Sample project
- Installed .NET Core SDK 2.1
From command line execute dotnet build
From command line execute dotnet run
docker build -f src/AspNetCoreExample/Dockerfile .
docker run -p 80:80 <name of container>
docker run -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=ContractTests" -p 80:80 <name of container>
http://localhost/swagger - swagger ui http://localhost/api-docs - redoc
Publish process produces binaries of the application
dotnet restore
dotnet publich -c Release
Default output dir for this application: src/AspNetCoreExample/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish
Beeing in project directory
dotnet run --no-launch-profile appName
Beeing in publish directory
dotnet .\AspNetCoreExample.dll appName