Appcelerator Titanium module adding native Android drawer layout support
사용법은 example/app.js를 참조바람
Download the latest distribution ZIP-file from Releases and consult the Titanium Documentation on how install it, or simply use the gitTio CLI:
$ gittio install com.tripvi.drawerlayout
Ricardo Alcocer has created a demo app:
Titanium SDK >= 3.3.0
From Titanium SDK 3.3.0 and up it is possible to enable the hamburger button next to the app icon in the actionbar. Just add drawerIndicatorEnabled
to the configuration object when creating the drawer:
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
drawerIndicatorEnabled: true
version >= 1.1.0
The ActionBar home Icon click
event is handled outside of the module, because the Activity should be sub-classed to override onOptionsItemSelected(). To open the left drawer add the following code in the open
eventlistener function of your Window:
win.activity.actionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected = function() {
Requires Titanium Mobile SDK >= 3.3.0
version >=1.0.2
Both left and right drawers are supported. To enable right drawer support, set 'rightView' and 'rightDrawerWidth' of drawer view:
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
rightView: filterView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
rightDrawerWidth: "120dp",
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL
You can assign these properties at any time. Right drawer will only be created when it is needed. (Same applies to left drawer support).
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
drawer.rightView = filterView;
drawer.rightDrawerWidth = "120dp";
The draweropen
event specifies which drawer has been opened:
drawer.addEventListener('draweropen', function(e) {
if (e.drawer == "left") {
// left drawer is open
} else if (e.drawer == "right") {
// right drawer is open
Check android support library v4 version in the titanium sdk installation, and replace android support v4 library jar file to the latest version.
for osx ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.2.0.GA/android
the current (2014/april/15) file size of android-support-v4.jar is 648kb
support library would be found in your android sdk path: {install path}/android/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar
PS: Titanium SDK >= 3.3 already use the new android-support-v4.jar
##Building module in Titanium Studio
- Clone repository
- Create .project folder
- Create .apt_generated
- Create build/.apt_generated
- Create .classpath file using .classpath.example as template and:
- replace {ANDROID_SDK_PATH} by your Android SDK folder
- replace {APPLICATION_SUPPORT_PATH_WHERE_TITANIUM_LIVES} by appropriated path (ex: /Users/dirlei/Library/Application Support)
- replace {TITANIUM_SDK_VERSION} by your desired Ti SDK version (ex: 3.3.0.RC)
- Create using as template and:
- replace {ANDROID_SDK_PATH} by your Android SDK folder
- replace {APPLICATION_SUPPORT_PATH_WHERE_TITANIUM_LIVES} by appropriated path (ex: /Users/dirlei/Library/Application Support)
- replace {TITANIUM_SDK_VERSION} by your desired Ti SDK version (ex: 3.3.0.RC)
- Import project on Titanium Studio (File/Import/Existing Projects into Workspace, select folder where you cloned repository, Finish)
- Build module (select module project, right click, Publish/Package)
<Window id="mainWindow" platform="android" navBarHidden="true">
<!-- add header bar here -->
<TableView id="menuTable">
<TableViewRow>Item 1</TableViewRow>
<TableViewRow>Item 2</TableViewRow>
<!-- main page content here -->
// Android only
// Load module
var TiDrawerLayout = require('com.tripvi.drawerlayout');
// define menu and main content view
var menuTable = Alloy.createController('menu').getView();
var contentView = Alloy.createController('main').getView();
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL
drawer.addEventListener('draweropen', function(e) {
// drawer is open
drawer.addEventListener('drawerclose', function(e) {
// drawer is closed
drawer.addEventListener('drawerslide', function(e) {
// drawer is sliding
// slide offset: e.offset