This is a tool and Python API for issuing out and managing out security tokens.
This software is totally alpha. If you are do not have technical sophistication and you are not willing to sit out in a chat room to wait answer for your questions this is not for your do-it-yourself needs. Instead, contact to TokenMarket commercial support.
The tool and API gives technical developers ability to manage and integrate security token functionality:
- Issue out new stock series
- Printing out cap table
- Printing out my portfolio
- Reverting transactions
- Paying dividends
- Delivering voting ballots
In theory the APIs are backend neutral, but only EVM compatible chains are supported at the moment.
We currently support
- In-house Ethereum based tokens
We are looking to expand support to other networks (EOS) and other token models (Polymath) as soon as we establish proper partnerships.
- Python 3.6
- Ethereum node (local Go Ethereum / local Parity / Infura)
- UNIX command line experience
Security token interaction happens through a command line sto command that connects to an Ethereum network node and a local database. This command is written in Python.
Normal user instructions are not yet available. Please refer to developer instructions.
Create Python virtual environment.
Then within the activated venv do:
pip install -e "git+"
Below are short instructions how to set up an Ethereum node, account and configuration file for a testnet (no real money involved) to test out tokens.
First install geth or Parity. For example on OSX:
brew install parity
Start Parity in another terminal and connect it to Kovan test network:
parity --chain=kovan
Parity will now sync you to Kovan network using warp (fast mode). This will take up to two hours. You can continue to follow instructions below.
To start playing with tokenised ahsers
Create an Ethereum account:
sto --network=kovan ethereum-create-account
This will give you a new raw private key and related Ethereum address to play with:
Corporate governance tool for security tokens, version 0.1 - Copyright TokenMarket Ltd. 2018 Creating new Ethereum account. Account address: 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 Account private key: 3fac35a57e1e2867290ae37d54c5de61d52644b42819ce6af0c5a9c25f4c...
Now create a file myconfig.ini and add the content:
# Your personal configuration file as we told you on Github example # "kovan" or "ethereum" network = kovan # Where to connect for Parity or Geth JSON-RPC API ethereum-node-url = http://localhost:8545 # The private key for your generated Ethereum account ethereum-private-key = 3fac35a57e1e2867290ae37d54c5de61d52644b42819ce6af0c5a9c25f4c....
Visit Kovan faucet and request some Kovan ETH (KETH) on your account you just created.
Test that your account has balance and Parity node works:
sto --config-file=myconfig.ini diagnose
This should output:
Attempting to connect to Ethereum node http://localhost:8545 Connected to Ethereum node software Parity-Ethereum//v2.1.6-stable-491f17f-20181114/x86_64-macos/rustc1.30.1 Current Ethereum node block number: 9462884, last block 2 seconds ago Using private key 3fa... Address 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 has ETH balance of 1.000000 All systems ready to fire
Before issuing out stock you need to have set up a functional Ethereum account like described above.
To issue out stock you need to give stock name, ticker symbol and amount of shares:
sto --config-file=myconfig.ini issue --symbol=STO --name="Mikko's magic corp" --amount=10000
You will get a list of Ethereum transactions needed to perform this operation:
STO tool, version 0.1 - Copyright TokenMarket Ltd. 2018 Using database /Users/moo/code/tm2/sto/transactions.sqlite Prepared transactions for broadcasting for network kovan TXID Status Nonce From To Note ------ -------- ------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- waiting 1 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0x3cD6f4004e310c0E5Ae7eaf5B698386ccF1d78F2 Token contract for Mikko's magic corp waiting 2 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0x1abECD8dF601e6e56eca99Ec1F1c50eEAe61B289 Unrestricted transfer manager for Mikko's magic corp waiting 3 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0x3cD6f4004e310c0E5Ae7eaf5B698386ccF1d78F2 Setting security token transfer manager for Mikko's magic corp waiting 4 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0x3cD6f4004e310c0E5Ae7eaf5B698386ccF1d78F2 Creating 10000 initial shares for Mikko's magic corp
Ethereum transactions are first written to a local SQlite database. A separate step of broadcasting transactions is needed in order to write the data to Ethereum blockchain. Furthermore local database allows us to add human friendly annotations for transactions, so that diagnostics and future audits are easy.
Using a local database and locally generated nonces ensures we can always safely rebroadcast transactions and issue out new transactions even under severe network conditions.
To broadcast:
sto --config-file=myconfig.ini tx-broadcast
Transactions are send out to Ethereum network and they get a transaction id. You will see txid in output:
Using database /Users/moo/code/tm2/sto/transactions.sqlite Pending 5 transactions for broadcasting in network kovan Our address 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 has ETH balance of 0.955684 for operations TXID Status and block Nonce From To Note ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- 0x6bb9755f492f9d4497457df0da8cfd91ab32efaad7bb67444f4e2e00351e9427 broadcasted 74 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xdaE00e2fbD21924443e133E14A9206CeDC046824 Deploying token contract for Moobar 0xefd6ad3b3c8a8364b315b6c73667baf6d657493d8dad14423b41a32b22444d60 broadcasted 75 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0x533FeDE8F86C3e8a7923fEa4f55007f25AF5db30 Deploying unrestricted transfer policy for Moobar 0x4d31a1d15c1f479c48a21798f5d81d275b34b3fa8cbf9e450dc2ad20b0001e41 broadcasted 76 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xdaE00e2fbD21924443e133E14A9206CeDC046824 Whitelisting deployment account for Moobar issuer control 0xe45a64c71a42100858b9880c40a59e7728fb4c5a11adf14ff509323fc08f21de broadcasted 77 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xdaE00e2fbD21924443e133E14A9206CeDC046824 Making transfer restriction policy for Moobar effective 0x948b9925f8afe134b39e8c3384c51e0027c839a9737b6307ab77419992b293c7 broadcasted 78 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xdaE00e2fbD21924443e133E14A9206CeDC046824 Creating 10000 initial shares for Moobar Run sto tx-update to monitor your transaction propagation status
Blockchain transactions are asynchronous. First the transactions are broadcasted to the network. The transactions propagade from a node to a node until a miner node decides to include your transactions in a block.
tx-update command will read tranactions from network and update the local database for pending transasctions. It will also detect if a transaction has failed e.g. due to smart contract permission errors.
To check your transaction status:
sto --config-file=myconfig.ini tx-update
After a while repeating this command you should see all your transactions included in blockchain with success status:
STO tool, version 0.1 - Copyright TokenMarket Ltd. 2018 Using database /Users/moo/code/tm2/sto/transactions.sqlite TXID Status and block Nonce From To Note ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- 0x4bd273895b21a3b57e93113c26895ea142f989cde13ff0c23bb330de1889238a success:9513331 70 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xc48DA079aab7FEf3a2476B493f904509d1891Fa3 Deploying unrestricted transfer policy for Doobar 0xc5bb03a49bdc58cecb0ad36ff7f1aac84e29b08c2ed67c17d7ecab2f55d63c54 success:9513331 71 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xC423aCf9757c25048E0f10F21A4eC6a1322b4299 Whitelisting deployment account for Doobar issuer control 0xbbe0e59db71839b4b7cf7c8ac082c9204513243d3ae3ca38c98b8d443f9699ed success:9513331 72 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xC423aCf9757c25048E0f10F21A4eC6a1322b4299 Making transfer restriction policy for Doobar effective 0x565eda7f18c9d05255b3f29c9d677734bbdb97e25d62d10d1033208030dda0a7 success:9513331 73 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 0xC423aCf9757c25048E0f10F21A4eC6a1322b4299 Creating 10000 initial shares for Doobar
You can also enter TXID to Kovan EtherScan explorer to see how your transactions are doing to check more information about your transactions.
After all your transactions have been pushed out and are succesfully included in blocks, you can view the token status:
sto --config-file=myconfig.ini token-status --address=0xa2016C64D4687Ad4184bA1dA98711e83a36eD1c2
This outputs:
STO tool, version 0.1 - Copyright TokenMarket Ltd. 2018 Using database /Users/moo/code/tm2/sto/transactions.sqlite Name: Boobar Symbol: STO Total supply: 10000 Decimals: 18 Owner: 0xDE5bC059aA433D72F25846bdFfe96434b406FA85 Transfer verified: 0x7598E970888F51d7D35468E50768Fa5F21B46Bb3