This folder has been populated with initial templates to help get you started with the module creation process. Please make sure to update this folder and all its associated files and folders by following the guidelines provided in the OEA Module Creation Kit document. To review an example of an Advanced OEA Module, check out the Microsoft Education Insights module.
Provide an overview of the module.
Define the problem you seek to solve using this module, and list out the impact and benefits this module will have on learners, educators and the learning process.
Explanation of how to use the module: prerequisites (like subscriptions), what types of data transfer services can be used to ingest in OEA, simple overview of implementation, etc.
Description of data sources: what it is used for, data available, data format and possible use cases or OEA packages it can be used for.
Sample out-of-the box assets for this OEA module include:
- Pipeline for ingesting data into the data lake and automating the various stages of the process.
- Notebook for cleaning, transforming, anonymizing and enriching the data.
- Test Data with artificially generated test data which supports the module pipeline and Power BI template.
- PowerBI Template for exploring, visualizing and deriving insights from the data.
[include links to any other assets like tutorials, test data, etc you are providing as part of this module.]
Dashboard Explanation | Sample Dashboard Page |
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The [name of module] module welcome contributions.
This module was developed by [name of contributor] in partnership with [name of education system, if any]. The architecture and reference implementation for all modules is built on Azure Synapse Analytics - with Azure Data Lake Storage as the storage backbone, and Azure Active Directory providing the role-based access control.
Provide any additional information and resources.
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