diff --git a/docs/source/api/xstrides.rst b/docs/source/api/xstrides.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..901ff63be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api/xstrides.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.. Copyright (c) 2016, Johan Mabille, Sylvain Corlay and Wolf Vollprecht
+   Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
+   The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
+Defined in ``xtensor/xstride.hpp``
+.. doxygenfunction:: auto strides(const E& e, xt::stride_type type)
+   :project: xtensor
+.. doxygenfunction:: auto strides(const E& e, S axis, xt::stride_type type)
+   :project: xtensor
diff --git a/docs/source/numpy-differences.rst b/docs/source/numpy-differences.rst
index 10b3082fa..f51748ef2 100644
--- a/docs/source/numpy-differences.rst
+++ b/docs/source/numpy-differences.rst
@@ -98,6 +98,20 @@ Strides
 Strided containers of xtensor and numpy having the same exact memory layout may have different strides when accessing them through the ``strides`` attribute.
 The reason is an optimization in xtensor, which is to set the strides to ``0`` in dimensions of length ``1``, which simplifies the implementation of broadcasting of universal functions.
+.. tip::
+    Use the free function ``xt::strides`` to switch between representations.
+    .. code-block:: cpp
+        xt::strides(a); // strides of ``a`` corresponding to storage
+        xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::normal); // same
+        xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::internal); // ``== a.strides()``
+        xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::bytes) // strides in bytes, as in numpy
 Array indices
diff --git a/include/xtensor/xstrides.hpp b/include/xtensor/xstrides.hpp
index 65eb956e0..ff8a5623a 100644
--- a/include/xtensor/xstrides.hpp
+++ b/include/xtensor/xstrides.hpp
@@ -142,6 +142,127 @@ namespace xt
         return begin;
+    /***********
+     * strides *
+     ***********/
+    namespace detail
+    {
+        template <class return_type, class S, class T, class D>
+        inline return_type compute_stride_impl(layout_type layout, const S& shape, T axis, D default_stride)
+        {
+            if (layout == layout_type::row_major)
+            {
+                return std::accumulate(
+                    shape.cbegin() + axis + 1,
+                    shape.cend(),
+                    static_cast<return_type>(1),
+                    std::multiplies<return_type>()
+                );
+            }
+            if (layout == layout_type::column_major)
+            {
+                return std::accumulate(
+                   shape.cbegin(),
+                    shape.cbegin() + axis,
+                    static_cast<return_type>(1),
+                    std::multiplies<return_type>()
+                );
+            }
+            return default_stride;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * @ingroup strides
+    * @brief strides_type
+    *
+    * Choose stride type
+    */
+    enum class stride_type
+    {
+        internal = 0, ///< As used internally (with `stride(axis) == 0` if `shape(axis) == 1`)
+        normal = 1, ///< Normal stride corresponding to storage.
+        bytes = 2, ///< Normal stride in bytes.
+    };
+    /**
+    * @ingroup strides
+    * @brief strides
+    *
+    * Get strides of an object.
+    * @param a an array
+    * @return array
+    */
+    template <class E>
+    inline auto strides(const E& e, stride_type type = stride_type::normal) noexcept
+    {
+        using strides_type = typename E::strides_type;
+        using return_type = typename strides_type::value_type;
+        strides_type ret = e.strides();
+        auto shape = e.shape();
+        if (type == stride_type::internal)
+        {
+            return ret;
+        }
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ret.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            if (shape[i] == 1)
+            {
+                ret[i] = detail::compute_stride_impl<return_type>(e.layout(), shape, i, ret[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        if (type == stride_type::bytes)
+        {
+            return_type f = static_cast<return_type>(sizeof(typename E::value_type));
+            std::for_each(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [f](auto& c){ c *= f; });
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+    /**
+    * @ingroup strides
+    * @brief strides
+    *
+    * Get stride of an object along an axis.
+    * @param a an array
+    * @return integer
+    */
+    template <class E>
+    inline auto strides(const E& e, std::size_t axis, stride_type type = stride_type::normal) noexcept
+    {
+        using strides_type = typename E::strides_type;
+        using return_type = typename strides_type::value_type;
+        return_type ret = e.strides()[axis];
+        if (type == stride_type::internal)
+        {
+            return ret;
+        }
+        if (ret == 0)
+        {
+            if (e.shape(axis) == 1)
+            {
+                ret = detail::compute_stride_impl<return_type>(e.layout(), e.shape(), axis, ret);
+            }
+        }
+        if (type == stride_type::bytes)
+        {
+            return_type f = static_cast<return_type>(sizeof(typename E::value_type));
+            ret *= f;
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
      * Implementation *
diff --git a/test/test_xstrides.cpp b/test/test_xstrides.cpp
index 80f995099..faa61182d 100644
--- a/test/test_xstrides.cpp
+++ b/test/test_xstrides.cpp
@@ -50,6 +50,92 @@ namespace xt
+    TEST(xstrides, free_function_2d_row_major)
+    {
+        xt::xarray<int, xt::layout_type::row_major> a = xt::ones<int>({1, 3});
+        using stype = std::vector<std::ptrdiff_t>;
+        std::ptrdiff_t sof = sizeof(int);
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a), stype({3, 1}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::normal), stype({3, 1}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::internal), stype({0, 1}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::bytes), stype({3 * sof, sof}));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0) == 3);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::normal) == 3);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::internal) == 0);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 3 * sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::normal) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::internal) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::bytes) == sof);
+    }
+    TEST(xstrides, free_function_4d_row_major)
+    {
+        xt::xarray<int, xt::layout_type::row_major> a = xt::ones<int>({5, 4, 1, 4});
+        using stype = std::vector<std::ptrdiff_t>;
+        std::ptrdiff_t sof = sizeof(int);
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a), stype({16, 4, 4, 1}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::normal), stype({16, 4, 4, 1}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::internal), stype({16, 4, 0, 1}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::bytes), stype({16 * sof, 4 * sof, 4 * sof, 1 * sof}));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0) == 16);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::normal) == 16);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::internal) == 16);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 16 * sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1) == 4);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::normal) == 4);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::internal) == 4);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 4 * sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2) == 4);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2, xt::stride_type::normal) == 4);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2, xt::stride_type::internal) == 0);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 4 * sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3, xt::stride_type::normal) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3, xt::stride_type::internal) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3, xt::stride_type::bytes) == sof);
+    }
+    TEST(xstrides, free_function_4d_column_major)
+    {
+        xt::xarray<int, xt::layout_type::column_major> a = xt::ones<int>({5, 4, 1, 4});
+        using stype = std::vector<std::ptrdiff_t>;
+        std::ptrdiff_t sof = sizeof(int);
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a), stype({1, 5, 20, 20}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::normal), stype({1, 5, 20, 20}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::internal), stype({1, 5, 0, 20}));
+        EXPECT_EQ(xt::strides(a, xt::stride_type::bytes), stype({sof, 5 * sof, 20 * sof, 20 * sof}));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::normal) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::internal) == 1);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 0, xt::stride_type::bytes) == sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1) == 5);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::normal) == 5);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::internal) == 5);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 1, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 5 * sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2) == 20);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2, xt::stride_type::normal) == 20);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2, xt::stride_type::internal) == 0);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 2, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 20 * sof);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3) == 20);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3, xt::stride_type::normal) == 20);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3, xt::stride_type::internal) == 20);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(xt::strides(a, 3, xt::stride_type::bytes) == 20 * sof);
+    }
     TEST(xstrides, unravel_from_strides)
         SUBCASE("row_major strides")