n. a microframework for web development.
Meet us on IRC: #cuba.rb on freenode.net.
Cuba is a microframework for web development originally inspired by Rum, a tiny but powerful mapper for Rack applications.
It integrates many templates via Tilt, and testing via Cutest and Capybara.
$ gem install cuba
Here's a simple application:
# cat hello_world.rb
require "cuba"
require "cuba/safe"
Cuba.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => "__a_very_long_string__"
Cuba.plugin Cuba::Safe
Cuba.define do
on get do
on "hello" do
res.write "Hello world!"
on root do
res.redirect "/hello"
And the test file:
# cat hello_world_test.rb
require "cuba/test"
require "./hello_world"
scope do
test "Homepage" do
get "/"
assert_equal "Hello world!", last_response.body
To run it, you can create a config.ru
# cat config.ru
require "./hello_world"
run Cuba
You can now run rackup
and enjoy what you have just created.
Here's an example showcasing how different matchers work:
require "cuba"
require "cuba/safe"
Cuba.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => "__a_very_long_string__"
Cuba.plugin Cuba::Safe
Cuba.define do
# only GET requests
on get do
# /
on root do
res.write "Home"
# /about
on "about" do
res.write "About"
# /styles/basic.css
on "styles", extension("css") do |file|
res.write "Filename: #{file}" #=> "Filename: basic"
# /post/2011/02/16/hello
on "post/:y/:m/:d/:slug" do |y, m, d, slug|
res.write "#{y}-#{m}-#{d} #{slug}" #=> "2011-02-16 hello"
# /username/foobar
on "username/:username" do |username|
user = User.find_by_username(username) # username == "foobar"
# /username/foobar/posts
on "posts" do
# You can access `user` here, because the `on` blocks
# are closures.
res.write "Total Posts: #{user.posts.size}" #=> "Total Posts: 6"
# /username/foobar/following
on "following" do
res.write user.following.size #=> "1301"
# /search?q=barbaz
on "search", param("q") do |query|
res.write "Searched for #{query}" #=> "Searched for barbaz"
# only POST requests
on post do
on "login" do
# POST /login, user: foo, pass: baz
on param("user"), param("pass") do |user, pass|
res.write "#{user}:#{pass}" #=> "foo:baz"
# If the params `user` and `pass` are not provided, this
# block will get executed.
on true do
res.write "You need to provide user and pass!"
Note that once an on
block matches, processing halts at the conclusion of that block.
If you don't assign a status code and you don't write to the res
object, the status will be set as 404
. The method not_found
in charge of setting the proper status code, and you can redefine
it if you want to render a template or configure custom headers.
For example:
Cuba.define do
on get do
on "hello" do
res.write "hello world"
# Requests:
# GET / # 404
# GET /hello # 200
# GET /hello/world # 200
As you can see, as soon as something was written to the response, the status code was changed to 200.
If you want to match just "hello", but not "hello/world", you can do as follows:
Cuba.define do
on get do
on "hello" do
on root do
res.write "hello world"
# Requests:
# GET / # 404
# GET /hello # 200
# GET /hello/world # 404
You can also use a regular expression to match the end of line:
Cuba.define do
on get do
on /hello\/?\z/ do
res.write "hello world"
# Requests:
# GET / # 404
# GET /hello # 200
# GET /hello/world # 404
This last example is not a common usage pattern. It's here only to illustrate how Cuba can be adapted for different use cases.
If you need this behavior, you can create a helper:
module TerminalMatcher
def terminal(path)
Cuba.plugin TerminalMatcher
Cuba.define do
on get do
on terminal("hello") do
res.write "hello world"
The most important security consideration is to use https
for all
requests. If that's not the case, any attempt to secure the application
could be in vain. The rest of this section assumes https
When building a web application, you need to include a security
layer. Cuba ships with the Cuba::Safe
plugin, which applies several
security related headers to prevent attacks like clickjacking and
cross-site scripting, among others. It is not included by default
because there are legitimate uses for plain Cuba (for instance,
when designing an API).
Here's how to include it:
require "cuba/safe"
Cuba.plugin Cuba::Safe
You should also always set a session secret to some undisclosed value. Keep in mind that the content in the session cookie is not encrypted.
Cuba.use(Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => "__a_very_long_string__")
In the end, your application should look like this:
require "cuba"
require "cuba/safe"
Cuba.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => "__a_very_long_string__"
Cuba.plugin Cuba::Safe
Cuba.define do
on csrf.unsafe? do
res.status = 403
res.write("Not authorized")
# Now your app is protected against a wide range of attacks.
The Cuba::Safe
plugin is composed of two modules:
You can include them individually, but while the modularity is good
for development, it's very common to use them in tandem. As that's
the normal use case, including Cuba::Safe
is the preferred way.
The Cuba::Safe::CSRF
plugin provides a csrf
object with the
following methods:
: the current security token.reset!
: forces the token to be recreated.safe?
: returnstrue
if the request is safe.unsafe?
: returnstrue
if the request is unsafe.form_tag
: returns a string with thecsrf_token
hidden input tag.meta_tag
: returns a string with thecsrf_token
meta tag.
Here's an example of how to use it:
require "cuba"
require "cuba/safe"
Cuba.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => "__a_very_long_string__"
Cuba.plugin Cuba::Safe
Cuba.define do
on csrf.unsafe? do
res.status = 403
# Here comes the rest of your application
# ...
You have to include csrf.form_tag
in your forms and csrf.meta_tag
among your meta tags. Here's an example that assumes you are using
from cuba-contrib
<!DOCTYPE html>
{{ app.csrf.meta_tag }}
<form action="/foo" method="POST">
{{ app.csrf.form_tag }}
There are matchers defined for the following HTTP Verbs: get
, put
, patch
, delete
, head
, options
, link
, unlink
and trace
. As you have the whole request available via the req
object, you can also query it with helper methods like req.options?
or req.head?
, or you can even go to a lower level and inspect the
environment via the env
object, and check for example if
equals the verb PATCH
What follows is an example of different ways of saying the same thing:
on env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET", "api" do ... end
on req.get?, "api" do ... end
on get, "api" do ... end
Actually, get
is syntax sugar for req.get?
, which in turn is syntax sugar
for env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET"
You may have noticed we use req
and res
a lot. Those variables are
instances of Rack::Request and Cuba::Response
respectively, and
is just an optimized version of
Those objects are helpers for accessing the request and for building
the response. Most of the time, you will just use res.write
If you want to use custom Request
or Response
objects, you can
set the new values as follows:
Cuba.settings[:req] = MyRequest
Cuba.settings[:res] = MyResponse
Make sure to provide classes compatible with those from Rack.
You may have noticed that some matchers yield a value to the block. The rules for determining if a matcher will yield a value are simple:
- Regex captures:
will yield two values, corresponding to each capture. - Placeholders:
will yield the value in the position of :id. - Symbols:
will yield if a segment is available. - File extensions:
will yield the basename of the matched file. - Parameters:
will yield the value of the parameter user, if present.
The first case is important because it shows the underlying effect of regex captures.
In the second case, the substring :id
gets replaced by ([^\\/]+)
and the
string becomes "users/([^\\/]+)"
before performing the match, thus it reverts
to the first form we saw.
In the third case, the symbol--no matter what it says--gets replaced
by "([^\\/]+)"
, and again we are in presence of case 1.
The fourth case, again, reverts to the basic matcher: it generates the string
before performing the match.
The fifth case is different: it checks if the the parameter supplied is present in the request (via POST or QUERY_STRING) and it pushes the value as a capture.
You can mount a Cuba app, along with middlewares, inside another Cuba app:
class API < Cuba; end
API.use SomeMiddleware
API.define do
on param("url") do |url|
Cuba.define do
on "api" do
run API
If you need to pass information to one sub-app, you can use the
method and access it with vars
class Platforms < Cuba
define do
platform = vars[:platform]
on default do
res.write(platform) # => "heroku" or "salesforce"
Cuba.define do
on "(heroku|salesforce)" do |platform|
with(platform: platform) do
While the run
command allows you to handle over the control to a
sub app, sometimes you may want to just embed routes defined in
another module. There's no built-in method to do it, but if you are
willing to experiment you can try the following.
Let's say you have defined routes in modules A
and B
, and you
want to mount those routes in your application.
First, you will have to extend Cuba with this code:
class Cuba
def mount(app)
result = app.call(req.env)
halt result if result[0] != 404
It doesn't matter where you define it as long as Cuba has already been required. For instance, you could extract that to a plugin and it would work just fine.
Then, in your application, you can use it like this:
Cuba.define do
on default do
mount A
mount B
It should halt the request only if the resulting status from calling the mounted app is not 404. If you run into some unexpected behavior, let me know by creating an issue and we'll look at how to workaround any difficulties.
Given that Cuba is essentially Rack, it is very easy to test with
, Webrat
or Capybara
. Cuba's own tests are written
with a combination of Cutest and Rack::Test,
and if you want to use the same for your tests it is as easy as
requiring cuba/test
require "cuba/test"
require "your/app"
scope do
test "Homepage" do
get "/"
assert_equal "Hello world!", last_response.body
If you prefer to use Capybara, instead of requiring
you can require cuba/capybara
require "cuba/capybara"
require "your/app"
scope do
test "Homepage" do
visit "/"
assert has_content?("Hello world!")
To read more about testing, check the documentation for Cutest, Rack::Test and Capybara.
Each Cuba app can store settings in the Cuba.settings
hash. The settings are
inherited if you happen to subclass Cuba
Cuba.settings[:layout] = "guest"
class Users < Cuba; end
class Admin < Cuba; end
Admin.settings[:layout] = "admin"
assert_equal "guest", Users.settings[:layout]
assert_equal "admin", Admin.settings[:layout]
Feel free to store whatever you find convenient.
Cuba includes a plugin called Cuba::Render
that provides a couple of helper
methods for rendering templates. This plugin uses Tilt, which serves as
an interface to a bunch of different Ruby template engines (ERB, Haml, Sass,
CoffeeScript, etc.), so you can use the template engine of your choice.
To set up Cuba::Render
, do:
require "cuba"
require "cuba/render"
require "erb"
Cuba.plugin Cuba::Render
This example uses ERB, a template engine that comes with Ruby. If you want to
use another template engine, one supported by Tilt, you need to
install the required gem and change the template_engine
setting as shown
Cuba.settings[:render][:template_engine] = "haml"
The plugin provides three helper methods for rendering templates: partial
and render
Cuba.define do
on "about" do
# `partial` renders a template called `about.erb` without a layout.
res.write partial("about")
on "home" do
# Opposed to `partial`, `view` renders the same template
# within a layout called `layout.erb`.
res.write view("about")
on "contact" do
# `render` is a shortcut to `res.write view(...)`
By default, Cuba::Render
assumes that all templates are placed in a folder
named views
and that they use the proper extension for the chosen template
engine. Also for the view
and render
methods, it assumes that the layout
template is called layout
The defaults can be changed through the Cuba.settings
Cuba.settings[:render][:template_engine] = "haml"
Cuba.settings[:render][:views] = "./views/admin/"
Cuba.settings[:render][:layout] = "admin"
NOTE: Cuba doesn't ship with Tilt. You need to install it (gem install tilt
Cuba provides a way to extend its functionality with plugins.
Authoring your own plugins is pretty straightforward.
module MyOwnHelper
def markdown(str)
Cuba.plugin MyOwnHelper
That's the simplest kind of plugin you'll write. In fact, that's exactly how
the markdown
helper is written in Cuba::TextHelpers
A more complicated plugin can make use of Cuba.settings
to provide default
values. In the following example, note that if the module has a setup
method, it will
be called as soon as it is included:
module Render
def self.setup(app)
app.settings[:template_engine] = "erb"
def partial(template, locals = {})
render("#{template}.#{settings[:template_engine]}", locals)
Cuba.plugin Render
This sample plugin actually resembles how Cuba::Render
Finally, if a module called ClassMethods
is present, Cuba
will be extended
with it.
module GetSetter
module ClassMethods
def set(key, value)
settings[key] = value
def get(key)
Cuba.plugin GetSetter
Cuba.set(:foo, "bar")
assert_equal "bar", Cuba.get(:foo)
assert_equal "bar", Cuba.settings[:foo]
A good first step is to meet us on IRC and discuss ideas. If that's not possible, you can create an issue explaning the proposed change and a use case. We pay a lot of attention to use cases, because our goal is to keep the code base simple. In many cases, the result of a conversation will be the creation of another tool, instead of the modification of Cuba itself.
If you want to test Cuba, you may want to use a gemset to isolate the requirements. We recommend the use of tools like dep and gs, but you can use similar tools like gst or bs.
The required gems for testing and development are listed in the
file. If you are using dep, you can create a gemset
and run dep install