Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
A strongly typed client for the Legiscan REST API
Members of the United States Congress, 1789-Present, in YAML/JSON/CSV, as well as committees, presidents, and vice presidents.
A scraper application for crawling press releases of US government agencies and major think tanks for analytical purposes.
A guide to analyzing & visualizing American political data using R. Winter 2023 Version.
Tracks polarization data about US Congress (1879-2021) from Voteview
Plumb a PDF for detailed information about each char, rectangle, line, et cetera — and easily extract text and tables.
Self-updating Node app collecting Congress' daily Twitter output and compiling into publicly accessible form.
Serverless app / Twitter bot for tracking changes across a Twitter list
Datasets of the daily Twitter output of Congress.
A collection of exercises to practice various aspects of Ruby
parliament / congress / legislature charts simplified
Public domain data collectors for the work of Congress, including legislation, amendments, and votes.
A Ruby gem that extracts press releases and statements by members of Congress.
A Data4Democracy community working to make elections and elections data more transparent
Create beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.
Summary data about state legislative bodies
Scrape and save data on party composition in US states' upper and lower chambers (State Senate, State House of Representatives) from
Web scraping, candidate data, and election visualizations
This repository contains EmoBank, a large-scale text corpus manually annotated with emotion according to the psychological Valence-Arousal-Dominance scheme.