Make sure that this property is a JSON string like:
"title": "A title",
"body": "The body"
You can find few examples of how to use templates below.
Providing values for title and slug variables to render in template
... const { title, slug, } = someDataSource; const mailgunData = { from: '[email protected]>', to: '[email protected]', subject: `Email ${title}`, template: 'name-of-the-template-you-made-in-mailgun-web-portal', 'h:X-Mailgun-Variables': JSON.stringify({ // be sure to stringify your payload title, slug, }), 'h:Reply-To': '[email protected]', }; try { const response = await mailgun.messages.create(DOMAIN_NAME, mailgunData); ...
Providing an array of objects to render them in the template
... const mailgunData = { from: '[email protected]>', to: '[email protected]', subject: `Email ${title}`, template: 'name-of-the-another-template-you-made-in-mailgun-web-portal', 'h:X-Mailgun-Variables': JSON.stringify({ "arrayItems": [ { "question": "test_question", "answer": "test_answer" }, { "question": "test_question", "answer": "test_answer" } ]}) }; try { const response = await mailgun.messages.create(DOMAIN_NAME, mailgunData); ...
Recipient Variables are custom variables that you define, which you can then reference in the message body. They give you the ability to send a custom message to each recipient while still using a single API Call.
const mailgunData = {
from: 'Example.com Mailer <[email protected]>',
to: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
subject: 'Recipient - %recipient.title%',
html: 'Here\'s %recipient.title% and <a href="%recipient.link%">link</a>',
'recipient-variables': JSON.stringify({
'[email protected]': {
title: 'Me',
link: 'href-var',
'[email protected]': {
title: 'You',
link: 'slug-recipient-var-c',
try {
const response = await mailgun.messages.create(DOMAIN_NAME, mailgunData);
Domains API manages domains, domain keys and DNS verification.
Get the list of domains. Can be filtered by state or authority. Sorting is optional. The list is paginated and limited to 1000 items per page.
- api docsExample:
mg.domains.list() .then(domains => console.log(domains)) // logs array of domains .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: array of Domain instances
[{ name: 'testing.example.com', require_tls: true, skip_verification: true, state: 'unverified', wildcard: true spam_action: 'disabled', created_at: 'Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:49:36 GMT', smtp_password: undefined, smtp_login: '[email protected]', type: 'custom', receiving_dns_records: null, sending_dns_records: null, id: '697d01d38712cf0322bb24d1', is_disabled: false, web_prefix: 'test', web_scheme: 'https', use_automatic_sender_security: true }]
Query data may have next properties:
Property Description limit Maximum number of records to return. (100 by default) skip Number of records to skip. (0 by default) state To only get domains with a specific state. Can be either active, unverified or disabled. sort Valid sort options are name which defaults to asc order, name:asc, or name:desc. If sorting is not specified domains are returned in reverse creation date order. authority To only get domains with a specific authority. If state is specified then only state filtering will be proceed search Search domains by the given partial or complete name. Does not support wildcards -
Fetches representation of a domain that includes details about the domain's state and settings.
mg.domains.get(domain, query)
- api docsExample:
mg.domains.get('testing.example.com', { extended: true }) .then(domain => console.log(domain)) // logs domain object .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Query object may have next properties:
Property Description extended Default to false. If set to true, domain payload will include dkim_host, mailfrom_host and pod with_dns Default to true, domain payload will include sending and receiving dns records payload Promise returns: Domain instance
{ name: 'testing.example.com', require_tls: true, skip_verification: true, state: 'unverified', wildcard: true, spam_action: 'disabled', created_at: new Date('Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:49:36 GMT'), smtp_password: undefined, smtp_login: '[email protected]', type: 'custom', receiving_dns_records: [ // may be null if with_dns is set to false. { is_active: true, cached: [], priority: '10', record_type: 'TXT', valid: "unknown", value: "dns_record_value" }, ... ], sending_dns_records: [ // may be null if with_dns is set to false. { is_active: true, cached: [], name: 'dns_record_name', record_type: 'CNAME', valid: 'unknown', value: 'dns_record_value' }, ... ], id: '697d01d38712cf0322bb24d1', is_disabled: false, web_prefix: 'email', web_scheme: 'http', use_automatic_sender_security: true, dkim_host: 'dkim_host_value', // absent if 'extended' was not set to true. mailfrom_host: 'mailfrom_host_value', // absent if 'extended' was not set to true. }
Creates a domain for sending emails
api docsExample:
mg.domains.create({ name: 'foobar.example.com', dkim_key_size: 1024, dkim_selector: 's1', encrypt_incoming_message: true, force_dkim_authority: false, force_root_dkim_host: false, wildcard: true, pool_id: 'pool_id', ips: '', spam_action: 'tag', smtp_password: 'smtp_password_value', use_automatic_sender_security: true, web_prefix: 'test', web_scheme: 'https', }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Create method accepts data object with next properties:
Parameter Description name (required) Name of the domain (ex. domain.com) dkim_host_name Set the DKIM host name for the domain that is being created. Note, the value must be a valid domain name, and can be the domain name being created, a subdomain of the domain being created, or the root domain. This parameter cannot be used in conjunction with force_dkim_authority
.dkim_key_size 1024 or 2048
Set the length of your domain’s generated DKIM key
The default is 1024dkim_selector Explicitly set the value of the DKIM selector for the domain being created. If the domain key does not already exist, one will be created. The selector must be a valid atom per RFC2822. e.g valid value foobar, invalid value foo.bar https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822#section-3.2.4 encrypt_incoming_message Enable encrypting incoming messages for the given domain. This cannot be altered via API after being set for security purposes. Reach out to Support to disable if necessary. Default to false force_dkim_authority If set to true, the domain will be the DKIM authority for itself even if the root domain is registered on the same mailgun account. If set to false, the domain will have the same DKIM authority as the root domain registered on the same mailgun account. Default to false. force_root_dkim_host If set to true, the root domain will be the DKIM Host for the domain being created even if the root domain itself is not registered with Mailgun. The domain being created will still need to pass domain verification with valid spf records for the domain and valid DKIM record for the root domain. This does not effect the smtp mail-from host for the domain being created. The mail-from host will remain the domain name being created, not the root domain. wildcard Determines whether the domain will accept email for sub-domains when sending messages. Default to false. pool_id Requested IP Pool to be assigned to the domain at creation. ips An optional, comma-separated list of IP addresses to be assigned to this domain. If not specified, all dedicated IP addresses on the account will be assigned. If the request cannot be fulfilled (e.g. a requested IP is not assigned to the account, etc), a 400 will be returned. spam_action disabled
, ortag
, no spam filtering will occur for inbound messages.
, inbound spam messages will not be delivered.
, inbound messages will be tagged with a spam header. Spam Filter
The default isdisabled
.smtp_password Password for SMTP authentication use_automatic_sender_security Enable Automatic Sender Security. This requires setting DNS CNAME entries for DKIM keys instead of a TXT record. Defaults to false. web_prefix Sets your open, click and unsubscribe URLs domain name prefix. Links rewritten or added by Mailgun in your emails will look like ://./... Default to email web_scheme Sets your open, click and unsubscribe URLs to use http or https. Value either http
. Defaults to http. In order for https to work, you must have a valid cert created for your domain. See Domain Tracking for TLS cert generation.Promise returns:
{ name: 'foobar.example.com', require_tls: false, skip_verification: false, state: 'unverified', wildcard: true, spam_action: 'tag', created_at: 2025-01-08T12:52:29.000Z, smtp_password: undefined, smtp_login: new Date('[email protected]'), type: 'custom', receiving_dns_records: [ { is_active: true, cached: [], priority: '10', record_type: 'MX', valid: 'unknown', value: 'dns_record_value' }, ... ], sending_dns_records: [ { is_active: false, cached: [], name: 'sending_dns_record_name', record_type: 'CNAME', valid: 'unknown', value: 'sending_dns_record_value' }, ... ], id: '64a4291ebbe4ec7e1d78bc80', is_disabled: false, web_prefix: 'test', web_scheme: 'https', use_automatic_sender_security: true }
Verify the domains DNS records (includes A, CNAME, SPF, DKIM and MX records) to ensure the domain is ready and able to send
api docsExample:
mg.domains.destroy('foobar.example.com') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ name: 'foobar.example.com', require_tls: false, skip_verification: false, state: 'active', wildcard: false, spam_action: 'tag', created_at: new Date('2017-10-05T14:55:20.000Z'), smtp_password: undefined, smtp_login: '[email protected]', type: 'custom', receiving_dns_records: [ { is_active: true, cached: [Array], priority: '10', record_type: 'MX', valid: 'valid', value: 'receiving_dns_record_value' }, ... ], sending_dns_records: [ { is_active: true, cached: [], name: 'foobar.example.com', record_type: 'CNAME', valid: 'unknown', value: 'sending_dns_record_value' }, ... ], id: '64a5880eere4eg7e1d85bc69', is_disabled: false, web_prefix: 'email', web_scheme: 'https', use_automatic_sender_security: true }
Update domains configuration like smtp credentials, enable/disable automatic sender security, spam actions, wildcard, or tracking web scheme.
mg.domains.update(domain, options)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.update('foobar.example.com',{ mailfrom_host: 'mailfrom_host_value', message_ttl: 20, smtp_password: 'smtp_password_value' spam_action: 'tag', use_automatic_sender_security: true web_scheme: 'http', web_prefix: 'web_prefix_value' wildcard: 'true', }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Update method accepts data object with next properties:
Property Description mailfrom_host The hostname to update to. Must be in lower case message_ttl Duration of the message retrieval TTL in seconds smtp_password Updates the domain's SMTP credentials with the given string spam_action Can be string with value disabled
, ortag
. If disabled, no spam filtering will occur for inbound messages. Ifblock
, inbound spam messages will not be delivered. Iftag
, inbound messages will be tagged with a spam header. See Spam Filter.use_automatic_sender_security enable or disable Automatic Sender Security. If enabled, requires setting DNS CNAME entries for DKIM keys instead of a TXT record. Domain must be reverified after changing this field. Defaults to false
web_scheme Can be string with value http
. Set your open, click and unsubscribe URLs to usehttp
. The default ishttp
web_prefix Web prefix to be used for tracking. Must be a valid atom. Nothing will be updated if omitted wildcard Can be string 'true'
. Determines whether the domain will accept email for sub-domains. The default isfalse
.Promise returns:
{ name: 'foobar.example.com', require_tls: false, skip_verification: false, state: 'unverified', wildcard: true, spam_action: 'disabled', created_at: new Date('2025-01-08T12:52:29.000Z'), smtp_password: undefined, smtp_login: '[email protected]', type: 'custom', receiving_dns_records: [ { is_active: true, cached: [], priority: '10', record_type: 'MX', valid: 'unknown', value: 'receiving_dns_record_value' }, ... ], sending_dns_records: [ { is_active: true, cached: [], name: 'foobar.example.com', record_type: 'TXT', valid: 'unknown', value: 'sending_dns_record_value' }, ... ], id: '64a5880eere4eg7e1d85bc69', is_disabled: false, web_prefix: 'test', web_scheme: 'https', use_automatic_sender_security: true }
The domain must not be disabled or used as an authority for an other domain. Sandbox domain can't be deleted.
api docsExample:
mg.domains.destroy('foobar.example.com') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns message:
{ message: "Domain will be deleted in the background" }
method is deprecated, and will be removed. Please usedomains.domainTracking.getTracking
instead. -
method is deprecated, and will be removed. Please usedomains.domainTracking.updateTracking
instead. -
Returns domain's delivery connection settings.
api docsExample:
mg.domains.getConnection(domainAddress) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ require_tls: false, skip_verification: false }
Update a domain's TLS connection settings.
mg.domains.updateConnection(domainAddress, data)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.updateConnection(domainAddress, { require_tls: true; skip_verification: false; }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: 'Domain connection settings have been updated, may take 10 minutes to fully propagate', require_tls: false, skip_verification: false }
You can delegate the domain authority to an other domain. Domain's authority is set to itself by default.
mg.domains.updateDKIMAuthority(domainAddress, data)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.updateDKIMAuthority(domainAddress, { self: true }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Data object accepts next properties:
Property Description self Change the DKIM authority for a domain. If set to true, the domain will be the DKIM authority for itself even if the root domain is registered on the same mailgun account If set to false, the domain will have the same DKIM authority as the root domain registered on the same mailgun account Promise returns:
{ message: 'Domain DKIM authority has been changed', sending_dns_records: [ { is_active: true, cached: [], name: 'sending_dns_record_name', record_type: 'TXT', valid: 'unknown', value: 'sending_dns_record_value' }, ... ], changed: true }
Selector is the unique identifier of your key. It has to be different from other keys selector.
mg.domains.updateDKIMSelector(domainAddress, data)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.updateDKIMSelector(domainAddress, { dkimSelector: 'dkimSelector_value' }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Data object accepts next properties:
Property Description dkimSelector Selector is the unique identifier of your key. It has to be different from other keys selector. Promise returns:
{ message: 'DKIM selector changed', status: 200 }
Deprecated, and will be removed in the future releases
mg.domains.getIps('foobar.example.com') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
["", ""]
Deprecated, and will be removed in the future releases
mg.domains.assignIp(domain, ip)
mg.domains.assignIp('foobar.example.com', "") .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
{ message: 'success', status: 200, }
Deprecated, and will be removed in the future releases
mg.domains.deleteIp(domain, ip)
mg.domains.deleteIp('foobar.example.com', "") .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
{ message: 'success' }
Returns a list of templates for the domain.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.list('domainId', query)
- api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.list('domainId',{ limit: 10 }) .then(domainTemplates => console.log(domainTemplates)) // logs array of domain templates .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Query data object may have next properties:
Property Description limit Maximum number of records to return. (100 by default) page params from previous response's 'paging' object. Value must be stringified as query params. e.g. '?page=first','?page=next&p=name-of-last-item' Promise returns: object with domain's templates
{ items: [ { name: 'template_name', description: 'template description ', createdAt: new Date('2021-08-24T22:26:55.000Z'), createdBy: '', id: '48d63154-8c8f-4104-ab14-687d01dbf296' }, ... ] }
Returns metadata information about the stored template specified in the url. If the active flag is provided, the content of the active version of the template is returned.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.get('domainId', 'templateName', query)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.get('domainId', 'template_name', { active: 'yes' }).then(data => console.log(data)) // logs template .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Query data object may have next properties:
Property Description active If this flag is set to yes the active version of the template is included in the response. Promise returns: object with domain template and active version
{ name: 'template_name', description: 'This is the description of the template', createdAt: new Date('2021-08-24T22:26:55.000Z'), createdBy: '', id: '46565d87-68b6-4edb-8b3c-34554af4bb77' version: { tag: 'tag', template: '<html>template content</html>', engine: 'handlebars', mjml: '', createdAt: new Date('2021-08-22T22:26:55.000Z'), comment: 'Version comment', active: true, id: '3efd2b85-0f41-4a1d-9898-05d7e7459c4a', headers: { From: 'from value' } } }
Store a new template, including its name, description and (optionally) the template content. If the template content is provided, a new version is automatically created and becomes the active version.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.create(domainId, templateData)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.create('domainId', { name: 'template_name', createdBy: '', tag: 'tag', template: '<html>template content</html>', description: 'template description', comment: 'Version comment', headers: JSON.stringify({ From: 'from value' }), engine: 'handlebars' }).then(data => console.log(data)) // logs created template .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Template data object may have next properties:
Property Description name (required) Name of the template being stored. Supports utf-8 characters and name will be down cased. createdBy Optional metadata field api user can indicate who created the template. tag Initial tag of the created version. If the template parameter is provided and the tag is missing, the default value initial is used. template Content of the template. description Description of the template being stored comment Version comment. This is valid only if a new version is being created. (template parameter is provided.) headers Key Value json dictionary of headers to be stored with the template. Where key is the header name and value is the header value. The header names From, Subject, and Reply-To are the only ones currently supported. These headers will be inserted into the mime at the time we attempt delivery.Headers set at the message level will override headers set on the template. e.g. Setting the From header at the time of sending will override the From header saved on the template. Additionally, headers generated by templates are not reflected on the accepted event as they are not prepended to the message until the message is prepped for delivery. if a From header is not provided either in the message or template, we will default to [email protected] engine The template engine to be used when rendering the template. Supported value are handlebars and go (golang template). The default if parameter is not provided is handlebars. Promise returns: created domain template and active version
{ name: 'template_name', description: 'template description', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), createdBy: '', id: '46565d87-68b6-4edb-8b3c-34554af4bb77', version: { tag: 'tag', template: '<html>template content</html>', engine: 'handlebars', mjml: '', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), comment: 'Version comment', active: true, id: '3efd2b85-0f41-4a1d-9898-05d7e7459c4a', headers: { From: 'from value' } } }
Update the description of a template.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.update('domainId', 'templateName', data)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.update('domainId', 'templateName', { description: 'new template description', }).then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Data object may have next properties:
Property Description description Update description of the template being updated. Promise returns:
{ status: 200, message: 'template has been updated', templateName: 'template_name' }
Delete the template specified in the url. NOTE: This method deletes all versions of the specified template.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.destroy('domainId', 'templateName')
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.destroy('domainId', 'templateName') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ status: 200, message: 'template has been deleted', templateName: 'template_name' }
Delete all templates and their versions for the domain.
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.destroyAll('domainId') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ status: 200, message: "templates have been deleted" }
Returns a paginated list of template versions.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.listVersions('domainId', 'template_name', queryData)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.listVersions('domainId', 'template_name', { limit: 10, }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Query data object may have next properties:
Property Description limit Maximum number of records to return. (100 by default) page params from previous response's 'paging' object. Value must be stringified as query params. e.g. '?page=first','?page=next&p=name-of-last-item' Promise returns:
{ template: { name: 'template_name', description: 'template description', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), createdBy: '', id: '46565d87-68b6-4edb-8b3c-34554af4bb77', versions: [ { tag: 'tag', engine: 'handlebars', mjml: '', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), comment: 'Version comment', active: true, id: 'b3f09533-a03f-4e10-9aac-a91115297b6c' } ] } }
Retrieve the information and content of the specified version of a template.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.getVersion('domainId', 'template_name', 'tag')
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.getVersion('domainId', 'template_name','tag') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ template: { name: 'template_name', description: 'template description', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), createdBy: '', id: '46565d87-68b6-4edb-8b3c-34554af4bb77', versions: [ { tag: 'tag', template: '<html>template content</html>', engine: 'handlebars', mjml: '', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), comment: 'Version comment', active: true, id: 'b3f09533-a03f-4e10-9aac-a91115297b6c', headers: { From: 'from value' } } ] } }
Adds a new template version. If the template doesn’t contain any other versions, the first version becomes active. A template can store up to 40 versions.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.createVersion('domainId', 'template_name', versionData)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.createVersion('domainId', 'template_name',{ { template: `<html>template content</html>`, tag: 'v1', engine: 'handlebars', comment: 'comment', active: 'yes', headers: JSON.stringify({ From: 'from value' }) } }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Template version data object may have next properties:
Property Description template Content of the template. tag Initial tag of the created version. If the template parameter is provided and the tag is missing, the default value initial is used. engine The template engine to be used when rendering the template. Supported value are handlebars and go (golang template). The default if parameter is not provided is handlebars. comment Version comment. This is valid only if a new version is being created. (template parameter is provided.) active If this flag is set to yes, this version becomes active. headers Key Value json dictionary of headers to be stored with the template. Where key is the header name and value is the header value. The header names From, Subject, and Reply-To are the only ones currently supported. These headers will be inserted into the mime at the time we attempt delivery.Headers set at the message level will override headers set on the template. e.g. Setting the From header at the time of sending will override the From header saved on the template. Additionally, headers generated by templates are not reflected on the accepted event as they are not prepended to the message until the message is prepped for delivery. if a From header is not provided either in the message or template, we will default to [email protected] Promise returns:
{ status: 200, message: 'new version of the template has been stored', template: l { name: 'template_name', description: 'new template description', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T12:33:10.000Z'), createdBy: '', id: '46565d87-68b6-4edb-8b3c-34554af4bb77', version: { tag: 'v1', template: '<html>template content</html>', engine: 'handlebars', mjml: '', createdAt: new Date('2025-01-03T13:41:26.000Z'), comment: 'comment', active: true, id: '3efd2b85-0f41-4a1d-9898-05d7e7459c4a', headers: [Object] } } }
Update information or content of the specific template version. Existing fields not included in the request will not be changed
mg.domains.domainTemplates.updateVersion('domainId', 'template_name', 'tag' , versionData)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.updateVersion('domainId', 'template_name', 'v1',{ { template: `<html>template content</html>`, engine: 'handlebars', comment: 'comment', active: 'yes', headers: JSON.stringify({ From: 'from value' }) } }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Template version data object may have next properties:
Property Description template Content of the template. engine The template engine to be used when rendering the template. Supported value are handlebars and go (golang template). The default if parameter is not provided is handlebars. comment Version comment. This is valid only if a new version is being created. (template parameter is provided.) active If this flag is set to yes, this version becomes active. headers Key Value json dictionary of headers to be stored with the template. Where key is the header name and value is the header value. The header names From, Subject, and Reply-To are the only ones currently supported. These headers will be inserted into the mime at the time we attempt delivery.Headers set at the message level will override headers set on the template. e.g. Setting the From header at the time of sending will override the From header saved on the template. Additionally, headers generated by templates are not reflected on the accepted event as they are not prepended to the message until the message is prepped for delivery. if a From header is not provided either in the message or template, we will default to [email protected] Promise returns:
{ status: 200, message: 'version has been updated', templateName: 'template_name', templateVersion: { tag: 'v1' } }
Delete a specific template version.
mg.domains.domainTemplates.destroyVersion('domainId', 'template_name', 'tag' )
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTemplates.destroyVersion('domainId', 'template_name', 'v1') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ status: 200, message: 'version has been deleted', templateName: 'template_name', templateVersion: { tag: 'v1' } }
Mailgun offers tracking for clicks, unsubscribes, and opens, with optional HTTPS protocol support on tracking URLs. To enable HTTPS, Mailgun uses Let’s Encrypt with HTTP-01 challenges through your existing tracking CNAME record to issue a TLS certificate. This setup also includes support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for enhanced security.
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTracking.getTracking('foobar.example.com') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ "click": { "active": false }, "open": { "active": false }, "unsubscribe": { "active": false, "html_footer": "\n<br>\n<p><a href=\"%unsubscribe_url%\">unsubscribe</a></p>\n", "text_footer": "\n\nTo unsubscribe click: <%unsubscribe_url%>\n\n" } }
A common method to turn on/off the click, open, and unsubscribe tracking at the domain level.
mg.domains.domainTracking.updateTracking(domain, trackingType, data)
Open Tracking Example:
mg.domains.domainTracking.updateTracking('foobar.example.com', 'open', { active: true, place_at_the_top: true, }) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Open tracking data object properties:
Property Description active Boolean, enables or disables open tracking place_at_the_top Setting this param to true will place the open tracking pixel at the top of the HTML body when inserted into the email mime. Omit this param to keep current setting. Promise returns:
{ message: 'Tracking settings have been updated', open: { active: true, place_at_the_top: true, } }
Click Tracking Example:
mg.domains.domainTracking.updateTracking('foobar.example.com', 'click', {active: true}) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Click tracking data object properties:
Property Description active Boolean, enables or disables click tracking Promise returns:
{ message: 'Tracking settings have been updated', click: { active: true } }
Unsubscribe Tracking Example
mg.domains.domainTracking.updateTracking('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribe', { active: true, html_footer: "\n<br>\n<p><a href=\"%unsubscribe_url%\">unsubscribe</a></p>\n", text_footer: "\n\nTo unsubscribe click: <%unsubscribe_url%>\n\n" }) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Unsubscribe Tracking data object properties:
Property Description active Boolean, enables or disables unsubscribe tracking html_footer string appended to html emails for managing unsubscribe links text_footer string appended to html emails for managing unsubscribe links Promise returns:
{ message: 'Tracking settings have been updated', unsubscribe: { active: true, html_footer: '\n<br>\n<p><a href=\'%unsubscribe_url%\">unsubscribe</a></p>\n', text_footer: '\n\nTo unsubscribe click: <%unsubscribe_url%>\n\n' } }
Get x509 TLS certificate and status
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTracking.get('foobar.example.com') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ responseStatusCode: 200, status: 'expired', error: 'x509 certificate has expired', certificate: '{CERT}'; }
Initiates generation of a TLS certificate for the tracking domain in a background task. Once generation is enqueued, you may poll the status endpoint in location field to check for success. Domain address must be formatted as
from domains settingsmg.domains.domainTracking.generate(domainAddress)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTracking.generate('email.foobar.example.com') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: 'Initiated x509 key pair generation', location: '/v2/x509/example.com/status', status: 202, }
Initiates regeneration of an expired TLS certificate for the tracking domain in a background task. Once generation is enqueued, you may poll status endpoint in location field to check for success. This will not regenerate an existing certificate that is still valid. Domain address must be formatted as
from domains settingsmg.domains.domainTracking.regenerate(domainAddress)
api docsExample:
mg.domains.domainTracking.regenerate('email.foobar.example.com') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: 'Initiated x509 key pair generation', location: '/v2/x509/example.com/status', status: 202, }
mg.events.get(domain, data)
mg.events.get('foobar.example.com', { page: 'mypageid', event: 'opened' }).then(data => console.log(data.items)) // logs array of event objects .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Parameter Description page Fetches the specified page of log records, assuming that the URL was returned by the previous request begin The beginning of the search time range. It can be specified as a string (see Date Format) or linux epoch seconds. Refer to Time Range for details. end The end of the search time range. It can be specified as a string (see Date Format) or linux epoch seconds. Refer to Time Range for details. ascending Defines the direction of the search time range if the range end time is not specified. Can be either yes or no. Refer to Time Range for details. limit Number of entries to return. (300 max) field field is the name of the Filter Field. The value of the parameter should be a valid Filter Expression. Several field filters can be specified in one request. If the same field is mentioned, more then once, then all its filter expressions are combined with AND operator. -
const date = new Date(2023, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Wed Aug 02 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0300 const events = await mg.events.get('foobar.example.com', { begin: date.toUTCString(), // 'Tue, 01 Aug 2023 21:00:00 GMT' ascending: 'yes', limit: 5, event: 'delivered' });
Promise returns: items (array of event objects), pages (paging keys grouped by id)
{ items: [{ type: 'accepted', summary: 'got it', content: { more: 'data' }, timestamp: Wed Nov 19 2014 10:32:57 GMT-0800 (PST) }, }], pages: { first: { id: 'first', number: 'W3siYSI6IGZhbHNlLC', url: 'apiurl' }, last: { id: 'last', number: 'W3siYSI6IGZhbHNlLC', url: 'apiurl' }, next: { id: 'next', number: W3siYSI6IGZhbHNlLC'', url: 'apiurl' }, previous: { id: 'previous', number: 'W3siYSI6IGZhbHNlLC', url: 'apiurl' } } }
Parameter Description event The type of the event. For a complete list of all events written to the log see the Event Types
table below. (Required)start The starting time. Should be in :rfc: 2822#page-14
or unix epoch format. Default: 7 days from the current time.end The ending date. Should be in :rfc: 2822#page-14
or unix epoch format. Default: current time.resolution Can be either hour
. Default:day
duration Period of time with resolution encoded. If provided, overwrites the start date. See list below. Duration is a string that represents a period of time with some resolution. It has a format
- an hourd
- a daym
- a month
- a period of 24 hours (a day) with hourly resolution1d
- a period of 1 day with daily resolution2m
- a period of 2 months with monthly resolution
Event Types
Event Type Description accepted Mailgun accepted the request to send/forward the email and the message has been placed in queue. delivered Mailgun sent the email and it was accepted by the recipient email server. failed Mailgun could not deliver the email to the recipient email server. opened The email recipient opened the email and enabled image viewing. Open tracking must be enabled in the Mailgun control panel, and the CNAME record must be pointing to mailgun.org. clicked The email recipient clicked on a link in the email. Click tracking must be enabled in the Mailgun control panel, and the CNAME record must be pointing to mailgun.org. unsubscribed The email recipient clicked on the unsubscribe link. Unsubscribe tracking must be enabled in the Mailgun control panel. complained The email recipient clicked on the spam complaint button within their email client. Feedback loops enable the notification to be received by Mailgun. stored Mailgun has stored an incoming message -
mg.stats.getDomain(domain, query)
mg.stats.getDomain('foobar.example.com', {event: ['delivered', 'accepted', 'failed', 'complained']}) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ start: Sun Mar 15 2015 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT), end: Sun Mar 22 2015 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT), resolution: 'day', stats: [{ time: Sun Mar 15 2015 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT), delivered: { smtp: 2, http: 1, total: 3 } }] }
mg.stats.getDomain(domain, query)
mg.stats.getDomain('foobar.example.com', {event: ['delivered', 'accepted', 'failed', 'complained']}) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ start: Sun Mar 15 2015 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT), end: Sun Mar 22 2015 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT), resolution: 'day', stats: [{ time: Sun Mar 15 2015 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT), delivered: { smtp: 2, http: 1, total: 3 } }] }
Mailgun collects many different events and generates event metrics which are available in your Control Panel. This data is also available via our analytics metrics API endpoint.
Gets filtered metrics for an account
mg.metrics.getAccount({ start: '2024-12-16T10:47:51.661Z', end: '2024-12-23T10:47:51.661Z', resolution: 'hour', metrics: ['opened_count'], filter: { AND: [{ attribute: 'domain', comparator: 'contains', values: [{ value: 'mailgun' }] }] }, include_subaccounts: true, include_aggregates: true }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
getAccount method accepts data object with next properties:
Property Type Description start String that contains date in RFC 2822 format: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822.html#page-14 or JS Date object A start date (default: 7 days before current time) end String that contains date in RFC 2822 format: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822.html#page-14 or JS Date object An end date (default: current time) resolution String A resolution in the format of 'day' 'hour' 'month'. Default is day. duration String A duration in the format of '1d' '2h' '2m'. If duration is provided then it is calculated from the end date and overwrites the start date. dimensions Array of strings Attributes of the metric data such as 'subaccount'. metrics Array of strings Name of the metrics to receive the stats for such as 'processed_count'. filter object Filters to apply to the query. The 'AND' property is required and should contains array of filters objects. See this document for an object shape. include_subaccounts Boolean Include stats from all subaccounts. include_aggregates Boolean Include top-level aggregate metrics. Promise returns: MetricsResult
{ start: new Date('2024-12-16T01:00:00.000Z'), end: new Date('2024-12-23T00:00:00.000Z'), resolution: 'hour', dimensions: [ 'time' ], pagination: { sort: '', skip: 0, limit: 1500, total: 1 }, items: [ { dimensions: [{ { dimension: 'time', value: 'Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:00:00 +0000', display_value: 'Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:00:00 +0000' } }], metrics: { opened_count: 1 } }, ... ], aggregates: { metrics: { opened_count: 1 } }, status: 200 }
Gets filtered usage metrics for an account
mg.metrics.getAccountUsage({ start: '2024-12-16T10:47:51.661Z', end: '2024-12-23T10:47:51.661Z', resolution: 'hour', metrics: ['opened_count'], filter: { AND: [{ attribute: 'domain', comparator: 'contains', values: [{ value: 'mailgun' }] }] }, include_subaccounts: true, include_aggregates: true }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
getAccountUsage method accepts data object with next properties:
Property Type Description start String that contains date in RFC 2822 format: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822.html#page-14 or JS Date object A start date (default: 7 days before current time) end String that contains date in RFC 2822 format: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822.html#page-14 or JS Date object An end date (default: current time) resolution String A resolution in the format of 'day' 'hour' 'month'. Default is day. duration String A duration in the format of '1d' '2h' '2m'. If duration is provided then it is calculated from the end date and overwrites the start date. dimensions Array of strings Attributes of the metric data such as 'subaccount'. metrics Array of strings Name of the metrics to receive the stats for such as 'processed_count'. filter object Filters to apply to the query. The 'AND' property is required and should contains array of filters objects. See this document for an object shape. include_subaccounts Boolean Include stats from all subaccounts. include_aggregates Boolean Include top-level aggregate metrics. Promise returns: MetricsResult
{ start: new Date('2024-12-16T01:00:00.000Z'), end: new Date('2024-12-23T00:00:00.000Z'), resolution: 'hour', dimensions: [ 'time' ], pagination: { sort: '', skip: 0, limit: 1500, total: 1 }, items: [ { dimensions: [{ { dimension: 'time', value: 'Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:00:00 +0000', display_value: 'Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:00:00 +0000' } }], metrics: { opened_count: 1 } }, ... ], aggregates: { metrics: { opened_count: 1 } }, status: 200 }
mg.suppressions.list(domain, suppressionType, query?)
mg.suppressions.list('foobar.example.com', 'bounces') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
mg.suppressions.list('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribes') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
mg.suppressions.list('foobar.example.com', 'complaints') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ items: [ { type: "bounces", address: "[email protected]", code: 550, error: "No such mailbox", created_at: Fri Oct 21 2011 04:02:55 GMT-0700 (PDT) }], pages: { first: { id: "first", page: "", address: "", url: "apiurl" }, last: { id: "last", page: "", address: "", url: "apiurl" }, next: { id: "next", page: "", address: "", url: "apiurl" }, previous: { id: "prev", page: "", address: "", url: "apiurl" } } }
mg.suppressions.get(domain, suppressionType, address)
mg.suppressions.get('foobar.example.com', 'bounces', '[email protected]') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
mg.suppressions.get('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribes', '[email protected]') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
mg.suppressions.get('foobar.example.com', 'complaints', '[email protected]') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Response example:
{ type: "bounces", address: "[email protected]", tags: [ "*" ], created_at: Fri Oct 21 2011 05:02:55 GMT-0700 (PDT) }
mg.suppressions.create(domain, suppressionType, data || data[])
mg.suppressions.create('foobar.example.com', 'bounces', [{address: '[email protected]'}]) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Bounces Options: Contains an array with the following object properties
Parameter Description address Valid email address code Error code (optional, default: 550) error Error description (optional, default: empty string) created_at Timestamp of a bounce event in RFC2822 format (optional, default: current time) Promise returns:
{ message: "1 address has been added to the bounces table" }
mg.suppressions.create('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribes', {address: '[email protected]'}) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Unsubscribes Options: Contains an array with the following object properties
Parameter Description address Valid email address tag Tag to unsubscribe from, use * to unsubscribe an address from all domain’s correspondence (optional, default: *) tags Array with tags to unsubscribe from created_at Timestamp of a bounce event in RFC2822 format (optional, default: current time) Promise returns:
{ message: "1 address has been added to the unsubscribes table" }
mg.suppressions.create('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribes', {address: '[email protected]', tag: 'your_tag_to_unsubscribe']}) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: "1 address has been added to the unsubscribes table" }
mg.suppressions.create('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribes', [{address: '[email protected]', tags: ['your_tag_to_unsubscribe', 'another_tag_to_unsubscribe']}]) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: "1 address has been added to the unsubscribes table" }
mg.suppressions.create('foobar.example.com', 'complaints', [{address: '[email protected]'}]) .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Complaints Options: Contains an array with the following object properties
Parameter Description address Valid email address created_at Timestamp of a bounce event in RFC2822 format (optional, default: current time) Promise returns:
{ message: "1 address has been added to the complaints table" }
mg.suppressions.destroy(domain, suppressionType, address)
mg.suppressions.destroy('foobar.example.com', 'bounces', '[email protected]') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: "Bounced address has been removed", value: "", address: "[email protected]", status: 200 }
mg.suppressions.destroy('foobar.example.com', 'unsubscribes', '[email protected]') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ message: 'Unsubscribe event has been removed', value: '', address: '[email protected]', status: 200 }
mg.suppressions.destroy('foobar.example.com', 'complaints', '[email protected]') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
message: 'Spam complaint has been removed', value: '', address: '[email protected]', status: 200
mg.webhooks.list(domain, query)
mg.webhooks.list('foobar.example.com') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ open: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, click: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, bounce: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, deliver: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, drop: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, spam: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, unsubscribe: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, click: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, open: { 'url': 'http://requestb.in' }, }
mg.webhooks.get(domain, id)
mg.webhooks.get('foobar.example.com', 'open') // bounce, deliver, drop, spam, unsubscribe, click, open .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ 'open': { 'url': 'http://requestb.in', 'urls': ['trackclick.com'] } }
mg.webhooks.create(domain, id, data, test)
mg.webhooks.create('foobar.example.com', 'open', 'http://requestb.in') // bounce, deliver, drop, spam, unsubscribe, click, open .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ 'open': { 'url': 'http://requestb.in', 'urls': ['http://requestb.in'] } }
Test Webhook Example:
mg.webhooks.get('foobar.example.com', 'open', 'http://requestb.in', true) // bounce, deliver, drop, spam, unsubscribe, click, open .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ 'code': '500', 'message': 'Hi!' }
mg.webhooks.update(domain, id, url, test)
mg.webhooks.update('foobar.example.com', 'open', 'http://requestb.in') // bounce, deliver, drop, spam, unsubscribe, click, open .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ 'open': { 'url': 'http://requestb.in', 'urls': ['http://requestb.in'] } }
mg.webhooks.update('foobar.example.com', 'open', ['http://requestb.in', 'http://requestb1.in' ]) // bounce, deliver, drop, spam, unsubscribe, click, open .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ 'open': { 'url': 'http://requestb.in', 'urls': ['http://requestb.in', 'http://requestb1.in'] } }
mg.webhooks.destroy(domain, id)
mg.webhooks.update('foobar.example.com', 'open') // bounce, deliver, drop, spam, unsubscribe, click, open .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ 'open': { 'url': 'http://requestb.in', 'urls': ['http://requestb.in']} }
mg.routes.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
[ { actions: [ 'forward("http://myhost.com/messages/")', 'stop()' ], created_at: 'Mon, 26 Oct 2015 03:56:51 GMT', description: 'sample', expression: 'match_recipient(".*@example.com")', id: '562da483125730608a7d1719', priority: 0 } ]
mg.routes.get('562da483125730608a7d1719') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ actions: [ 'forward("http://myhost.com/messages/")', 'stop()' ], created_at: 'Mon, 26 Oct 2015 03:56:51 GMT', description: 'sample', expression: 'match_recipient(".*@example.com")', id: '562da483125730608a7d1719', priority: 0 }
mg.routes.create({ priority: 0, description: 'sample', expression: 'match_recipient(".*@example.org")', action: ['forward("http://myhost.com/messages/")', 'stop()'] }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ actions: [ 'forward("http://myhost.com/messages/")', 'stop()' ], created_at: 'Mon, 26 Oct 2015 03:56:51 GMT', description: 'sample', expression: 'match_recipient(".*@example.com")', id: '562da483125730608a7d1719', priority: 0 }
mg.routes.update(id, options)
mg.routes.update('562da483125730608a7d1719', { priority: 0, description: 'sample', expression: 'match_recipient(".*@example.org")', action: ['forward("http://myhost.com/messages/")', 'stop()'] }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ actions: [ 'forward("http://myhost.com/messages/")', 'stop()' ], created_at: 'Mon, 26 Oct 2015 03:56:51 GMT', description: 'sample', expression: 'match_recipient(".*@example.com")', id: '562da483125730608a7d1719', message: 'Route has been updated', priority: 0 }
mg.routes.destroy('562da483125730608a7d1719') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ id: '562da483125730608a7d1719', message: 'Route has been deleted' }
mg.validate.get('[email protected]') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ address: '[email protected]', did_you_mean: null, is_valid: false, parts: { display_name: null, domain: null, local_part: null } }
mg.validate.multipleValidation.create('name_of_the_list', { file })
const fsPromises = require('fs').promises; const filepath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../path_to_your_file_with_emails_list.csv'); ... (async () => { try { const file = { filename: 'test.csv', data: await fsPromises.readFile(filepath) }; const validateBulkResult = await mg.validate.multipleValidation.create('name_of_the_list', { file }); console.log('validateBulkResult', validateBulkResult); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } })();
Response shape:
{ "id": "name_of_the_list", "message": "The validation job was submitted." }
mg.validate.multipleValidation.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Response shape:
{ "jobs": [ { "created_at": 1643965937, "download_url": { "csv": "csv-url", "json": "json-url" }, "id": "name_of_the_list", "quantity": 40, "records_processed": 40, "status": "uploaded", "summary": { "result": { "catch_all": 0, "deliverable": 0, "do_not_send": 0, "undeliverable": 0, "unknown": 40 }, "risk": { "high": 0, "low": 0, "medium": 0, "unknown": 40 } } } ], "paging": { "first": "https://api.mailgun.net/v4/address/validate/bulk?limit=100&page=first&pivot=", "last": "https://api.mailgun.net/v4/address/validate/bulk?limit=100&page=last&pivot=", "next": "https://api.mailgun.net/v4/address/validate/bulk?limit=100&page=next&pivot=b4808b5b-1111-2222-3333-6cd0b63f41ea", "prev": "https://api.mailgun.net/v4/address/validate/bulk?limit=100&page=prev&pivot=" }, "total": 1 }
mg.validate.multipleValidation.get('name_of_the_list') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Response shape:
{ "created_at": 1643965937, "download_url": { "csv": "csv-url", "json": "json-url" }, "id": "name_of_the_list", "quantity": 40, "records_processed": 40, "responseStatusCode": 200, "status": "uploaded", "summary": { "result": { "catch_all": 0, "deliverable": 0, "do_not_send": 0, "undeliverable": 0, "unknown": 40 }, "risk": { "high": 0, "low": 0, "medium": 0, "unknown": 40 } } }
cancels bulk validation job
mg.validate.multipleValidation.destroy('name_of_the_list'); .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Response shape:
{ body: "Validation job canceled.", status: 200 }
A client to manage mailing lists.
mg.lists.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
[ { access_level: 'readonly', address: '[email protected]', created_at: 'Wed, 27 Oct 2021 21:59:21 -0000', description: '', members_count: 0, name: '', reply_preference: 'list' } ]
mg.lists.get('[email protected]') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ access_level: 'readonly', address: '[email protected]', created_at: 'Thu, 28 Oct 2021 00:16:56 -0000', description: '', members_count: 0, name: '', reply_preference: 'list' }
mg.lists.create({ address: '[email protected]', name: 'Reply Address', // optional, modifiable on website description: 'Mailing lists for repliable address', // optional, modifiable on website access_level: 'readonly', // optional, modifiable on website reply_preference: 'list', // optional, modifiable on website }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ access_level: 'readonly', address: '[email protected]', created_at: 'Thu, 28 Oct 2021 03:12:17 -0000', description: 'Mailing lists for repliable address', members_count: 0, name: 'Reply Address', reply_preference: 'list' }
mg.lists.update('[email protected]', { address: '[email protected]', name: 'Foo', // optional, modifiable on website description: 'Foo bar bat', // optional, modifiable on website access_level: 'members', // optional, modifiable on website reply_preference: 'sender', // optional, modifiable on website }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ access_level: 'members', address: '[email protected]', created_at: 'Thu, 28 Oct 2021 03:21:15 -0000', description: 'Foo bar bat', members_count: 0, name: 'Foo', reply_preference: 'sender' }
mg.lists.destroy('[email protected]') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ address: '[email protected]', message: 'Mailing list has been removed' }
A client to manage members within a specific mailing list.
mg.lists.members.listMembers('[email protected]') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
[ { address: '[email protected]', name: 'Jane Doe', subscribed: true, vars: { age: 50 } } ]
mg.lists.members.getMember(mailListAddress, mailListMemberAddress)
mg.lists.members.getMember('[email protected]', '[email protected]') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ address: '[email protected]', name: 'Jane Doe', subscribed: true, vars: { age: 50 } }
mg.lists.members.createMember(mailListAddress, data)
mg.lists.members.createMember('[email protected]', { address: '[email protected]', name: 'John Smith', // optional, modifiable on website vars: {hobby: "chess"}, // optional, modifiable on website subscribed: 'no', // optional, modifiable on website upsert: 'yes', // optional, choose yes to insert if not exist, or update it exist }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ address: '[email protected]', name: 'John Smith', subscribed: false, vars: { hobby: 'chess' } }
mg.lists.members.createMembers(mailListAddress, data)
mg.lists.members.createMembers('[email protected]', { members: [ { address: "[email protected]", name: "Bot1 Superbot", vars: {location: "loc1"}, subscribed: true, }, { address: "[email protected]", name: "Bot2 Superbot", vars: {location: "loc2"}, subscribed: false, }, ], upsert: "yes", }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns:
{ list: { access_level: 'readonly', address: '[email protected]', created_at: 'Thu, 28 Oct 2021 03:21:15 -0000', description: 'For reply purpose', members_count: 2, name: 'Reply', reply_preference: 'list' }, message: 'Mailing list has been updated', 'task-id': '575b943c37a211ec8a520242ac11000a' }
mg.lists.members.updateMember(mailListAddress, mailListMemberAddress, data)
mg.lists.members.updateMember('[email protected]', '[email protected]', { address: '[email protected]', name: 'Bot0 Normalbot', // optional, modifiable on website vars: {location: "space"}, subscribed: false, }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ address: '[email protected]', name: 'Bot0 Normalbot', subscribed: false, vars: { location: 'space' } }
mg.lists.members.destroyMember(mailListAddress, mailListMemberAddress)
mg.lists.members.destroyMember('[email protected]', '[email protected]') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response body .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: response body
{ member: { address: '[email protected]' }, message: 'Mailing list member has been deleted' }
A client to manage subaccounts.
- api docsExample:
mg.subaccounts.list() .then(subaccounts => console.log(subaccounts)) // logs array of subaccounts .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: array of Subaccounts instances
[ { id: "XYZ", name: "test.subaccount1", status: "open" }, { id: "YYY", name: "test.subaccount2", status: "open" } ]
Query data may have next properties:
Property Description limit Maximum number of records to return. (10 by default) skip Number of records to skip. (0 by default) sort "asc" or "desc". enabled Returns all enabled/disabled subaccounts. (Defaults to all if omitted) -
mg.subaccounts.get('123') .then(subaccount => console.log(subaccount)) // logs subaccount object .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: Subaccount instance
{ id: "123", name: "test.subaccount1", status: "open" }
mg.subaccounts.create('foobar') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: Subaccount instance
{ id: "123", name: "foobar", status: "open" }
Create method accepts data object with next properties:
Parameter Description name Name of the subaccount being created (ex. 'mysubaccount') -
mg.subaccounts.enable('123') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: Subaccount instance
{ id: "123", name: "foobar", status: "open" }
mg.subaccounts.disable('123') .then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); // logs any error
Promise returns: Subaccount instance
{ id: "123", name: "foobar", status: "disabled" }
A client to allows you to see the likely deliverability of your email campaigns.
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: available SeedsLists
{ status: 200, items: [ { kid: 'kid', ID: 'ID', AccountID: 'AccountID', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:33:57.183Z'), last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), Seeds: [ { AccountID: 'acount id', id: 'seed id', token: 'token', email: 'email', provider: 'provider', sync_state: 'sync_state', local_state: 'local_state', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), message_count: 0, max_email_count_hit_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), total_msgs: 0, matched_msgs: 0, spam_message: 0, expected_msgs: 0, last_sent_to_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), last_delivered_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), account_quality: 0, quality_label: 'quality_label', password: 'password', phone_number: 'phone_number', attributes: {}, totp: { secret: 'secret', } }, ... ], target_email: '[email protected]', sending_domains: ['test_domain.com'], has_results: true, name: 'test name', seed_filter: 'test filter', mailing_list: 'test mailing_list', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, tags: { sfmc_remote_id: 'test sfmc_remote_id', }, delivery_stats: { all: { delivered: 0, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 0, provider: 'test provider', categories: { primary: 0, promotions: 0, updates: 0, } } }, SeedQuality: 1, is_auto_generated: true, }, ... ], paging: { first: 'first_page_link', last: 'last_page_link', next: 'next_page_link', previous: 'previous_page_link', } }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.get(seedsListId); .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: SeedsLists item by id
{ status: 200, kid: 'kid', ID: 'ID', AccountID: 'AccountID', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:33:57.183Z'), last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), Seeds: [ { AccountID: 'acount id', id: 'seed id', token: 'token', email: 'email', provider: 'provider', sync_state: 'sync_state', local_state: 'local_state', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), message_count: 0, max_email_count_hit_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), total_msgs: 0, matched_msgs: 0, spam_message: 0, expected_msgs: 0, last_sent_to_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), last_delivered_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), account_quality: 0, quality_label: 'quality_label', password: 'password', phone_number: 'phone_number', attributes: {}, totp: { secret: 'secret', } }, ... ], target_email: '[email protected]', sending_domains: ['test_domain.com'], has_results: true, name: 'test name', seed_filter: 'test filter', mailing_list: 'test mailing_list', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, tags: { sfmc_remote_id: 'test sfmc_remote_id', }, delivery_stats: { all: { delivered: 0, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 0, provider: 'test provider', categories: { primary: 0, promotions: 0, updates: 0, } } }, SeedQuality: 1, is_auto_generated: true, }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.create({ name: 'seedLists name', sending_domains: 'your_sending_domain', seed_filter: 'seed filter', remote_id: 'remote_id' })
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.create({ sending_domains: 'your_sending_domain', name: 'seedLists name'; seed_filter: 'seed filter'; remote_id: 'remote_id'; }); .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: created SeedsLists item
{ kid: 'kid', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), target_email: '[email protected]', sending_domains: [ 'your_sending_domain' ], has_results: false, name: 'seedLists name', seed_filter: 'seed filter', provider_filter: [], mailing_list: '[email protected]', previous_mailing_list: '', tags: { sfmc_remote_id: 'remote_id' }, delivery_stats: { all: { delivered: 0, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 0, provider: 'all', categories: {} } }, is_auto_generated: false, version: 2, Seeds: null, status: 200 }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.update(seedsListId,{ name: 'new seedLists name', // optional provider_filter: 'provider_filter', // optional shuffle: true, // optional sending_domains: 'your_sending_domain' // optional })
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.update(seedsListId,{ name: 'new seedLists name', provider_filter: 'gmail.com', sending_domains: 'your_sending_domain' }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: updated SeedsLists item
{ kid: '674dcab31169b0619005a9f8', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: 2024-12-02T14:59:42.231Z, last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), target_email: '[email protected]', sending_domains: [ 'your_sending_domain' ], has_results: false, name: 'seedLists name', seed_filter: '.*', provider_filter: ['gmail.com'], mailing_list: '[email protected]', previous_mailing_list: '', tags: { sfmc_remote_id: 'remote_id' }, delivery_stats: { all: { delivered: 0, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 0, provider: 'all', categories: {} } }, is_auto_generated: false, version: 2, Seeds: null, status: 200 }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.destroy(seedsListId) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: status object
{ status: 200, body: null }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.attributes.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: SeedsLists attributes
{ status: 200, items:[{ attribute: 'available attribute', values: ['attribute_value', ...] }, ...] }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.attributes.get('attribute_name') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: SeedsLists attribute
{ status: 200, items: { attribute: 'attribute_name', values: ['attribute_value', ...] } }
mg.inboxPlacements.seedsLists.filters.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: SeedsLists filters
{ status: 200, supported_filters:{ filters: [ { parameter: 'parameter_name', description: 'parameter_description' }, .... ] } }
List all available email providers.
mg.inboxPlacements.providers.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: providers list
{ items: [ { domain: 'something.com', region: 'provider region', display_name: 'provider name', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:59.183Z') }, ... ] }
Get the details for all placement test results.
mg.inboxPlacements.results.list({ 'sender': 'sender value', // optional 'subject': 'subject value', // optional 'provider': 'provider value', // optional 'target_email': 'target_email value', // optional 'time_after': new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), // optional 'time_before': new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), // optional 'cursor': '', // optional 'sort': '', // optional 'offset': 1, // optional 'ascending': true, // optional 'limit': 5, // optional })
mg.inboxPlacements.results.list({ 'sender': 'sender value', // optional 'subject': 'subject value', // optional }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: results list
{ status: 200, items: [ { rid: 'rid_value', result_id: 'result_id_value', AccountID: 'AccountID_value', KeyBoxID: 'KeyBoxID_value', keybox_email: 'keybox_email_value', subject: 'subject_value', sender: 'sender_value', seedlist_name: 'seedlist_name_value', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), status: 'status_value', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, attributes: { attribute_value: 'attribute_value_value' }, campaign_id: 'campaign_id_value', sharing_enabled: true, sharing_id: 'sharing_id_value', sharing_expires_at: new Date('2024-08-14T14:32:57.183Z'), Box: { Id: 'box_Id_value', kid: 'box_kid_value', AccountID: 'box_AccountID_value', created_at: new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-12T14:32:57.183Z'), last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-13T14:32:57.183Z'), Seeds: null, target_email: 'box_target_email_value', sending_domains: null, has_results: true, name: 'box_name_value', seed_filter: 'box_seed_filter_value', mailing_list: 'box_mailing_list_value', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, tags: ['tag_value'], SeedQuality: 100, is_auto_generated: true, }, seed_results: [{ email: 'seed_result_email_value', provider: 'seed_result_provider_value', destination: 'seed_result_destination_value', state: 'seed_result_state_value', originating_ip: 'seed_result_originating_ip_value', tags: ['seed_result_tag_value'], dkim: 'seed_result_dkim_value', spf: 'seed_result_spf_value', dmarc: 'seed_result_dmarc_value', headers: [{ key: 'seed_result_header_key_value', value: 'seed_result_header_value_value', }], extensions: { category: 'seed_result_extensions_category_value', } }], spamassassin: { is_spam: false, score: 1, required: 1, rules: [{ name: 'rule_name_value', points: 100, short_description: 'short_description_value', long_description: 'long_description_value', }], }, delivery_stats: { test_delivery_stat: { delivered: 1, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 1, provider: 'provider_value', categories: { primary: 1, updates: 0, } } } } ], pages: { first: '?page=first', last: '?page=last', next: '?page=next', previous: '?page=previous', }, }
Get the details for a single result.
mg.inboxPlacements.results.get(IBPResultId); .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: Inbox Placement result item
{ status: 200, inboxPlacementResult: { rid: 'rid_value', result_id: 'result_id_value', AccountID: 'AccountID_value', KeyBoxID: 'KeyBoxID_value', keybox_email: 'keybox_email_value', subject: 'subject_value', sender: 'sender_value', seedlist_name: 'seedlist_name_value', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), status: 'status_value', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, attributes: { attribute_value: 'attribute_value_value' }, campaign_id: 'campaign_id_value', sharing_enabled: true, sharing_id: 'sharing_id_value', sharing_expires_at: new Date('2024-08-14T14:32:57.183Z'), Box: { Id: 'box_Id_value', kid: 'box_kid_value', AccountID: 'box_AccountID_value', created_at: new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-12T14:32:57.183Z'), last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-13T14:32:57.183Z'), Seeds: null, target_email: 'box_target_email_value', sending_domains: null, has_results: true, name: 'box_name_value', seed_filter: 'box_seed_filter_value', mailing_list: 'box_mailing_list_value', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, tags: ['tag_value'], SeedQuality: 100, is_auto_generated: true, }, seed_results: [{ email: 'seed_result_email_value', provider: 'seed_result_provider_value', destination: 'seed_result_destination_value', state: 'seed_result_state_value', originating_ip: 'seed_result_originating_ip_value', tags: ['seed_result_tag_value'], dkim: 'seed_result_dkim_value', spf: 'seed_result_spf_value', dmarc: 'seed_result_dmarc_value', headers: [{ key: 'seed_result_header_key_value', value: 'seed_result_header_value_value', }], extensions: { category: 'seed_result_extensions_category_value', } }], spamassassin: { is_spam: false, score: 1, required: 1, rules: [{ name: 'rule_name_value', points: 100, short_description: 'short_description_value', long_description: 'long_description_value', }], }, delivery_stats: { test_delivery_stat: { delivered: 1, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 1, provider: 'provider_value', categories: { primary: 1, updates: 0, } } } } }
Delete the result and all associated information.
mg.inboxPlacements.results.destroy(IBPResultId) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: status object
{ status: 200, message: 'deleted' }
Get a result by the share ID.
mg.inboxPlacements.results.getResultByShareId('result_sharing_id') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: Inbox Placement result item
{ status: 200, inboxPlacementResult: { rid: 'rid_value', result_id: 'result_id_value', AccountID: 'AccountID_value', KeyBoxID: 'KeyBoxID_value', keybox_email: 'keybox_email_value', subject: 'subject_value', sender: 'sender_value', seedlist_name: 'seedlist_name_value', created_at: new Date('2024-08-09T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), status: 'status_value', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, attributes: { attribute_value: 'attribute_value_value' }, campaign_id: 'campaign_id_value', sharing_enabled: true, sharing_id: 'sharing_id_value', sharing_expires_at: new Date('2024-08-14T14:32:57.183Z'), Box: { Id: 'box_Id_value', kid: 'box_kid_value', AccountID: 'box_AccountID_value', created_at: new Date('2024-08-11T14:32:57.183Z'), updated_at: new Date('2024-08-12T14:32:57.183Z'), last_result_at: new Date('2024-08-13T14:32:57.183Z'), Seeds: null, target_email: 'box_target_email_value', sending_domains: null, has_results: true, name: 'box_name_value', seed_filter: 'box_seed_filter_value', mailing_list: 'box_mailing_list_value', CreatedTS: 1723214101728, tags: ['tag_value'], SeedQuality: 100, is_auto_generated: true, }, seed_results: [{ email: 'seed_result_email_value', provider: 'seed_result_provider_value', destination: 'seed_result_destination_value', state: 'seed_result_state_value', originating_ip: 'seed_result_originating_ip_value', tags: ['seed_result_tag_value'], dkim: 'seed_result_dkim_value', spf: 'seed_result_spf_value', dmarc: 'seed_result_dmarc_value', headers: [{ key: 'seed_result_header_key_value', value: 'seed_result_header_value_value', }], extensions: { category: 'seed_result_extensions_category_value', } }], spamassassin: { is_spam: false, score: 1, required: 1, rules: [{ name: 'rule_name_value', points: 100, short_description: 'short_description_value', long_description: 'long_description_value', }], }, delivery_stats: { test_delivery_stat: { delivered: 1, missing: 0, pending: 0, spam: 0, inbox: 0, total: 1, provider: 'provider_value', categories: { primary: 1, updates: 0, } } } } }
mg.inboxPlacements.results.attributes.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: results attributes
{ status: 200, items:[{ attribute: 'available attribute', values: ['attribute_value', ...] }, ...] }
mg.inboxPlacements.results.attributes.get('attribute_name') .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: results attribute
{ status: 200, items: { attribute: 'attribute_name', values: ['attribute_value', ...] } }
mg.inboxPlacements.results.filters.list() .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: SeedsLists filters
{ status: 200, supported_filters:{ filters: [ { parameter: 'parameter_name', description: 'parameter_description' }, .... ] } }
The sharing status of a result.
Example:mg.inboxPlacements.results.sharing.get('result_id'); .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: IPRSharingResult
{ status: 200, result_id: 'result_id', expires_at: new Date('2024-08-12T14:32:57.183Z'), enabled: true, url_id: 'result_sharing_id', url: 'url-to-shared-result-page', api_url: 'url-shared-result-page-in-json' }
Change the sharing status of a result or create a new share URL
mg.inboxPlacements.results.sharing.update('result_id', IPRSharingUpdateData);
mg.inboxPlacements.results.sharing.update('result_id', { enabled: false }); .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: IPRSharingResult
{ status: 200, result_id: 'result_id', expires_at: new Date('2024-08-12T14:32:57.183Z'), enabled: false, url_id: 'result_sharing_id', url: '', api_url: '' }
Create and run a new inbox placement test.
Either 'html' or 'template_name' field should be provided.
'variables' are Template variables, which could be used in html or template. You can use next recipient variables inside Template variables, which will be filled for every seed automatically: %recipient.first_name%, %recipient.last_name%.
mg.inboxPlacements.runTest({ from: 'Excited User <[email protected]>', subject: 'Subject of test email', provider_filter: ['o365.mailgun.email'], html: `<html><body> <h4>Waiting for inbox placements support in mailgun.js SDK?</h4> <h3>We are working on this </h3> </body></html>`, template_name: 'name-of-the-template-you-made-in-mailgun-web-portal'; variables: JSON.stringify({ 'template_variable_name': 'template_variable_value' }, seed_list: 'previously-generated-seed-list', }) .then(data => console.log(data)) // logs response data .catch(err => console.error(err)); //logs any error
Promise returns: InboxPlacementsTestResult
{ status: 200, result_id: 'result_id', links: { results: 'link to result page', } }
Most of the methods that return items in a list support pagination. There are two ways to receive part of the list:
- Provide properties 'limit' and 'page' in the query. This way uses more frequently in the SDK and works for the next methods:
The general idea is that after you made the first call with a limit property in the query you will receive a response with a property called pages in it. This property implements the next interface:
{ previous: { id: string; page: string; iteratorPosition: string | undefined; url: string }; first: { id: string; page: string; iteratorPosition: string | undefined; url: string }; last: { id: string; page: string; iteratorPosition: string | undefined; url: string }; next: { id: string; page: string; iteratorPosition: string | undefined; url: string }; }
To receive the next page you need to add the page property to the query argument. This property should contain a string value from 'page' property in response.pages.(previous/first/last/next).
// first call const listMembers = await mg.lists.members.listMembers('your_mailing_list', { limit: 2 }); /* response { items: [ { address: 'test-0@example.com', name: 'test name 0', subscribed: true, vars: [Object] }, { address: 'test-1@example.com', name: 'test name 1', subscribed: true, vars: [Object] } ], pages: { first: { id: 'first', page: '?page=first&limit=2', iteratorPosition: undefined, url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=first&limit=2' }, last: { id: 'last', page: '?page=last&limit=2', iteratorPosition: undefined, url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=last&limit=2' }, next: { id: 'next', page: '?page=next&address=test-1%40example.com&limit=2', iteratorPosition: 'test-1@example.com', url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=next&address=test-1%40example.com&limit=2' }, previous: { id: 'previous', page: '?page=prev&address=test-0%40example.com&limit=2', iteratorPosition: 'test-0@example.com', url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=prev&address=test-0%40example.com&limit=2' } } } */ // second call const listMembers = await mg.lists.members.listMembers( 'your_mailing_list', { limit: 2, page: '?page=next&address=test-1%40example.com&limit=2' } ); /* response { items: [ { address: 'test-2@example.com', name: 'test name 2', subscribed: true, vars: [Object] }, { address: 'test-3@example.com', name: 'test name 3', subscribed: true, vars: [Object] } ], pages: { first: { id: 'first', page: '?page=first&limit=2', iteratorPosition: undefined, url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=first&limit=2' }, last: { id: 'last', page: '?page=last&limit=2', iteratorPosition: undefined, url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=last&limit=2' }, next: { id: 'next', page: '?page=next&address=test-3%40example.com&limit=2', iteratorPosition: 'test-3@example.com', url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=next&address=test-3%40example.com&limit=2' }, previous: { id: 'previous', page: '?page=prev&address=test-2%40example.com&limit=2', iteratorPosition: 'test-2@example.com', url: 'https://your_domain/v3/lists/your_mailing_list/members/pages?page=prev&address=test-2%40example.com&limit=2' } } } */
- The second option of navigation is to provide properties 'limit' and 'skip' in the query. This way uses only in a few places for now:
- mg.domains.list()
- mg.domains.domainCredentials.list()
- mg.routes.list()
- mg.webhooks.list() The main idea here is quite simple you just need to provide how many records from the start of a list you want to skip and how many to receive. You can do it using the query parameter in each method. Example:
const listDomainCredentials = await client.domains.domainCredentials.list( 'your_domain_name', { skip: 10, limit: 1 } );
For this demo to work, you'll need to install and run http-proxy
locally. Install it with:
npm install -g http-proxy
Then run the following command from the mailgun-js directory:
http-server -p 4001 --proxy="https://api.mailgun.net"
Demo should be up and running at
- Requires node.js >= 18.x
Install node dependencies with:
npm install
Build for dev purposes(without minimizing)
npm run build
Build for release purposes(include minimizing)
npm run build:release
Before PR merge check that commits info will be correctly added to the CHANGELOG.md file: 'npm run release -- --dry-run'
CI process isn't working currently, so please manually run
npm run test
npm run tests
Watch tests with
npm run watch-tests
To test new functionality locally using npm link
please use npm script npm run link
This is needed for correct exporting d.ts files.
Releases occur after feature branches have been tested and merged into master.
First, checkout master and pull the latest commits.
git checkout master
git pull
Next, run npm run release
After that, cd ./dist
and then run npm login
and npm publish
to publish changes on npm.