- I'm lazy enough to put screenshots, but I'll give you one while I'm making this repo! Here
- Fonts that I use here and there:
- Comic Code Medium (paid)
- Font Awesome 5 Free Regular
- Font Awesome 5 Free Solid
- Font Awesome 5 Brands Regular
- CaskaydiaCode Nerd Font
- API keys you gonna need if you wanna you use the related scripts and replace them in sample .env.api file here:
- IMGUR API KEY (for screenshot script) instructions
- GITHUB TOKEN WITH SCOPE FOR NOTIFICATIONS (github notifications in polybar) instructions
(ofcourse some are optional & replaceable)
- alacritty
- bspwm
- clipster
- dunst
- gtk theme
- neofetch
- pcmanfm
- picom
- polybar
- rofi
- screenkey
- scripts
- sxhkd
- tmux
- vim
- zathura
- zsh
- @@@ TODO