SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion
Homebridge plugin for Airthings Wave and Wave Plus Radon detector
Ultimaker Cura plugin to adjust settings for Pressure Advance feature of Klipper firmware.
Community contributions that do not necessarily conform 100% to the standard EVA defines, but may still be useful in specific applications.
cadriel / FluiddPIOLD
Forked from mainsail-crew/MainsailOSFluiddPi - A Pi image with Klipper, Moonraker, Fluidd and Web Camera support pre-installed.
billylo1 / covidpass
Forked from covidpass-org/covidpassWeb app for adding Ontario vaccination records to Apple Wallet (forked from covidpass in EU)
mfs12 / GcodeMacros
Forked from Duet3D/GcodeMacrosA collection of useful macros for use with RepRapFirmware.
Infinitive impersonates a SAM on a Carrier Infinity system management bus
mfs12 / DuetWebControl
Forked from Duet3D/DuetWebControlThe web interface for the Duet electronics.
Windows Precision Touchpad Driver Implementation for Apple MacBook / Magic Trackpad
Software framework for the next-generation Duet3D platform based on .NET
The ULTIMATE Duet3D RepRap Post-Processor for Autodesk Fusion 360
This is the assembly for an independent triple z axis system for the BLV Cube by Ben Levi
Firmware for the PanelDue touch screen for 3D printers
A Ruby script for automatically setting qBittorrents listening port while connected to PIA VPN
Search plugins for the search feature
HaythamB / TAMV
Forked from DanalEstes/TAMVTAMV = Tool Align Machine Vision for Duet based tool changing 3D printers.
Sample configuration files for RepRapFirmware to suit various 3D printers, CNC machines, Laser cutters and engravers
A collection of useful macros for use with RepRapFirmware.
DWC Customiser plugin - Build custom dashboards from std DWC UI components and add new custom components and buttons which can run Macros/gcode, or post http requests, and MQTT msgs.