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A fun way to explore music using machine learning.
borismus / PitchDetect
Forked from cwilso/PitchDetectPitch detection in Web Audio using autocorrelation
bsmg / beatmapper
Forked from joshwcomeau/beatmapperA 3D editor for creating Beat Saber maps
QosmoInc / SampleVAE
Forked from maxfrenzel/SampleVAEMulti-purpose tool for sound design and music production implemented in TensorFlow.
Work in progress - digital paper edit project - Electron, Cross Platform Desktop app - Mac, Windows, Linux
Data Preview 🈸 extension for importing 📤 viewing 🔎 slicing 🔪 dicing 🎲 charting 📊 & exporting 📥 large JSON array/config, YAML, Apache Arrow, Avro & Excel data files
mhkeller / kbd-audio
Forked from ggerganov/kbd-audio🎤⌨️ Acoustic keyboard eavesdropping
HuiGuanLab / nrccr
Forked from LiJiaBei-7/nrccrSource code of our MM'22 paper Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Retrieval with Noise-Robust Learning
Soldelli / Awesome-Temporal-Language-Grounding-in-Videos
Forked from rookiecm/Awesome-Temporal-Sentence-Grounding-in-VideosA curated list of grounding natural language in video and related area. :-)
descriptinc / draft-js
Forked from facebookarchive/draft-jsA React framework for building text editors.
rossgoodwin / videogrep
Forked from antiboredom/videogrepautomatic video supercuts with python
yzhou359 / MakeItTalk
Forked from adobe-research/MakeItTalk🇨🇭 A React renderer for Three.js
icons8 / lunacy-donate
Forked from nerevu/retainer-top-upExample of a client-only (no server) donation payment page that can be hosted on GitHub using Stripe Checkout.
lanewinfield / spammo
Forked from zackhsi/venmoPay someone the most annoying way possible: split across 60 payments
A fun way to explore music using machine learning.
mattnassar1 / unwel.ch
Forked from unwelch/unwel.chWeb app for Friendly betting
an application to connect people to power with their phones
Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas
bqlabs / zowi
Forked from JavierIH/zowiAn open-source and fully hackable biped robot.
ideo / avocado
Forked from trive/avocadoAn interaction design toolbox
BlokDust / Tone.js
Forked from lukephills/Tone.jsA Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.
mcqn / PerceptiveMedia
Forked from happyworm/PerceptiveMediaThe Perceptive Media project, developed for BBC R&D
relax / dropzone
Forked from dropzone/dropzoneDropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
bcoyle73 / client-acd
Forked from choppen5/client-acdTwilio ACD example
krishagni / openspecimen
Forked from NCIP/catissue-coreOpenSpecimen is an open source biobanking/biorepository management software developed by Krishagni Solutions (India).
gcamp / home-assistant
Forked from home-assistant/coreOpen-source home automation platform running on Python 3
SebastianTroc / SeatPreview
Forked from codrops/SeatPreviewAn experimental demo where a 3D perspective preview is shown for a selected seat in a cinema room.