The NFC Tag reader sample demonstrates how to use the :ref:`st25r3911b_nfc_readme` driver to interact with an NFC-A Tag.
The sample supports the following development kits:
.. table-from-sample-yaml::
The sample has the following additional requirements:
- NFC Reader ST25R3911B Nucleo expansion board (X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1)
- NFC Type 2 Tag or Type 4 Tag
The sample shows how to use the ST25R3911B NFC reader to read data from a tag that supports the ISO/IEC 14443 standard (NFC-A technology). You can use this device to read and parse content of an NFC Type 2 Tag or Type 4 Tag.
After successful parsing, the tag content is printed using the logging subsystem.
Before reading data, the sample sends the appropriate initialization commands (ALL Request, SENS Request) to detect which NFC technology is used. It also performs an automatic collision resolution.
Supported tag types are:
- NFC Type 2 Tag
- NFC Type 4 Tag
After programming the sample to your development kit, you can test it with an NFC-A Type 2 Tag or Tag 4 Type. Complete the following steps:
- Connect the Nucleo expansion board to the development kit.
- |connect_terminal|
- Reset the kit.
- Touch the ST25R3911B NFC reader with a Type 2 Tag or Type 4 Tag.
- Observe the output in the terminal. The content of the tag is printed there.
- After a short delay, the tag can be read again.
This sample uses the following |NCS| drivers:
This sample uses the following |NCS| libraries:
- :ref:`nfc_t2t_parser_readme`
- :ref:`nfc_ndef_parser_readme`
- :ref:`nfc_ndef_le_oob_rec_parser_readme`
- :ref:`nfc_ndef_ch_rec_parser_readme`
- :ref:`nfc_t4t_apdu_readme`
- :ref:`nfc_t4t_isodep_readme`
- :ref:`nfc_t4t_hl_procedure_readme`
In addition, it uses the following Zephyr libraries: