This is a smart contract for the Keep Stake Pooling.
Keep Stake Pooling is that:
- allow smaller Keep owners to delegate a stake lower than the current minimum Keep stake.
- It can be combined with others to reach the current minimum stake and run a node.
- Contributions building on said work will also be accepted specifically reducing the min stake amount below 20k into the pool or making it non custodial.
Solidity (solc) version: v0.5.17
Solidity libraries
- "@openzeppelin/upgrades": "^2.7.2"
- "openzeppelin-solidity": "2.4.0"
$ npm install
$ npm run migrate:ropsten
$ npm run script:ropsten
- Test on the local
$ npm run test:local
(ganache-cli && truffle test ./test/test-local/* --network local)
- Keep Network (Stack and Rewards, KeepToken, etc...)
- keep-core contract: https://github.com/keep-network/keep-core/tree/master/solidity/contracts
- Keep Token dashboard (on Ropsten): https://dashboard.test.keep.network/tokens/delegate#granted (Process Guide: https://medium.com/@ben_longstaff/a-beginners-quick-start-guide-to-staking-on-the-keep-network-testnet-using-digitalocean-5a74ca60adc3 )
- Doc for staking: https://staking.keep.network/about-staking/staking-101
- KeepToken fancet (on Ropsten): https://us-central1-keep-test-f3e0.cloudfunctions.net/keep-faucet-ropsten?account={YOUR WALLET ADDRESS}
- GR8 Prize: https://gitcoin.co/issue/keep-network/tbtc.js/115/100024326
- Keep Network (tBTC)
- Solidity API: https://docs.keep.network/tbtc/solidity/
- Ropsten testnet / internal testnet: https://github.com/keep-network/tbtc-dapp#internal-testnet