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No Data Segmentation

Python code of the Medium article How to train an instance segmentation model with no training data, published in Towards Data Science.

How to compute raw SAM masks

To compute the SAM masks of the images generated with Stable Diffusion, you first need to download the SAM model in this folder, available on the SAM repository, or directly here. Then, run the following script:

python --images_folder images/new_selected_images/ --output_folder images/new_raw_masks/

You can check the available script parameters to make it work for a custom dataset or another SAM model. The available params are the following:

  • --model_ckpt, string, defaults to sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth, path to the SAM model
  • --model_type, string, defaults to vit_h, check SAM documentation for other available models
  • --device string, default to cuda, the device for SAM model computation. Use cpu if you have no GPU
  • --images_folder, string, defaults to images/selected_images/, path to images folder
  • --output_folder string, default to images/raw_masks/ output mask folder
  • --closing_kernel: int, default to 7, the closing kernel size

How to select the masks

Once the images are in the folder images/selected_images and the computed masks in images/raw_masks, run the following:


The selected masks will be in images/selected_masks by default.

You may specify the following arguments to suit your need:

  • --images_folder: string, defaults to images, path to the images, expecting the subfolders selected_images and raw_masks,
  • --selected_masks_folder: string, defaults to images/selected_masks, path to output folder of selected masks

How to create the YOLO dataset

Assuming the previous steps were respected with all the defaults parameters, you can simply run the following script to create the YOLO dataset:

python --input_model --epochs 100 --dataset_path datasets/dataset.yaml

At the end, you should get the following folder architecture:

└── animals
    ├── train
    │   ├── images: N images (e.g., jpeg or png files)
    │   └── labels: N labels (txt files)
    ├── val
    │   ├── images: M images (e.g., jpeg or png files)
    │   └── labels: M labels (txt files)
    └── dataset.yaml
  • --images_folder: string, defaults to images/selected_images, path to the selected images
  • --selected_masks_folder: string, defaults to images/selected_masks, path to input folder of selected masks
  • --dataset_path, string, defaults to datasets/animals/, the output path of the dataset
  • --train_ratio, float, defaults to 0.8, the train validation ratio when creating the dataset

How to train the YOLO model

Once the dataset is created, you can simply train the YOLOv8 model with the following script:


The following arguments are available:

  • --epochs: int, defaults to 20, the number of training epochs
  • --dataset_path: string, defaults to datasets/animals/dataset.yaml, path to the input dataset yaml file
  • --input_model, string, defaults to (will be downloaded automatically), path to the input model to train

Note: a pre-trained model containing the presented results in the article is available in assets/