Kind: Sorting algorithm
Can work in-place: Yes
Stable: No
Time complexity: O(n log n)
function sort(inputValues: List)
for i ← n to 1 do
interchange(inputValues[1], inputValues[i])
n ← n - 1
heapify(inputValues, 1)
end for
end function
function buildMaxHeap(inputValues: List)
n ← |inputValues|
for i ← floor(n / 2) to 1 do
heapify(inputValues, i)
end for
end function
function heapify(inputValues: List, i: Integer)
left ← 2 * i
right ← 2 * i + 1
n ← |inputValues|
if left <= n and inputValues[left] > inputValues[i] then
max ← left
max ← i
if right <= n and inputValues[right] > inputValeus[max]
max ← right
if max != i then
interchange(inputValues[i], inputValues[max])
end function
© Marc Auberer 2020