Lino Network is a decentralized autonomous content community, where all means of production are self-governed by all members, ensuring all content value is directly distributed to content creators and affiliated contributors without going through a dominative middleman.
In order to build an autonomous content community, a widely acknowledged protocol should be accepted and executed by the whole community in decentralized way. Any centralized behavior will lead to the conflict of interest between centralized service provider and content creator.
Based on above assumption, we propose the Lino Core, which implements our autonomous centent community protocol based on user behaviors in decentralized way. It aims to support all related applications and accurately evaluates and rewards all contents and community contributors using the blockchain cryptocurrency: LINO. All value exchanges in the Lino community will occur through LINO and all user behaviors within the Lino community will be recorded and maintained by the Lino Blockchain. All behaviours are transparent and unmodified.