This package implement a python code Obfuscator.
This package require :
- python3.9 or greater
- python3.9 or greater Standard Library
pip install PyObfuscator
PyObfuscator -h # help message
PyObfuscator # easiest command
PyObfuscator -o "" -l 6 -n "name1:obfu_name1" "name2:obfu_name2" -n "name3:obfu_name3" -d -w "mypassword" -e "utf-8" -s 8 -p -g 50 -f "logs.log"
from PyObfuscator import Obfuscator, Name
Obfuscator('').default_obfuscation() # write your obfuscate code in
"name1": Name("name1", "obfu_name1", False, None),
"name2": Name("name2", "obfu_name2", False, None),
"name3": Name("name3", "obfu_name3", False, None),
python3 PyObfuscator.pyz -o "" -l 6 -n "name1:obfu_name1" "name2:obfu_name2" -n "name3:obfu_name3" -d -w "mypassword" -e "utf-8" -s 8 -p -g 50 -f "logs.log"
# OR
chmod u+x PyObfuscator.pyz # add execute rights
./PyObfuscator.pyz # execute file
python3 -m PyObfuscator -o "" -l 6 -n "name1:obfu_name1" "name2:obfu_name2" -n "name3:obfu_name3" -d -w "mypassword" -e "utf-8" -s 8 -p -g 50 -f "logs.log"
python3 -m PyObfuscator.Obfuscator
cd tests
python3 -m unittest discover
Becareful with attribute name and definition !
Your attributes must be defined as attributes and your attributes functions mustn't have same name than attributes function defined in different files !
With the super
function your must add self.class
and self
as arguments (without consequences).
class Classe:
abc: str = "abc"
class Classe2(Classe):
def __init__(self):
self.abc2: str = "abc"
class Test(Classe2):
def __init__(self, string: str):
#super().__init__() ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR
super(self.__class__, self).__init__() ## this line doesn't return an error
#print( ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR (because "abc" is not define as attribute, the name will be obfuscate)
print(self.abc2) ## this line doesn't return an error (because "self.abc2" is defined as attribute)
import module
class Classe:
def __init__(self):
def function():
Classe.function() # This line will be obfuscate (this line is safe)
module.function() ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR (because "function" attribute will be obfuscate (only for function attributes))
module.attr # this line is safe (because "attr" is not function)
I recommend you to use the first import but i propose you alternative soluce to solve this bug.
import urllib.request as urllib
urllib.request.urlopen("") # This line is safe
import os.path as os
print(os.path.exists("test")) # This line is safe
import urllib
urllib.request.urlopen("") ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR (because request is not in file named "urllib/")
import os
print(os.path.exists("test")) # This line is safe (because path is define in file named "")
from urllib import request
request.urlopen("") ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR
# KeyError: 'request'
from os import path
print(path.exists("test")) # This line is safe
from urllib.request import urlopen
# KeyError: 'urlopen'
from os.path import exists
print(exists("test")) ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR
# KeyError: 'exists'
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlopen("") ## THIS LINE RETURN AN ERROR
# NameError: name 'dmJQL9VsPms3' is not defined
import os.path as os
print(os.path.exists("test")) # This line is safe
I do not recommend using this solution because other packages may import the module in a different way and return this error:
ImportError: cannot import name '_has_surrogates' from partially initialized module 'email.utils' (most likely due to a circular import) (/lib/email/
Run this script bash:
cp -r $(python3 -c "import urllib,os;print(os.path.dirname(urllib.__file__))") .
cd urllib
python3 -c "import glob;[(open('','a',encoding='utf-8').write(f'from . import {f[:-3]}\n'),t:=open(f,encoding='utf-8').read(),open(f,'w',encoding='utf-8').write(t.replace('import urllib.', 'from . import ').replace('from urllib.', 'from .').replace('urllib.', ''))) for f in glob.iglob('*') if not (f.startswith('__') and (f.endswith('') or f.endswith('__')))]"
Run this script batch:
mkdir urllib
python -c "import urllib,os;print(os.path.dirname(urllib.__file__))">temp.txt
set /p lib=<temp.txt
copy "%lib%" urllib
del temp.txt
cd urllib
python -c "import glob;[(open('','a',encoding='utf-8').write(f'from . import {f[:-3]}\n'),t:=open(f,encoding='utf-8').read(),open(f,'w',encoding='utf-8').write(t.replace('import urllib.', 'from . import ').replace('from urllib.', 'from .').replace('urllib.', ''))) for f in glob.iglob('*') if not (f.startswith('__') and (f.endswith('') or f.endswith('__')))]"
Be careful with pyinstaller or other way to freeze your app, somes variables exist in the default python interpreter but not in your freezed app. Set variables with default values to solve error (for pyinstaller):
copyright="""Copyright (c) 2001-2021 Python Software Foundation.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.
All Rights Reserved."""
credits=""" Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands
for supporting Python development. See for more information."""
help="Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object."
quit="Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit"
license="Type license() to see the full license text"
Licensed under the GPL, version 3.