AWS Go code generator
is designed to generate code for Go controllers. Working with AWS community, we
have added support to generate Crossplane controllers. The generated code covers
mostly AWS API related parts such as forProvider
fields in CRDs and conversion
functions between CRD and AWS Go SDK structs. The rest of the controller is very
similar to manually implemented ones; they use the same Crossplane managed
reconciler, CRDs follow the same patterns and all additional functionalities of
Crossplane are supported.
Most of the generated code is ready to go but there are places where we need Crossplane-specific functionality, or some hacks to work around non-generic behavior of the AWS API.
This guide shows how to get a new resource support up and running step by step.
This is the very first step. You need to clone code generator from AWS and run the following command in the root directory:
go run -tags codegen cmd/ack-generate/main.go crossplane <ServiceID> --provider-dir <provider-aws directory>
Full ServiceID
list is found here.
For example, in order to generate Lambda resources, you need to use lambda
Service ID. Here is an example call:
go run -tags codegen cmd/ack-generate/main.go crossplane dynamodb --provider-dir /Users/username/go/src/
The first run will take a while since it clones AWS SDK. Once it is completed,
you'll see new folders in apis
and pkg/controller
directories. By default,
it generates every resource it can recognize but that's not what you want if you'd
like to add support for only a few resources. In order to ignore some of the
generated resources, you need to create a apis/<serviceid>/v1alpha1/generator-config.yaml
file with the following content:
- DBInstance
- DBCluster
- <other CRD kinds you want to ignore>
When you re-run the generation with this configuration, existing files won't be
deleted. So you may want to delete everything in apis/<serviceid>/v1alpha1
and then re-run the command.
If this step fails for some reason, please raise an issue in code-generator and mention that you're using Crossplane pipeline.
After ACK generation process completes, we need to run Crossplane generation procedure
which includes kubebuilder and crossplane-tools processes. However, currently
there are some missing structs in apis/<serviceid>/v1alpha1
folder called
which we'll use in the next steps. For now, create a
file called apis/<serviceid>/v1alpha1/custom_types.go
with empty structs to get
the code to compile. For example, let's say you have a CRD whose kind is Stage
The empty struct would look like following:
// CustomStageParameters includes the custom fields of Stage.
type CustomStageParameters struct{}
Now the code compiles, run the following:
make generate
This command will first run kubebuilder generation tools which take care of
files and CRD YAMLs. Then it will run the generators in crossplane-tools that will createzz_generated.managed.go
files that help CRD structs satisfy the Go interfaces we use in crossplane-runtime.
There are a few things we need to implement manually since there is no support for their generation yet.
The generated controller needs to be registered with the main controller manager
of the provider. Create a file called pkg/controller/<serviceid>/setup.go
add the setup function like the following:
// SetupStage adds a controller that reconciles Stage.
func SetupStage(mgr ctrl.Manager, l logging.Logger, rl workqueue.RateLimiter) error {
name := managed.ControllerName(svcapitypes.StageGroupKind)
return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
RateLimiter: ratelimiter.NewDefaultManagedRateLimiter(rl),
managed.WithExternalConnecter(&connector{kube: mgr.GetClient()}),
managed.WithLogger(l.WithValues("controller", name)),
Now you need to make sure this function is called in setup phase here.
If the group didn't exist before, we need to register its schema here.
In Crossplane, fields whose value can be taken from another CRD have two additional
fields called *Ref
and *Selector
. At the moment, ACK doesn't know about them
so we add them manually.
You'll see that <CRDName>Parameters
struct has an inline field called Custom<CRDName>Parameters
whose struct we left empty earlier. We'll add the additional fields there.
Note that some fields are required and reference-able but we cannot mark them required
since when a reference is given, their value is resolved after the creation. In
such cases, we need to omit that field and put it under Custom<CRDName>Parameters
alongside with its referencer and selector fields. To ignore, you need to add the
following in generator-config.yaml
like the following:
- CreateRouteInput.ApiId
- DeleteRouteInput.ApiId
In this example, we don't want Route
resource to have a required ApiId
But in order to skip it, we need to make sure to ignore it in every API call like
above. In the future, we hope to mark it once but that's how it works right now.
Note that any field you ignore needs to be handled in the hook functions you'll define in the next steps.
We need to implement the resolver functions for every reference-able field. They
are mostly identical and you can see examples in the existing implementations like
Crossplane has the notion of external name that we put under annotations. It corresponds
to the identifier field of the resource in AWS SDK structs. We try to stick with
name if available and unique enough but sometimes have to fall back to ARN. The
requirement for a field to be external-name is that it should be sufficient to
make all the calls we need together with required fields. In Stage
case, it's
We need to ignore StageName
in generation and then inject the value of our annotation in its place in the SDK calls.
Likely, we need to do this injection before every SDK call. The following is an example for hook functions injected:
// SetupStage adds a controller that reconciles Stage.
func SetupStage(mgr ctrl.Manager, l logging.Logger, rl workqueue.RateLimiter) error {
name := managed.ControllerName(svcapitypes.StageGroupKind)
opts := []option{
func(e *external) {
e.preObserve = preObserve
e.preCreate = preCreate
e.preUpdate = preUpdate
e.preDelete = preDelete
return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
RateLimiter: ratelimiter.NewDefaultManagedRateLimiter(rl),
managed.WithExternalConnecter(&connector{kube: mgr.GetClient(), opts: opts}),
managed.WithLogger(l.WithValues("controller", name)),
func preObserve(_ context.Context, cr *svcapitypes.Stage, obj *svcsdk.DescribeStageInput) error {
obj.StageName = aws.String(meta.GetExternalName(cr))
return nil
func preCreate(_ context.Context, cr *svcapitypes.Stage, obj *svcsdk.CreateStageInput) error {
obj.StageName = aws.String(meta.GetExternalName(cr))
return nil
func preUpdate(_ context.Context, cr *svcapitypes.Stage, obj *svcsdk.UpdateStageInput) error {
obj.StageName = aws.String(meta.GetExternalName(cr))
return nil
func preDelete(_ context.Context, cr *svcapitypes.Stage, obj *svcsdk.DeleteStageInput) error {
obj.StageName = aws.String(meta.GetExternalName(cr))
return nil
If the external-name is decided by AWS after the creation, then you
need to inject postCreate
to set the crossplane resource external-name to
the unique identifier of the resource, for eg see apigatewayv2
You can discover what you can inject by inspecting zz_controller.go
Every managed resource needs to report its readiness. We'll do that in postObserve
call like the following:
func postObserve(_ context.Context, cr *svcapitypes.Backup, resp *svcsdk.DescribeBackupOutput, obs managed.ExternalObservation, err error) (managed.ExternalObservation, error) {
if err != nil {
return managed.ExternalObservation{}, err
switch aws.StringValue(resp.BackupDescription.BackupDetails.BackupStatus) {
case string(svcapitypes.BackupStatus_SDK_AVAILABLE):
case string(svcapitypes.BackupStatus_SDK_CREATING):
case string(svcapitypes.BackupStatus_SDK_DELETED):
return obs, nil
Some resources get ready right when you create them, like Stage
. In such cases,
could be just like the following:
func (*external) postObserve(_ context.Context, cr *svcapitypes.Stage, _ *svcsdk.GetStageOutput, obs managed.ExternalObservation, err error) (managed.ExternalObservation, error) {
if err != nil {
return managed.ExternalObservation{}, err
return obs, nil
The earlier section is sufficient to get a controller into a working state. But there are some functionalities missing like late-initialization and update. These are not supported by ACK and even if there is support for update, it usually has some caveats that cannot be made generic. So, we need to implement them manually.
Late initialization means that if a user doesn't have a desired value for a field
and provider chooses a default, we need to fetch that value from provider and
assign it to the corresponding field in spec
. You can take a look at RDSInstance
example to see how it looks like but in most cases, we have much less fields so
it's not that long.
In order to override default no-op late initialization code, we'll use the same mechanism as others:
func SetupStage(mgr ctrl.Manager, l logging.Logger, limiter workqueue.RateLimiter) error {
name := managed.ControllerName(svcapitypes.StageGroupKind)
opts := []option{
func(e *external) {
e.lateInitialize = lateInitialize
func lateInitialize(*svcapitypes.StageParameters, *svcsdk.DescribeStageOutput) error {
return nil
Before issuing an update call, Crossplane needs to know whether resource is up-to-date
or not. In order to do that, we write a comparison function between observation
and our spec
. Here is an example.
After writing the function, you can use it instead of the default alwaysUpToDate
similar to others:
func SetupStage(mgr ctrl.Manager, l logging.Logger, limiter workqueue.RateLimiter) error {
name := managed.ControllerName(svcapitypes.StageGroupKind)
opts := []option{
func(e *external) {
e.isUpToDate = isUpToDate
func isUpToDate(*svcapitypes.Stage, *svcsdk.DescribeStageOutput) bool {
return true
ACK has partial support for update calls. You need to inspect what's generated and inject custom code wherever necessary. In a lot of cases, Update calls are tricky and may have to be done by several calls. You can see an injected example here with custom logic to work around an API quirk.
For the generated code, you don't need to write any tests. However, we encourage you to write tests for all custom code blocks you have written.
You need to thoroughly test the controller by using example YAMLs. Make sure
every functionality you implement works by checking with AWS console. Once all
looks good, add the example YAML you used to examples/<serviceid>/<crd-name>.yaml
You can use any Kubernetes cluster to deploy provider-aws. We'll use kind
get a dev cluster:
kind create cluster --wait 5m
You can test your code either by local setup, which allows better debugging experience, or in-cluster setup which is the real world setup.
We will deploy the CRDs so that controllers can bind their watchers:
kubectl apply -f package/crds
Now you can run the controller from your IDE or terminal and it'll start reconciling:
go run cmd/provider/main.go
You need to set KUBECONFIG environment variable if it is not already set.
You can build the images and deploy it into cluster using Crossplane Package Manager to test the real-world scenario. There are two Docker images to be built; one has the controller image, the other one has package metadata and CRDs. We need to choose a controller image before building metadata image. Then we'll start the build process.
Example image URL pair:
: Controller Image This is the one that will be running in the cluster.username/provider-aws:test
: Metadata Image This is the one we'll use when we install the provider.
- Edit
and change thespec.controller.image
with your controller image URL. - Go to
folder and build the package using Crossplane CLI:kubectl crossplane build provider
. - Push the images using:
kubectl crossplane push provider <metadata image URL>
Now we got the provider package pushed, and we can install it just like an official provider. Run:
kubectl crossplane install provider <metadata image URL>`
After either one of local or in-cluster is completed, you'll
get a cluster ready to start reconciling custom resources you create. First, we
need to create a default ProviderConfig
so that managed resources can use it to
authenticate to AWS API. Use the following command to get the current AWS CLI
user credentials:
BASE64ENCODED_AWS_ACCOUNT_CREDS=$(echo -e "[default]\naws_access_key_id = $(aws configure get aws_access_key_id --profile $aws_profile)\naws_secret_access_key = $(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key --profile $aws_profile)" | base64 | tr -d "\n")
Use it to create a Secret
and ProviderConfig
cat > providerconfig.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: aws-account-creds
namespace: crossplane-system
type: Opaque
kind: ProviderConfig
name: default
source: Secret
namespace: crossplane-system
name: aws-account-creds
key: credentials
# apply it to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f "providerconfig.yaml"
# delete the credentials variable
You can create a managed resource now. Here is an example for a DynamoDB Table:
kind: Table
name: sample-table
region: us-east-1
- attributeName: attribute1
attributeType: S
- attributeName: attribute1
keyType: HASH
readCapacityUnits: 1
writeCapacityUnits: 1
streamEnabled: true
streamViewType: NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES
Create and Delete section is sufficient if you aim for alpha quality. If you want to aim for beta-level quality, you need to make sure all scenarios work.
Once you create the YAML, you should see the corresponding resource in AWS console. Make sure you see the resource and properties match.
Then delete the CR in the cluster and check AWS console to see if it's gone.
Make a change in the custom resource with kubectl edit
and see if the resource
got the update by checking AWS console.
After the creation, some fields are populated by AWS if they are not given. Go to AWS console and compare the properties you see there with the custom resource in the cluster. You need to see all properties in custom resource as well, especially the ones you didn't initially specify.
If IsUpToDate
check is giving false negatives, controller will make update calls
repeatedly and this causes problems. You can usually notice this easily but it's good
to check either via a breakpoint in your IDE or a print statement to see if Update
is run even when there is no change on the custom resource.