- postgres -> OK
- mysql -> OK
- mariadb -> OK
- mongodb -> OK
- elasticsearch -> OK
- sqlite -> OK
- couchdb -> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- riak-> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- orientdb -> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- couchbase -> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- cassandra -> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- solr -> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- hadoop -> Docker ok, but need nodejs code
- arangodb -> Not ok
- scaledb -> Not ok
- iotdb -> Not ok
- memsql -> Not ok
- leveldb -> Not ok
- simpledb -> Not ok
- Research bigtable
- Research dremel BigQuery google
- Research influxdb
- Research fluentd
- Research logstash / splunk
Clone repo and entry dir:
git clone https://github.com/marcelomf/benchmark
cd benchmark/db
Create your uri.txt file with password of databases(see the password with docker logs command):
vim|nano|joe uri.txt
Create docker containers based in uri.txt file:
sudo su -c "./build_env.sh force"
Run your benchmark:
sudo ./benchmark.sh [xml|csv] [directory|file] > benchmark.log 2>&1
Grep your log and generate statistics csv:
./grep_log.sh benchmark.log