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The ./go script: a unified development environment interface

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A ./go script aims to abstract away many of the steps needed to develop (and sometimes deploy) a software project. It is a replacement for READMEs and other documents that may become out-of-date, and when maintained properly, should provide a cohesive and discoverable interface for common project tasks.

This framework was inspired by:

Note: Not to be confused with the Go programming language. This convention is completely unrelated, though it does bear a great deal of resemblance to the Go language's go command.

Table of contents

Environment setup

To run a ./go script that uses this module, or to add it to your own project, you must have Bash version 3.2 or greater installed on your system. Run bash --version to make sure Bash is in your PATH and is a compatible version. You should see output like this:

GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin15)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

If you do not see this, follow the instructions in the Installing Bash section later in this document.

Note: While Bash is required to run this framework, your individual command scripts can be in any other interpreted language.

How to use this framework

First you'll need a copy of this framework available in your project sources. Archives are available at:

You can also add this repository to your project as a Git submodule:

$ git submodule add <target-dir>
$ git commit -m 'Add go-script-bash framework'
$ git submodule update --init

where <target-dir> is any point inside your project directory structure that you prefer.

Then create a bash script in the root directory of your project to act as the main ./go script. This script need not be named go, but it must contain the following as the first and last executable lines, respectively:

. "${0%/*}/go-core.bash" "scripts"
@go "$@"


  • "${0%/*}" produces the path to the project's root directory
  • go-core.bash is the path to the file of the same name imported from this repository
  • scripts is the path to the directory holding your project's command scripts relative to the project root

Directory structure

The ./go script changes to the project root directory before executing any commands. That means every command script you write will also run within the project root directory, so every relative file and directory path will be interpreted as relative to the project root.

Your project structure may look something like this:

  go - main go script
  scripts/ - project scripts
    plugins/ - (optional) third-party command scripts (see `./go help plugins`)
      go-core.bash - top-level functions
      lib/ - utility functions
      libexec/ - builtin subcommands

This structure implies that the first line of your ./go script will be:

. "${0%/*}/scripts/go-script-bash/go-core.bash" "scripts/bin"

The precedence for discovering commands is:

  • aliases/builtins (provided by this framework)
  • plugins (in scripts/plugins above)
  • project scripts (in scripts above)

Command scripts

Each command script for your project residing in the scripts directory must adhere to the following conditions:

  • No filename extensions.
  • It must be executable, with a #! (a.k.a. "she-bang") line. The interpreter name will be parsed from this line, whether it is an absolute path (#!/bin/bash) or is of the form: #!/usr/bin/env bash.
  • If scripts/parent is a command script, subcommand scripts must reside within a directory named: scripts/parent.d.

Scripts can use any interpreted language available on the host system; they need not be written in Bash. Bash scripts will be sourced (i.e. imported into the same process running the ./go script itself). Other languages will use the PATH environment variable to discover the interpreter for the script.

Command summaries and help text

The builtin ./go help command will parse command script summaries and help text from the header comment block of each script. Run ./go help help to learn more about the formatting rules.

Tab completion

By evaluating the value of ./go env - within your shell, all builtin commands and aliases provide automatic tab completion of file, directory, and other arguments. If an implementation isn't available for your shell (within lib/env/), it's very easy to add one. Feel free to open an issue or, better yet, send a pull request!

To learn the API for adding tab completion to your own command scripts, run ./go help complete. You can also learn by reading the scripts for the builtin commands.

Including common code

There are a number of possible methods available for sharing code between command scripts. Some possibilities are:

  • Include common code and constants in the top-level ./go script, after sourcing go-core.bash and before calling @go.
  • Source a file in the same directory that isn't executable.
  • Source a file in a child directory that may not have a name of the form: parent.d.
  • Source files from a dedicated directory relative to $_GO_ROOTDIR, e.g.:
    . "path/to/lib/"
  • Subcommand scripts can source the parent command via:
    . "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%.d/*}"

Command script API

Any script in any language can invoke other command scripts by running ./go <command> [args..]. In Bash, however, you can also invoke the @go function directly as @go <command> [args...].

The @go and @go.printf functions are available to command scripts written in Bash, as Bash command scripts are sourced rather than run using another language interpreter.

The _GO_ROOTDIR, _GO_SCRIPT, and COLUMNS environment variables are exported and available to scripts in all languages.


You can add third-party plugin command scripts to the plugins subdirectory of your scripts directory. Run ./go help plugins for more information.

Feedback and contributions

Feel free to comment on or file a new GitHub issue or otherwise ping @mbland with any questions or comments you may have, especially if the current documentation hasn't addressed your needs.

If you'd care to contribute to this project, be it code fixes, documentation updates, or new features, please read the CONTRIBUTING file.

Installing Bash

If you're using a flavor of UNIX (e.g. Linux, OS X), you likely already have a suitable version of Bash already installed and available. If not, use your system's package manager to install it.

On Windows, the Git for Windows, MSYS2 and Cygwin distributions all ship with a version of Bash. On Windows 10, you can also use the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Updating your PATH environment variable

Once you've installed bash, your PATH environment variable must include its installation directory. On UNIX, you can add it in the appropriate initialization file for your shell; look up your shell documentation for details.

On Windows, in most cases, you'll use the terminal program that ships with Git for Windows, MSYS2, or Cygwin, or you'll invoke the Windows System for Linux environment by entering bash in a built-in Command Prompt window. These terminals automatically set PATH so that Bash is available.

However, if you want to use the Git, MSYS2, or Cygwin bash from the built-in Command Prompt window, open the Start menu and navigate to Windows System > Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings. Click the Environment Variables... button, select PATH, and add the directory containing your bash installation. The likely paths for each environment are:

  • Git: C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\
  • MSYS2: C:\msys64\usr\bin\
  • Cygwin: C:\cygwin64\bin\

To use one of these paths temporarily within a Command Prompt window, you can run the following:

C:\path\to\my\go-script-bash> set PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\;%PATH%

# To verify:
C:\path\to\my\go-script-bash> echo %PATH%
C:\path\to\my\go-script-bash> where bash

# To run the tests:
C:\path\to\my\go-script-bash> bash ./go test

It should not be necessary to set Bash as your default shell. On Windows, however, you may wish to execute the bash command to run it as your shell before executing the ./go script or any other Bash scripts, to avoid having to run it as bash ./go every time.

Recommended utilities

The framework as-is does not require any other external tools. However, in order for the automatic command help and output formatting to work, you'll need the following utilities installed:

  • fold (coreutils)
  • tput (ncurses) on Linux, OS X, UNIX; should be present on Windows

Open Source License

This software is made available as Open Source software under the ISC License. For the text of the license, see the LICENSE file.

Prior work

This is a Bash-based alternative to the 18F/go_script Ruby implementation.