The DeepFM algorithm adds a depth layer to the FM (Factorization Machine). Compared with the PNN and NFM algorithms, it preserves the second-order implicit feature intersection of FM and uses the deep network to obtain high-order feature intersections. The structure is as follows:
Different from the traditional FM implementation, the combination of Embedding and BiInnerSumCross is used to implement the second-order implicit crossover. The expression of the traditional FM quadratic cross term is as follows::
In implementation, it is stored by Embedding, After calling Embedding's 'calOutput', computing and output result together. So the Embedding output of a sample is
The result of the original quadratic term can be re-expressed as::
The above is BiInnerSumCross's forward calculation method, which is implemented by Scala code:
val sumVector = VFactory.denseDoubleVector(mat.getSubDim)
(0 until batchSize).foreach { row =>
val partitions = mat.getRow(row).getPartitions
partitions.foreach { vectorOuter =>
data(row) -=
data(row) +=
data(row) /= 2
- SimpleInputLayer: Sparse data input layer, specially optimized for sparse high-dimensional data, essentially a FClayer
- FCLayer: The most common layer in DNN, linear transformation followed by transfer function
- SumPooling: Adding multiple input data as element-wise, requiring inputs have the same shape
- SimpleLossLayer: Loss layer, you can specify different loss functions
override def buildNetwork(): Unit = {
val wide = new SimpleInputLayer("input", 1, new Identity(),
JsonUtils.getOptimizerByLayerType(jsonAst, "SparseInputLayer")
val embeddingParams = JsonUtils.getLayerParamsByLayerType(jsonAst, "Embedding")
val embedding = new Embedding("embedding", embeddingParams.outputDim,
val innerSumCross = new BiInnerSumCross("innerSumPooling", embedding)
val mlpLayer = JsonUtils.getFCLayer(jsonAst, embedding)
val join = new SumPooling("sumPooling", 1, Array[Layer](wide, innerSumCross, mlpLayer))
new SimpleLossLayer("simpleLossLayer", join, lossFunc)
There are many parameters of DeepFM, which need to be specified by Json configuration file (for a complete description of Json configuration file, please refer toJson explanation), A typical example is:(see data)
"data": {
"format": "dummy",
"indexrange": 148,
"numfield": 13,
"validateratio": 0.1,
"sampleratio": 0.2
"model": {
"modelsize": 148
"train": {
"epoch": 10,
"numupdateperepoch": 10,
"lr": 0.5,
"decayclass": "StandardDecay",
"decaybeta": 0.01
"default_optimizer": "Momentum",
"layers": [
"name": "wide",
"type": "simpleinputlayer",
"outputdim": 1,
"transfunc": "identity"
"name": "embedding",
"type": "embedding",
"numfactors": 8,
"outputdim": 104,
"optimizer": {
"type": "momentum",
"momentum": 0.9,
"reg2": 0.01
"name": "fclayer",
"type": "FCLayer",
"outputdims": [
"transfuncs": [
"inputlayer": "embedding"
"name": "biinnersumcross",
"type": "BiInnerSumCross",
"inputlayer": "embedding",
"outputdim": 1
"name": "sumPooling",
"type": "SumPooling",
"outputdim": 1,
"inputlayers": [
"name": "simplelosslayer",
"type": "simplelosslayer",
"lossfunc": "logloss",
"inputlayer": "sumPooling"
$ANGEL_HOME/bin/angel-submit \ DeepFM \
--action.type train \ $runner \ $modelClass \ $input_path \ $model_path \
--angel.log.path $log_path \
--angel.workergroup.number $workerNumber \ $workerMemory \
--angel.worker.task.number $taskNumber \ $PSNumber \ $PSMemory \
--angel.output.path.deleteonexist true \ $storageLevel \ $taskMemory \
--angel.worker.env "LD_PRELOAD=./" \ $deepfm_json_path \
For the deep learning model, its data, training and network configuration should be specified with the Json file first. Resources such as: worker,ps depend on detail dataset.