Source code: ./minigrep
To learn the basics of the Pipes library, w
we will create our own grep
-like command-line
tool: minigrep
Its behavior is simple: you invoke it from the command line passing a regular expression as a first argument, and a set of files as subsequent arguments.
Minigrep will read all the lines in the files and, for each line matching the provided pattern, it will print the matching line as well as the file containing it.
If no files are provider, Minigrep will process the text lines from the standard input.
$ minigrep
usage: minigrep pattern [file ...]
$ minigrep chan *.go
minigrep.go: return func(out chan<- *os.File) {
minigrep.go:func FileScanner(in <-chan *os.File, out chan<- FileLine) {
minigrep.go: return func(in <-chan FileLine, out chan<- FileLine) {
minigrep.go:func Printer(in <-chan FileLine) {
$ echo "Hello! This is a minigrep demo.
not all the lines are going to be printed
only those containing hello" | minigrep "[Hh]ello"
Hello! This is a minigrep demo.
only those containing hello
The Pipes library allows to define and connect processing nodes that run independently and might receive and/or send information from/to other nodes in the pipeline.
Based on that building blocks, we could decompose the Minigrep application in the following Nodes:
- A node that, given a list of file names, opens them for reading and forwards their file descriptors to the next stage of the processing pipeline. We will name this node as File Finder.
- A node that receives the file descriptors and, for each file descriptor, reads its text contents line by line, and forwards each line individually to the next pipeline stage. This node is named File Scanner.
- A node that, receiving individual text lines, checks if they match the user-provided regular expression pattern. It will forward to the next pipeline stage only the matching lines. This node is named Match Filter.
- A node that just receives text lines and prints them to the standard output. We will name it Printer.
flowchart TD;
F[File<br/>Finder] --> |file descriptors| S[File<br/>Scanner]
S --> |file name/text line| M[Match<br/>Filter]
M --> |file name/text line<br/>matching the pattern| P[Printer]
Each processing node is defined by a function that has an input channel to receive the information, or an output channel to forward the information, or both. The input and output channels don't have to be of the same type.
Depending on the position of the node of each node in the pipeline or graph of nodes, there are three types of nodes:
Start nodes read or generate the data to be submitted to the pipeline. They are composed by a function with only an output channel, defined generically as:
type StartFunc[OUT any] func(out chan<- OUT)
In the previous diagram, the File Finder is a start node, as it transforms the user-provided arguments into file descriptors and forwards them to the pipeline.
Final nodes receive information via an input channel and takes it out of the pipeline. Their internal function is defined generically as:
type FinalFunc[IN any] func(in <-chan IN)
In the example diagram, the Printer is a final node, as it receives text lines from the pipeline and prints them to the standard output (but doesn't forward them to any other further node).
Middle nodes are placed between start, final, and other middle nodes. They have both input and output channels, and they usually transform, filter or convert the input data before forwarding it to the next node. Their internal function is defined generically as:
type MiddleFunc[IN, OUT any] func(in <-chan IN, out chan<- OUT)
Each pipeline or graph must have at least one start node and one final node.
Before keep investigating on how nodes are connected, let's first code the individual nodes.
The File finder node requires a slice of file names as input argument, but the
above StartFunc
definition only accepts an output channel as argument.
To overcome this, we will create a function that accepts the list of files, and
returns a StartFunc
implementation that will be invoked later by the pipes' library.
// FileFinder opens the files passed as argument and forwards them to the next
// pipeline stage.
// If the file is not found or can't be opened, it just prints a message in the
// standard error.
func FileFinder(files []string) pipe.StartFunc[*os.File] {
return func(out chan<- *os.File) {
// if no file patterns are provided, minigrep filters standard input
if len(files) == 0 {
out <- os.Stdin
for _, fname := range files {
if handler, err := os.Open(fname); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", fname, err.Error())
} else {
out <- handler
The file scanner node function is simpler, as it does not require extra arguments rather than the input channel where it receives the file handlers from the previous stage, and the output channel where it forwards the lines.
Observe that:
- The input and output types are different. A Middle node can change the data type.
- For each input item, many output items can be generated.
// FileLine stores a line match.
type FileLine struct {
// FileName of the file where the match is found.
// Might be empty if minigrep is reading from the standard input.
FileName string
// Actual line that matches the user-provided regular expression
Line string
// FileScanner reads all the lines of each received file, and forwards them as
// FileLine instances to the next pipeline stage.
func FileScanner(in <-chan *os.File, out chan<- FileLine) {
for f := range in {
var fileName string
if f != os.Stdin {
fileName = f.Name()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
out <- FileLine{
FileName: fileName,
Line: scanner.Text(),
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error reading %s: %s\n",
f.Name(), err.Error())
if f != os.Stdin {
The printer node is, like the File Scanner, just a FinalFunc
direct implementation,
as it does not require more arguments than the input channel where it receives
instances to print.
func Printer(in <-chan FileLine) {
for l := range in {
// if there is no file name, we are reading from standard input,
// so we don't print it
if l.FileName != "" {
fmt.Printf("%s:", l.FileName)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", l.Line)
The previous functions, if they are well coded, can't fail, so we can instantiate them directly and add them to the pipeline (as we will see later).
However, there are some scenarios where the instantiation of a node should fail. For example, if the user provided a wrongly formed regular expression, the Match filter node should fail at instantiation time. And, in consequence, the whole pipeline instantiation should fail.
For this scenario, the Pipes library defines the concept of Provider,
which is a function that might return a StartFunc
, MiddleFunc
or FinalFunc
or an error. If a provider returns an error, the pipeline creation will be
Their signatures are:
type StartProvider[OUT any] func() (StartFunc[OUT], error)
type MiddleProvider[IN, OUT any] func() (MiddleFunc[IN, OUT], error)
type FinalProvider[IN any] func() (FinalFunc[IN], error)
Providers will also help creating nodes that conditionally are instantiated and connected or disabled, depending on the configuration. But this functionality will be covered in another tutorial.
Match filter provider requires, as argument, the regular expression that
the user provided. If it is wrongly formatted, it should return an error.
Then the MatchFilterProvider
function will return a MiddleProvider
of a simple MiddleFunc
func MatchFilterProvider(regexPattern string) pipe.MiddleProvider[FileLine, FileLine] {
return func() (pipe.MiddleFunc[FileLine, FileLine], error) {
matcher, err := regexp.Compile(regexPattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse pattern %q as regular expression: %w",
regexPattern, err)
return func(in <-chan FileLine, out chan<- FileLine) {
for line := range in {
if matcher.MatchString(line.Line) {
out <- line
}, nil
Observe that it might happen that the number of outputs will equal or lesser to the number of inputs. It even could be zero.
The Pipeline (which could grow in complexity to be a Graph) needs to be defined
into a data type composed by auxiliary generic types named pipe.Start[OUT]
and pipe.Final[IN]
. Each of them are placeholders that
will point to an instance of the node.
Then let's start to define the MiniGrepNodes
structure that will hold the
different nodes of our minigrep
type MiniGrepNodes struct {
fileFinder pipe.Start[*os.File]
fileScanner pipe.Middle[*os.File, FileLine]
matchFilter pipe.Middle[FileLine, FileLine]
printer pipe.Final[FileLine]
The MiniGrepNodes
structure, as well as any other structure used to define
a pipeline or map of nodes, needs to implement the following interface:
type NodesMap interface {
// Connect runs the code that connects the nodes of a pipeline. It is invoked
// by the Builder before returning the pipeline Runner.
This interface makes use of the SendTo
method that Start
and Middle
node types
provide, to indicate how to connect a node with its output.
Let's then implement the NodesMap
interface to let MinigrepNodes
inform how its
nodes are connected:
func (n *MiniGrepNodes) Connect() {
Observe that if you tried to connect, for example, the fileFinder
to the printer
you would receive a compilation error because the output type of fileFinder
is different to the input type of printer
First, we need to create a pipeline Builder, with the pipe.NewBuilder
function that
needs to receive a NodesMap
implementation. In our case, a pointer to a MiniGrepNodes
builder := pipe.NewBuilder(&MiniGrepNodes{})
Now, we use the AddStart
, AddMiddle
and AddFinal
func to add the instances of
, MiddleFunc
and FinalFunc
that we previously defined.
These functions require two arguments:
- A function that receives a
instance (because it's the type that we used in theNewBuilder
invocation) and returns a pointer to the field that is going to be populated by the second argument. - A
that will run inside theStart
node, respectively.
For the sake of code cleanliness, we can write somewhere else some functions
that will be used to return pointers to each field of the MiniGrepNodes
func finderPtr(f *MiniGrepNodes) *pipe.Start[*os.File] { return &f.fileFinder }
func scannerPtr(f *MiniGrepNodes) *pipe.Middle[*os.File, FileLine] { return &f.fileScanner }
func matcherPtr(f *MiniGrepNodes) *pipe.Middle[FileLine, FileLine] { return &f.matchFilter }
func printerPtr(f *MiniGrepNodes) *pipe.Final[FileLine] { return &f.printer }
Then we can invoke AddStart
, AddMiddle
and AddFinal
pipe.AddStart(builder, finderPtr, FileFinder(os.Args[2:]))
pipe.AddMiddle(builder, scannerPtr, FileScanner)
pipe.AddFinal(builder, printerPtr, Printer)
If you try to pass the MatchFilterProvider
function invocation to the AddMiddle
function, you will get a compiler error. Providers need to be passed to the builder
with the analogue AddStartProvider
, AddMiddleProvider
and AddFinalProvider
pipe.AddMiddleProvider(builder, matcherPtr, MatchFilterProvider(os.Args[1]))
Once that the builder has all the information of the graph, its Build
will return a pipe.Runner
instance. If any of the providers returned an error
(for example, if the user provided a wrong regular expression), the Build
method will return that error.
runner, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("minigrep:", err.Error())
The Start
method of the runner instance will start the pipeline
in a background goroutine.
That means that, since the main
function of our example doesn't do
anything else, we need to invoke the Done
method of the runner, that
returns a channel that is closed when the pipeline processes all the input.
The pipes library basically instantiates each provided node in a separate goroutine and instantiates and shares the channels. It also makes sure that each channel is closed when a node function exits, so the channels of the consecutive nodes can end.
In the simple example of this tutorial, it would just seem that you are changing some channel instantiation and connection boilerplate by some pipes library boilerplate, and you would be partially right. But for more advanced scenarios, the pipes library brings some powerful options that we will describe in future tutorials:
- Manages the shared access to channels when a node sends information to multiple destination nodes; or when receives information from multiple source nodes. Making sure that channels aren't closed until all the sources have ended.
- Allows that a node sends data to multiple nodes, and all the nodes receive the same data; as opposite to Go channels, which would split the data across the destination nodes.
- Facilitates the dynamic composition of pipelines and graphs, as Node providers might also be disabled to bypass the data.