The goal of user2017.geodataviz is to privide a comprehensive overview of the options available in the R language for Geospatial data visualization. This tutorial covers ...
R Packages
R Data Structures for Spatial Data
Operations Supported on Spatial Data
Visualizing Spatial Data
Using Base Graphics
and helper packages -
for dynamic mapping -
and related packages for interactive maps. -
Using specialized packages such as
The tutorial overview and the slides can be found here.
The easiest option is using a docker image built specifically for this tutorial.
Install docker, and docker toolbox (only for Windows and Mac).
Either using the kitematic GUI tool or command line pull the
Command line:docker pull bhaskarvk/rgeodataviz
If docker is not an option, then please install the following packages. Some of these packages have external dependencies, so be sure to consult individual package's documentation on installation procedures.
From CRAN install
- Generic Packages
- devtools
- tidyverse
- rmarkdown
- shiny
- roxygen2
- rstudioapi
- rsconnect
- hrbrthemes
- ggiraph
- widgetframe
- manipulateWidget
- xaringan
- knitr
- Spatial Packages
- sp
- sf
- regos
- rgdal
- raster
- rasterVis
- gdistance
- geosphere
- maps
- maptools
- gdalUtils
- cleangeo
- rmapshaper
- spatstat
- leaflet
- leaflet.extras
- leaflet.esri
- leaflet.minimaps
- ggmap
- ggalt
- ggspatial
- rasterVis
- lawn
- geojson
- geojsonio
- geoaxe
- geonames
- wkb
- tmap
- mapview
- mapedit
- cartography
- ggmap
- cartogram
- raturalearth
- choroplethr
- choroplethsMaps
- plotly
- highcharter
- tilegramsR
- acs
- tigris
- tidycensus
- usmap
- osmdata
- OpenSteeetMap
- plotKML
- googleway
- plotGoogleMaps
- rbokeh
- ncdf4
- rnoaa
- ropenaq
- animation
We also need development versions of certain packages, which can be installed from github. FOr each package name below install it using devtools::install_github(<package-repo-name>')
. The repository names are given below
- tidyverse/ggplot2
- edzer/sfr
- hrbrmstr/ggalt
- hrbrmstr/albersusa
- hrbrmstr/hrbrthemes
- rstudio/leaflet
- rstudio/rmarkdown
- rstudio/crosstalk
- mtennekes/tmap
- bhaskarvk/leaflet.extras
- bhaskarvk/leaflet.esri
- 'r-spatial/mapview@develop'
- r-spatial/mapedit
- nowosad/spData
- dkahle/ggmap
- walkerke/tidycensus
- hrecht/censusapi
- ropenscilabs/rnaturalearthhires
- ropensci/geoparser
- arilamstein/choroplethrZip
- oswaldosantos/ggsn
- paleolimbot/ggspatial
- dgrtwo/gganimate
- riatelab/cartography
- bhaskarvk/user2017.rgeodataviz