Last modification: 10.04.2020
Schematics of Module: schematics for testing will be added later
Reconnection with Raspberry PI 3+:
schematics of PI reconnection*
Configuration for /dev/i2c-1
port 2 (SDA), port 3 (SCL)
pull-up resistor is used from module board (R2,R3)
Install Lazarus-ide at raspberry FPC & Lazarus Installation Install Python3 and next modules for pca9632 Python3 & modules
(optional when you have only lite linux version)
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines libgtk2.0-dev
Read status of pca_9632 chip and show on concole
Click at Enumerated Buttons (as ALLCALL), choice from values for register (MODE1, MODE2, LEDOUT)
Write to Register - Actually modified value visible by red rectangular
Apply write changes for all actually selected attributes (buttons) - click at APPLY button
Click at button (with values) changed to color to white. Then able to change value
PWMx, GRPPWM DutyCycle recalculated to percentage
GRPFREQ transfered to frequency, time
>>Sub Features:
Register MODE1, MODE2 enumerate ON, OFF status
Register MODE2 (DBMLNK) enumerate DIMMING, BLINKING status
Register LEDOUT, enumerate ON, OFF, PWM, PWM_GRPPWM status
Register PWMx, GRPPWN, GRPFREQ (in Hz, in Time)
- TrackBar not used now
- Chip Address currently not able to change
Source Code (FPC):
- Path: ~/ecomet_i2c_tools/fpc/pca9632