Covers pack for webMAN MOD, sMAN, multiMAN, IRISMAN and ManaGunZ
- Modio - Browse, Download and Install Mods for PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360
- PS3HEN @ - Homebrew Enabler for all PS3 models (4.82,4.84-4.88)
- BGToolset @ - CFW Patches for CFW compatible models (4.80-4.88)
- EvilNat's CFW 4.88 Cobra 8.3 - Latest CFW for PS3
- Rebug Toolbox + Rebug CFW 4.84 & 4.86
- Ultimate Toolbox by DeViL303 - Collection of XMB and PS3 system modifications applied easily from XMB menus.
- PS3 Game Updates
- PS3 IRD Database
- PS2 Config Database
- PS3 Virtual Gamepad
- PS3 Artemis Codelist Database
- webMAN Web Commands
@rhynec has prepared two github repos which provide pre-compiled PSL1GHT toolchains:
- SDK-Mirror: Mirrored and re-packaged pre-compiled toolchains from various authors.
- SDK-Build: Automated builds of the PSL1GHT toolchain, with the psdk variant meant as a re-creation of PSDK3v2 for Linux (using gcc 4), and the ps3dev-latest variant being a working build of latest ps3dev sources (using an older commit to PSL1GHT, since newer commits seems to break builds).