[!IMPORTANT] If you are looking for my old dotfiles (which do not use stow), you can find them in https://github.com/maxhu08/dotfiles-old
This repo contains all my configs I use.
My dotfiles are managed with stow
, which manages symlinks so that the files in this dotfiles repo are synced with the actual configs.
To get started with using my dotfiles run these commmands
# arch
sudo pacman -S stow
# gentoo
doas emerge -av app-admin/stow
git clone https://github.com/maxhu08/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
After that, you just need to run the stow command to symlink the dotfiles you want
[!CAUTION] I would not recommend stowing stuff like
because that contains my .gitconfig orxorg
because thats specific to my monitor setup
# you can stow multiple things in one command!
stow alacritty fish kitty nvim picom tmux vscode xorg
Make sure to install the programs, stow just symlinks the configs. You still need to install the programs!
Install on arch (with paru):
paru -S \
fish zsh \
alacritty kitty \
tmux vim neovim ripgrep fzf zoxide \
xorg-server xorg-xinit \
xorg-xrandr xf86-input-libinput \
xorg-xrdb xorg-xset \
feh picom-simpleanims-git \
materia-gtk-theme bibata-cursor-theme-bin \
papirus-icon-theme papirus-folders-git \
noto-fonts ttf-roboto \
ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd \
ttf-apple-emoji \
visual-studio-code-bin nemo brave-bin \
obs-studio pavucontrol \
That's it!