This repository contains all the material for Term 1 and 2 of Code Club. It consists of lesson notes and plans in Markdown format along with Scratch project files.
More information on our curriculum can be found here.
If you're a club leader trying out new projects, please complete this short questionnaire (or email [email protected]) to let us know how it went!
This material is openly available for everyone to use and contribute to. Right now, we’re receiving translations from all over the world.
Instructions on how to contribute to our curriculum can be found here.
Ask questions and share your experiences with other Code Clube World local teams in our community:
Install dependencies
$ gem install rake rubyzip
Build the packs to pkg/
$ rake build
Or if you want to use bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake build
This repository uses Unicode filenames, which can break under OSX. You will need a version of Git above 1.8.2 and run git config --global core.precomposeunicode true
before checking out the repository.