This is a terminal todo list tracker written in C.
./build/todox [command] [task]?
- list: list pending tasks
- list-all: list pending and completed tasks
- list-completed: list completed tasks
- purge: remove all tasks
- add [task]: add pending task
- complete [task]: mark [task] as completed
String of 999 characters maximum.
Create the build directory. From the root of the project, run:
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
mv ./build/compile_commands.json ./compile_commands.json
This might be necessary to get code completion/snippets.
The following features are done:
- Add new tasks
- Persist tasks in the system
- List all tasks
- List completed tasks
- List pending tasks
- Mark tasks as completed
- Purge all tasks
The following features are being worked on:
- Remove tasks
From the project's root directory, run:
cmake -S . -B build
mv ./build/compile_commands.json ./compile_commands.json
make -C build