diff --git a/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertExampleProtos.java b/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertExampleProtos.java
index 0ebb5e81..79603582 100644
--- a/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertExampleProtos.java
+++ b/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertExampleProtos.java
@@ -94,10 +94,8 @@ public int getSerializedSize() {
return size;
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- protected java.lang.Object writeReplace()
- throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {
+ protected Object writeReplace() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {
return super.writeReplace();
@@ -440,10 +438,8 @@ public int getSerializedSize() {
return size;
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- protected java.lang.Object writeReplace()
- throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {
+ protected Object writeReplace() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {
return super.writeReplace();
diff --git a/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertProtos.java b/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertProtos.java
index 5fc3e292..e3500a80 100644
--- a/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertProtos.java
+++ b/cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/protos/NorbertProtos.java
@@ -1594,10 +1594,6 @@ public interface NodeOrBuilder
// optional int64 persistentCapability = 4;
boolean hasPersistentCapability();
long getPersistentCapability();
- // optional int32 altPort = 5;
- boolean hasAltPort();
- int getAltPort();
public static final class Node extends
@@ -1694,22 +1690,11 @@ public long getPersistentCapability() {
return persistentCapability_;
- // optional int32 altPort = 5;
- public static final int ALTPORT_FIELD_NUMBER = 5;
- private int altPort_;
- public boolean hasAltPort() {
- return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008);
- }
- public int getAltPort() {
- return altPort_;
- }
private void initFields() {
id_ = 0;
url_ = "";
partition_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();;
persistentCapability_ = 0L;
- altPort_ = 0;
private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
@@ -1743,9 +1728,6 @@ public void writeTo(com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream output)
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) {
output.writeInt64(4, persistentCapability_);
- if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) {
- output.writeInt32(5, altPort_);
- }
@@ -1776,10 +1758,6 @@ public int getSerializedSize() {
size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
.computeInt64Size(4, persistentCapability_);
- if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) {
- size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream
- .computeInt32Size(5, altPort_);
- }
size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
@@ -1912,8 +1890,6 @@ public Builder clear() {
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
persistentCapability_ = 0L;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008);
- altPort_ = 0;
- bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010);
return this;
@@ -1969,10 +1945,6 @@ public com.linkedin.norbert.protos.NorbertProtos.Node buildPartial() {
to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
result.persistentCapability_ = persistentCapability_;
- if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) {
- to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
- }
- result.altPort_ = altPort_;
result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_;
return result;
@@ -2008,9 +1980,6 @@ public Builder mergeFrom(com.linkedin.norbert.protos.NorbertProtos.Node other) {
if (other.hasPersistentCapability()) {
- if (other.hasAltPort()) {
- setAltPort(other.getAltPort());
- }
return this;
@@ -2079,11 +2048,6 @@ public Builder mergeFrom(
persistentCapability_ = input.readInt64();
- case 40: {
- bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
- altPort_ = input.readInt32();
- break;
- }
@@ -2213,27 +2177,6 @@ public Builder clearPersistentCapability() {
return this;
- // optional int32 altPort = 5;
- private int altPort_ ;
- public boolean hasAltPort() {
- return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010);
- }
- public int getAltPort() {
- return altPort_;
- }
- public Builder setAltPort(int value) {
- bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
- altPort_ = value;
- onChanged();
- return this;
- }
- public Builder clearAltPort() {
- bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010);
- altPort_ = 0;
- onChanged();
- return this;
- }
// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:norbert.Node)
@@ -2277,11 +2220,10 @@ public Builder clearAltPort() {
"\r \001(\t\022.\n\006header\030\016 \003(\0132\036.norbert.NorbertM" +
"essage.Header\032$\n\006Header\022\013\n\003key\030\001 \002(\t\022\r\n\005" +
"value\030\002 \001(\t\"*\n\006Status\022\006\n\002OK\020\000\022\t\n\005ERROR\020\001" +
- "\022\r\n\tHEAVYLOAD\020\002\"a\n\004Node\022\n\n\002id\030\001 \002(\005\022\013\n\003u" +
+ "\022\r\n\tHEAVYLOAD\020\002\"P\n\004Node\022\n\n\002id\030\001 \002(\005\022\013\n\003u" +
"rl\030\002 \002(\t\022\021\n\tpartition\030\003 \003(\005\022\034\n\024persisten",
- "tCapability\030\004 \001(\003\022\017\n\007altPort\030\005 \001(\005B.\n\033co" +
- "m.linkedin.norbert.protosB\rNorbertProtos" +
- "H\001"
+ "tCapability\030\004 \001(\003B.\n\033com.linkedin.norber" +
+ "t.protosB\rNorbertProtosH\001"
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner assigner =
new com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner() {
@@ -2309,7 +2251,7 @@ public com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistry assignDescriptors(
internal_static_norbert_Node_fieldAccessorTable = new
- new java.lang.String[] { "Id", "Url", "Partition", "PersistentCapability", "AltPort", },
+ new java.lang.String[] { "Id", "Url", "Partition", "PersistentCapability", },
return null;
diff --git a/cluster/src/main/protobuf/norbert.proto b/cluster/src/main/protobuf/norbert.proto
index 3ef7a5fb..04bd1d3d 100644
--- a/cluster/src/main/protobuf/norbert.proto
+++ b/cluster/src/main/protobuf/norbert.proto
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ message Node {
required string url = 2;
repeated int32 partition = 3;
optional int64 persistentCapability = 4;
- optional int32 altPort = 5;
diff --git a/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/ClusterClient.scala b/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/ClusterClient.scala
index 18e38943..59b057b5 100644
--- a/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/ClusterClient.scala
+++ b/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/ClusterClient.scala
@@ -202,22 +202,34 @@ trait ClusterClient extends Logging {
+ /**
+ * Adds a node to the cluster metadata.
+ *
+ * @param nodeId the id of the node to add
+ * @param url the url to be used to send requests to the node
+ *
+ * @return the newly added node
+ * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is disconnected when the method is called
+ * @throws InvalidNodeException thrown if there is an error adding the new node to the cluster metadata
+ */
+ def addNode(nodeId: Int, url: String): Node = addNode(nodeId, url, Set[Int]())
* Adds a node to the cluster metadata.
* @param nodeId the id of the node to add
* @param url the url to be used to send requests to the node
- * @param partitions the partitions for which the node can process requests. These are optional.
- * @param altPort the secondary port for use with the second channel. This is optional.
+ * @param partitions the partitions for which the node can process requests
* @return the newly added node
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is disconnected when the method is called
* @throws InvalidNodeException thrown if there is an error adding the new node to the cluster metadata
- def addNode(nodeId: Int, url: String, partitions: Set[Int] = Set[Int](), altPort: Option[Int] = None): Node = doIfConnected {
+ def addNode(nodeId: Int, url: String, partitions: Set[Int]): Node = doIfConnected {
if (url == null) throw new NullPointerException
- val node = Node(nodeId, url, false, partitions, altPort = altPort)
+ val node = Node(nodeId, url, false, partitions)
clusterManager !? ClusterManagerMessages.AddNode(node) match {
case ClusterManagerMessages.ClusterManagerResponse(Some(ex)) => throw ex
case ClusterManagerMessages.ClusterManagerResponse(None) => node
diff --git a/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/Node.scala b/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/Node.scala
index c0c362e9..7474e93e 100644
--- a/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/Node.scala
+++ b/cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/cluster/Node.scala
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ object Node {
val partitions = node.getPartitionList.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Int]].foldLeft(Set[Int]()) { (set, i) => set + i }
- Node(node.getId, node.getUrl, available, partitions, capability, None, Some(node.getAltPort))
+ Node(node.getId, node.getUrl, available, partitions, capability, None)
- Node(node.getId, node.getUrl, available, partitions, capability, Some(node.getPersistentCapability), Some(node.getAltPort))
+ Node(node.getId, node.getUrl, available, partitions, capability, Some(node.getPersistentCapability))
} catch {
case ex: InvalidProtocolBufferException => throw new InvalidNodeException("Error deserializing node", ex)
@@ -63,12 +63,6 @@ object Node {
case None => builder.setId(node.id).setUrl(node.url)
case Some(x) => builder.setId(node.id).setUrl(node.url).setPersistentCapability(x)
- node.altPort match {
- // Only set altPort if we actually have an altPort.
- case None => // Do nothing!
- case Some(x) => builder.setAltPort(x)
- }
@@ -84,7 +78,7 @@ object Node {
* @param partitions the partitions for which the node can handle requests
* @param capability the 64 bits Long representing up to 64 node capabilities
-final case class Node(id: Int, url: String, available: Boolean, partitionIds: Set[Int] = Set.empty, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None, altPort: Option[Int] = None) {
+final case class Node(id: Int, url: String, available: Boolean, partitionIds: Set[Int] = Set.empty, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) {
if (url == null) throw new NullPointerException("url must not be null")
if (partitionIds == null) throw new NullPointerException("partitions must not be null")
@@ -95,7 +89,7 @@ final case class Node(id: Int, url: String, available: Boolean, partitionIds: Se
case _ => false
- override def toString = "Node(%d,%s,[%s],%b,0x%08X,0x%08X,%d)".format(id, url, partitionIds.mkString(","), available, if (capability.isEmpty) 0L else capability.get, if (persistentCapability.isEmpty) 0L else persistentCapability.get, if (altPort.isEmpty) 0 else altPort.get)
+ override def toString = "Node(%d,%s,[%s],%b,0x%08X,0x%08X)".format(id, url, partitionIds.mkString(","), available, if (capability.isEmpty) 0L else capability.get, if (persistentCapability.isEmpty) 0L else persistentCapability.get)
def isCapableOf(c: Option[Long], pc: Option[Long]) : Boolean = {
val capabilityMatch: Boolean = (capability, c) match {
diff --git a/examples/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/Ping.java b/examples/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/Ping.java
index 2f12f01c..d6d5946d 100644
--- a/examples/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/Ping.java
+++ b/examples/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/Ping.java
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ public String responseName() {
return "pong";
- public int priority() {return 0;}
public byte[] requestToBytes(Ping message) {
return NorbertExampleProtos.Ping.newBuilder().setTimestamp(message.timestamp).build().toByteArray();
diff --git a/examples/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NorbertNetworkClientMain.scala b/examples/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NorbertNetworkClientMain.scala
index 28c4720e..bf53057d 100644
--- a/examples/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NorbertNetworkClientMain.scala
+++ b/examples/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NorbertNetworkClientMain.scala
@@ -74,15 +74,11 @@ object NorbertNetworkClientMain {
cc.addNode(nodeId.toInt, url)
println("Joined Norbert cluster")
- case nodeId :: url :: altPort :: Nil =>
- cc.addNode(nodeId.toInt, url, altPort = Some(altPort.toInt))
+ case nodeId :: url :: partitions =>
+ cc.addNode(nodeId.toInt, url, Set() ++ partitions.map(_.toInt))
println("Joined Norbert cluster")
- case nodeId :: url :: altPort :: partitions =>
- cc.addNode(nodeId.toInt, url, Set() ++ partitions.map(_.toInt), Some(altPort.toInt))
- println("Joined Norbert cluster")
- case _ => println("Error: Invalid syntax: join nodeId url altPort partition1 partition2...")
+ case _ => println("Error: Invalid syntax: join nodeId url partition1 partition2...")
println("Joined Norbert cluster")
@@ -114,19 +110,6 @@ object NorbertNetworkClientMain {
- case "altPing" =>
- if (args.length < 1) {
- println("Invalid syntax: altPing nodeId")
- } else {
- val node = cc.nodeWithId(args.head.toInt)
- node match {
- case Some(n) =>
- nc.sendAltMessageToNode(Ping(System.currentTimeMillis), n)
- case None => println("No node with id: %d".format(args.head.toInt))
- }
- }
case "exit" => System.exit(0)
case "quit" => System.exit(0)
diff --git a/java-cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/Node.java b/java-cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/Node.java
index b84f5cce..f975fb53 100644
--- a/java-cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/Node.java
+++ b/java-cluster/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/Node.java
@@ -26,5 +26,4 @@ public interface Node {
boolean isCapableOf(Long c, Long pc);
Long getCapability();
Long getPersistentCapability();
- Integer getAltPort();
diff --git a/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/JavaNode.scala b/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/JavaNode.scala
index b18faca5..a8d23a4e 100644
--- a/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/JavaNode.scala
+++ b/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/cluster/JavaNode.scala
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ object JavaNode {
if (node.partitionIds != null) {
node.partitionIds.foreach {id => s.add(id)}
- JavaNode(node.id, node.url, node.available, s, node.capability, node.persistentCapability, node.altPort)
+ JavaNode(node.id, node.url, node.available, s, node.capability, node.persistentCapability)
-case class JavaNode(@BeanProperty id: Int, @BeanProperty url: String, @BeanProperty available: Boolean, @BeanProperty partitionIds: java.util.Set[java.lang.Integer], capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None, altPort: Option[Int] = None) extends Node {
+case class JavaNode(@BeanProperty id: Int, @BeanProperty url: String, @BeanProperty available: Boolean, @BeanProperty partitionIds: java.util.Set[java.lang.Integer], capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) extends Node {
def isAvailable = available
def isCapableOf(c: java.lang.Long) : Boolean = isCapableOf(c, 0L)
def isCapableOf(c: java.lang.Long, pc: java.lang.Long) : Boolean =
@@ -52,9 +52,4 @@ case class JavaNode(@BeanProperty id: Int, @BeanProperty url: String, @BeanPrope
case Some(nc) => nc.longValue
case None => null
- def getAltPort() : java.lang.Integer =
- altPort match {
- case Some(nc) => nc.intValue
- case None => null
- }
diff --git a/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/package.scala b/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/package.scala
index f4865b7f..7bbdd88b 100644
--- a/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/package.scala
+++ b/java-cluster/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/package.scala
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
package com.linkedin.norbert
-import java.util
import javacompat.cluster.{JavaNode, Node => JNode}
import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.{Node => SNode}
@@ -55,9 +53,8 @@ package object javacompat {
SNode(node.getId, node.getUrl, node.isAvailable, partitionIds,
- if(node.getCapability == null) None else Some(node.getCapability.longValue),
- if(node.getPersistentCapability == null) None else Some(node.getPersistentCapability.longValue),
- Some(node.getAltPort.intValue))
+ if(node.getCapability == null) None else Some(node.getCapability.longValue),
+ if(node.getPersistentCapability == null) None else Some(node.getPersistentCapability.longValue))
diff --git a/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/NetworkClient.java b/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/NetworkClient.java
index e101ca01..a10fb95c 100644
--- a/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/NetworkClient.java
+++ b/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/NetworkClient.java
@@ -15,18 +15,15 @@
package com.linkedin.norbert.javacompat.network;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.ClusterDisconnectedException;
import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.InvalidClusterException;
import com.linkedin.norbert.network.NoNodesAvailableException;
import com.linkedin.norbert.network.Serializer;
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.*;
-import java.util.concurrent.Future;
public interface NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
- /**
+ /**
* Sends a request to a node in the cluster. The NetworkClient
defers to the current
* LoadBalancer
to decide which Node
the request should be sent to.
@@ -47,21 +44,4 @@ public interface NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
Future sendRequest(RequestMsg request, Serializer serializer, int maxRetry, long capability) throws InvalidClusterException, NoNodesAvailableException, ClusterDisconnectedException;
Future sendRequest(RequestMsg request, Serializer serializer, int maxRetry, long capability, long persistentCapability) throws InvalidClusterException, NoNodesAvailableException, ClusterDisconnectedException;
- /**
- * Sends a request to a node in the cluster. The NetworkClient
defers to the current
- * LoadBalancer
to decide which Node
the request should be sent to.
- *
- * @param requestSpecification the RequestSpecification object specifying the message
- * @param nodeSpecification the NodeSpecification object specifying the number of replicas and clusterId
- * @param retrySpecification the RetrySpecification object specifying the retry strategy and callback
- *
- * @return void
- * @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if the cluster is currently in an invalid state
- * @throws NoNodesAvailableException thrown if the LoadBalancer
was unable to provide a Node
- * to send the request to
- * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is not connected when the method is called
- */
- void sendRequest(RequestSpecification requestSpecification,NodeSpecification nodeSpecification, RetrySpecification retrySpecification,
- Serializer serializer) throws InvalidClusterException, NoNodesAvailableException, ClusterDisconnectedException;
diff --git a/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/PartitionedNetworkClient.java b/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/PartitionedNetworkClient.java
index 0dfe3c6e..eba4609f 100644
--- a/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/PartitionedNetworkClient.java
+++ b/java-network/src/main/java/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/PartitionedNetworkClient.java
@@ -15,36 +15,17 @@
package com.linkedin.norbert.javacompat.network;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.ClusterDisconnectedException;
import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.InvalidClusterException;
+import com.linkedin.norbert.javacompat.cluster.Node;
import com.linkedin.norbert.network.NoNodesAvailableException;
import com.linkedin.norbert.network.ResponseIterator;
import com.linkedin.norbert.network.Serializer;
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.*;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.Future;
public interface PartitionedNetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
- /**
- * Sends a Message
to the specified PartitionedId
. The PartitionedNetworkClient
- * will interact with the current PartitionedLoadBalancer
to calculate which Node
the message
- * must be sent to. This method is asynchronous and will return immediately.
- *
- * @param requestSpecification the RequestSpecification object specifying the message
- * @param nodeSpecification the NodeSpecification object specifying the number of replicas and clusterId
- * @param retrySpecification the RetrySpecification object specifying the retry strategy and callback
- *
- * @return void
- * @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if the cluster is currently in an invalid state
- * @throws NoNodesAvailableException thrown if the PartitionedLoadBalancer
was unable to provide a Node
- * to send the request to
- * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
- */
- void sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification requestSpecification, PartitionedNodeSpecification nodeSpecification, PartitionedRetrySpecification retrySpecification, Serializer serializer) throws InvalidClusterException, NoNodesAvailableException, ClusterDisconnectedException;
* Sends a Message
to the specified PartitionedId
. The PartitionedNetworkClient
* will interact with the current PartitionedLoadBalancer
to calculate which Node
the message
diff --git a/java-network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/BaseNettyNetworkClient.scala b/java-network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/BaseNettyNetworkClient.scala
index beec8ca0..2cd58784 100644
--- a/java-network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/BaseNettyNetworkClient.scala
+++ b/java-network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/javacompat/network/BaseNettyNetworkClient.scala
@@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ package com.linkedin.norbert
package javacompat
package network
-import com.linkedin.norbert.EndpointConversions._
+import cluster.{Node, BaseClusterClient}
import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.{Node => SNode}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.javacompat.cluster.{BaseClusterClient, Node}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.client.loadbalancer.{LoadBalancer => SLoadBalancer, LoadBalancerFactory => SLoadBalancerFactory}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.{Endpoint => SEndpoint}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.partitioned.loadbalancer.{PartitionedLoadBalancer => SPartitionedLoadBalancer, PartitionedLoadBalancerFactory => SPartitionedLoadBalancerFactory}
import com.linkedin.norbert.network.{ResponseIterator, Serializer}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.{NodeSpecification, RequestSpecification, RetrySpecification, PartitionedNodeSpecification, PartitionedRequestSpecification, PartitionedRetrySpecification}
+import com.linkedin.norbert.network.client.loadbalancer.{LoadBalancerFactory => SLoadBalancerFactory, LoadBalancer => SLoadBalancer}
+import com.linkedin.norbert.network.partitioned.loadbalancer.{PartitionedLoadBalancerFactory => SPartitionedLoadBalancerFactory, PartitionedLoadBalancer => SPartitionedLoadBalancer}
+import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.{Endpoint => SEndpoint}
+import EndpointConversions._
abstract class BaseNettyNetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
val underlying: com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.BaseNetworkClient
@@ -106,9 +105,6 @@ class NettyNetworkClient(config: NetworkClientConfig, loadBalancerFactory: LoadB
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestMsg: RequestMsg, serializer: Serializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], maxRetry: Int, capability: Long, persistentCapability: Long) =
underlying.sendRequest(requestMsg, maxRetry, Some(capability), Some(persistentCapability))(serializer, serializer)
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestSpecification: RequestSpecification[RequestMsg],nodeSpecification: NodeSpecification,retrySpecification: RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], serializer:Serializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) =
- underlying.sendRequest(requestSpecification, nodeSpecification, retrySpecification)(serializer, serializer)
class NettyPartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId](config: NetworkClientConfig, loadBalancerFactory: PartitionedLoadBalancerFactory[PartitionedId],
@@ -133,6 +129,7 @@ class NettyPartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId](config: NetworkClientConfig,
underlying.sendRequest(ids: Set[PartitionedId], request)(serializer, serializer)
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: java.util.Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: RequestBuilder[PartitionedId, RequestMsg], serializer: Serializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = {
+ import collection.JavaConversions._
underlying.sendRequest(ids: java.util.Set[PartitionedId], (node: SNode, ids: Set[PartitionedId]) => requestBuilder(node, ids))(serializer, serializer)
@@ -146,9 +143,6 @@ class NettyPartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId](config: NetworkClientConfig,
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestSpecification: PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], nodeSpecification: PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], retrySpecification:PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], serializer:Serializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) =
- underlying.sendRequest(requestSpecification, nodeSpecification, retrySpecification)(serializer, serializer)
def sendRequestToPartitions[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, partitions: java.util.Set[java.lang.Integer], requestBuilder: RequestBuilder[Integer, RequestMsg], serializer: Serializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) = {
val sPartitions = partitions.foldLeft(Set.empty[Int])(_ + _.intValue())
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NodeSpecification.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NodeSpecification.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3946a80f..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/NodeSpecification.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2010 LinkedIn, Inc
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.{NodeSpecification => JNodeSpecification, PartitionedNodeSpecification => JPartitionedNodeSpecification}
- * Partitioned and non-partitioned NodeSpecification wrapper objects for sendRequest
- *
- * A NodeSpecification object is used to store the necessary information to specify a node.
- * For the non-partitioned version this is the capability and persistentCapability.
- * The Partitioned version extends the non-partitioned version with numberOfReplicas and clusterId
- */
- * NodeTrait is the trait that the NodeSpecification objects extend.
- * @tparam NodeType Either a non-partitioned or partitioned nodeSpec
- */
-trait NodeTrait[NodeType] {
- var capability: Option[Long] = None
- var persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None
- var altPort: Option[Int] = None
- def setCapability(cap: Option[Long]): this.type = {
- capability = cap
- this
- }
- def setPersistentCapability(persistentCap: Option[Long]): this.type = {
- persistentCapability = persistentCap
- this
- }
- def setAltPort(port: Option[Int]): this.type = {
- altPort = port
- this
- }
- def build: this.type = {
- capability match {
- case Some(cap) => this
- case None =>
- persistentCapability match {
- case Some(persCap) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify PersistentCapability without Capability")
- case None => this
- }
- }
- }
-* Non-Partitioned NodeSpecification. Defines getters for the java interface.
-class NodeSpecification extends NodeTrait[NodeSpecification] with JNodeSpecification {
- // Converts Option[Long] to java.lang.Long
- def getCapability(): java.lang.Long = {
- capability match {
- case Some(cap) => cap
- case None => null
- }
- }
- // Converts Option[Long] to java.lang.Long
- def getPersistentCapability: java.lang.Long= {
- persistentCapability match {
- case Some(pc) => pc
- case None => null
- }
- }
- // Converts Option[Int] to java.lang.Integer
- def getAltPort: java.lang.Integer = {
- altPort match {
- case Some(ap) => ap
- case None => null
- }
- }
-* Partitioned NodeSpecification. Defines getters for the java interface.
-class PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](val ids: Set[PartitionedId]) extends NodeTrait[PartitionedNodeSpecification[_]] with JPartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId] {
- var numberOfReplicas: Int = 0
- var clusterId: Option[Int] = None
- def setNumberOfReplicas(_numberOfReplicas: Int): PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId] = {
- this.numberOfReplicas = _numberOfReplicas
- this
- }
- def setClusterId(_clusterId: Option[Int]): PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId] = {
- this.clusterId = _clusterId
- this
- }
- // Converts Option[Long] to java.lang.Long
- def getCapability(): java.lang.Long = {
- capability match {
- case Some(cap) => cap
- case None => null
- }
- }
- // Converts Option[Long] to java.lang.Long
- def getPersistentCapability: java.lang.Long = {
- persistentCapability match {
- case Some(pc) => pc
- case None => null
- }
- }
- // Converts Option[Int] to java.lang.Integer
- def getAltPort: java.lang.Integer = {
- altPort match {
- case Some(ap) => ap
- case None => null
- }
- }
- // Returns Int that is unboxed to int
- def getNumberOfReplicas(): Int = numberOfReplicas
- // Converts Option[Int] to java.lang.Int
- def getClusterId(): java.lang.Integer = {
- clusterId match {
- case Some(cid) => cid
- case None => null
- }
- }
- // Returns Set[PartitionedId]
- def getIds(): Set[PartitionedId] = ids
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Request.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Request.scala
index 7b5c3a02..55915f13 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Request.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Request.scala
@@ -13,90 +13,56 @@
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network
+package com.linkedin.norbert
+package network
import java.util.UUID
-import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.{ClusterException, Node}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.CachedNetworkStatistics
+import cluster.{ClusterException, Node}
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
+import common.CachedNetworkStatistics
-object BaseRequest {
+object Request {
def apply[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](message: RequestMsg, node: Node,
- inputSerializer: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
- outputSerializer: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): BaseRequest[RequestMsg] = {
- new BaseRequest(message, node, inputSerializer, outputSerializer)
+ inputSerializer: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], outputSerializer: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
+ callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit], retryAttempt: Int = 0): Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg] = {
+ new Request(message, node, inputSerializer, outputSerializer, callback, retryAttempt)
-class BaseRequest[RequestMsg](val message: RequestMsg, val node: Node,
- val inputSerializer: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, _],
- val outputSerializer: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, _]) {
+class Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](val message: RequestMsg, val node: Node,
+ val inputSerializer: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], val outputSerializer: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
+ val callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit], val retryAttempt: Int = 0) {
val id = UUID.randomUUID
val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis
val headers : Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String, String]
- //currently there is an assumption in ClientChannelHandler that only the Request class and derivatives of it can expect responses
- //if you extend baseRequest (and not request) with something that expects a response make sure to change that
- val expectsResponse = false
def name: String = {
+ // serializer
def requestBytes: Array[Byte] = outputSerializer.requestToBytes(message)
def addHeader(key: String, value: String) = headers += (key -> value)
- def startNettyTiming(stats : CachedNetworkStatistics[Node, UUID]) = {
- stats.beginNetty(node, id, 0)
- }
- override def toString: String = {
- "[Request: %s, %s]".format(message, node)
- }
def onFailure(exception: Throwable) {
- // Nothing to do here!
+ if(!callback.isEmpty) callback.get(Left(exception))
- def onSuccess(bytes: Array[Byte]) {
- // Nothing to do here!
+ def endNettyTiming(stats: CachedNetworkStatistics[Node, UUID]) = {
+ stats.endNetty(node, id)
-object Request {
- def apply[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](message: RequestMsg, node: Node,
- inputSerializer: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], outputSerializer: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
- callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit], retryAttempt: Int = 0): Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg] = {
- new Request(message, node, inputSerializer, outputSerializer, callback, retryAttempt)
- }
-class Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](override val message: RequestMsg, override val node: Node,
- override val inputSerializer: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], override val outputSerializer: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
- val callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit], val retryAttempt: Int = 0)
- extends BaseRequest[RequestMsg](message, node, inputSerializer, outputSerializer){
- override val expectsResponse = !callback.isEmpty
- override def onFailure(exception: Throwable) {
- callback match {
- case Some(fn) => fn(Left(exception))
- case None => ()
- }
+ def startNettyTiming(stats : CachedNetworkStatistics[Node, UUID]) = {
+ stats.beginNetty(node, id, 0)
- override def onSuccess(bytes: Array[Byte]) {
- callback match {
- case Some(fn) => fn(try {
- Right(inputSerializer.responseFromBytes(bytes))
- } catch {
- case ex: Exception => Left(new ClusterException("Exception while deserializing response", ex))
- })
- case None => ()
- }
+ def onSuccess(bytes: Array[Byte]) {
+ if(!callback.isEmpty) callback.get(try {
+ Right(inputSerializer.responseFromBytes(bytes))
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Exception => Left(new ClusterException("Exception while deserializing response", ex))
+ })
override def toString: String = {
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/RequestSpecification.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/RequestSpecification.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 796f5d67..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/RequestSpecification.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network
-import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.Node
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.{RequestSpecification => JRequestSpecification, PartitionedRequestSpecification => JPartitionedRequestSpecification}
- * A RequestSpecification object is used to store the necessary information to specify the request message.
- * For the non-partitioned version this is just the actual message being sent.
- * There is a conversion from a PartitionedRequestSpecification, but it will error if the PartitionedRequestSpecification does not have a RequestMsg (which is possible).
- */
-object RequestSpecification {
- def apply[RequestMsg](message: RequestMsg): RequestSpecification[RequestMsg] = {
- new RequestSpecification(message)
- }
- implicit def convert[RequestMsg](partitionedSpec: PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, _]): RequestSpecification[RequestMsg] = {
- new RequestSpecification(partitionedSpec.message.get)
- }
- * This is a RequestSpecification, it has a default constructor and no extra functionality. See the above companion object for more details.
- * @param message The requestMsg to be sent to the node.
- * @tparam RequestMsg The type of the request being sent to the node, should be the same as that used by the network client you will use to send the request.
- */
-class RequestSpecification[RequestMsg](val message: RequestMsg) extends JRequestSpecification[RequestMsg]{
- def getMessage() = message
- * This is the partitioned version of RequestSpecification. It serves the same purpose of storing the information regarding the message being sent.
- * In this partitioned version the request can be specified either by giving the actual RequestMsg to be sent or by providing a requestBuilder.
- * A RequestBuilder is a function which, given a node and a set of PartitionedIds will return a RequestMsg.
- * which will generate a message from a set of partitionedIds. At least one of those must be specified.
- * You can also convert a RequestSpecification into a PartitionedRequestSpecification, which will set the PartitionedRequestSpecification's message to that of the RequestSpecification and not specify a requestBuilder.
- */
-object PartitionedRequestSpecification{
- def apply[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](message: Option[RequestMsg] = None,
- requestBuilder: Option[(Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg] = None): PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId] = {
- new PartitionedRequestSpecification(message, requestBuilder)
- }
- implicit def convert[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestSpec: RequestSpecification[RequestMsg]): PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId] = {
- new PartitionedRequestSpecification(Some(requestSpec.message), None)
- }
- * See above for more information on the capabilities of a PartitionedRequestSpecification. It currently can only be constructed
- * @param message The requestMsg to be sent to the node.
- * @tparam RequestMsg The type of the request being sent to the node, should be the same as that used by the network client you will use to send the request.
- * @param requestBuilder Builds a request using the specified set of partitionedIds.
- */
-class PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](val message: Option[RequestMsg],
- var requestBuilder: Option[(Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg]) extends JPartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId]{
- if (requestBuilder == None) {
- if (message == None) {
- /* error if both message and requestBuilder are none */
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify either message or requestBuilder")
- }
- requestBuilder = Some((node:Node, ids:Set[PartitionedId])=> message.getOrElse(throw new Exception("This should not happen")))
- }
- def getMessage() = message
- // Returns an optional anonymous function
- def getRequestBuilder() = requestBuilder
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/RetrySpecification.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/RetrySpecification.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 85eeb7fd..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/RetrySpecification.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2010 LinkedIn, Inc
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.linkedin.norbert
-import runtime.BoxedUnit
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.UnitConversions
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.RetryStrategy
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.{RetrySpecification => JRetrySpecification, PartitionedRetrySpecification => JPartitionedRetrySpecification}
- * This is the companion object for the RoutingConfigs class.
- */
-object RoutingConfigs {
- val defaultRoutingConfigs = new RoutingConfigs(false, false)
- def getDefaultRoutingConfigs():RoutingConfigs = {
- defaultRoutingConfigs
- }
- * This class encapsulates the parameters used for request routing configurations.
- * @param SelectiveRetry This indicates whether or not we want to use a specific retry strategy.
- * @param DuplicatesOk This indicates whether or not we can have duplicates returned to a higher application layer.
- */
-class RoutingConfigs(SelectiveRetry: Boolean, DuplicatesOk: Boolean ) {
- val selectiveRetry = SelectiveRetry
- val duplicatesOk = DuplicatesOk
- * This is the companion object for the RetrySpecifications class.
- */
-object RetrySpecification {
- def apply[ResponseMsg](maxRetry: Int = 0, callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit] = None) = {
- new RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, callback)
- }
- * This class encapsulates the retry specifications for a request. This class is the non-partitioned version
- * which only contains two parameters. The class contains just a default constructor.
- *
- * @param maxRetry This is the maximum number of retry attempts for the request. If not otherwise specified, the value will be 0.
- * @param callback This is a method to be called with either a Throwable in the case of an error along
- * the way or a ResponseMsg representing the result.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value for maxRetry is less than 0 and the callback is specified.
- */
-class RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](val maxRetry: Int,
- val callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit]) extends JRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]{
- // Returns Int that is unboxed to int
- def getMaxRetry() = maxRetry
- // Returns an optional anonymous function
- def getCallback() = {
- val unitConversion = new UnitConversions[ResponseMsg]
- unitConversion.curryImplicitly(callback.getOrElse(Either => ()))
- }
- * This is the companion object for the PartitionedRetrySpecification class.
- */
-object PartitionedRetrySpecification {
- def apply[ResponseMsg](maxRetry: Int = 0,
- callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit] = None,
- retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy] = None,
- routingConfigs: RoutingConfigs = RoutingConfigs.defaultRoutingConfigs) = {
- new PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, callback, retryStrategy, routingConfigs)
- }
- * This is the partitioned version of the RetrySpecification class which encapsulates retry specifications. This class contains
- * a default constructor and no additional functionality.
- *
- * @param maxRetry This is the maximum number of retry attempts for the request. If not otherwise specified, the value will be 0.
- * @param callback This is a method to be called with either a Throwable in the case of an error along
- * the way or a ResponseMsg representing the result.
- * @param retryStrategy This is the strategy to apply when we run into timeout situation.
- */
-class PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry: Int,
- callback: Option[Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit],
- var retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy],
- var routingConfigs: RoutingConfigs = RoutingConfigs.defaultRoutingConfigs)
- extends JPartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]{
- def getMaxRetry() = maxRetry
- def getCallback() = {
- val unitConversion = new UnitConversions[ResponseMsg]
- unitConversion.curryImplicitly(callback.getOrElse(Either => ()))
- }
- def getRetryStrategy() = retryStrategy
- def getRoutingConfigs() = routingConfigs
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Serializer.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Serializer.scala
index 5a664aac..708a0f14 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Serializer.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/Serializer.scala
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ trait OutputSerializer[-RequestMsg, -ResponseMsg] {
trait InputSerializer[+RequestMsg, +ResponseMsg] {
def requestName: String
- def priority: Int = 0
def requestFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): RequestMsg
def responseFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): ResponseMsg
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/UnitConversions.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/UnitConversions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 65408c97..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/UnitConversions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2009-2010 LinkedIn, Inc
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-* the License at
-* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-* the License.
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network
-import runtime.BoxedUnit
- * This class helps with converting the return type of callback between BoxedUnit and Unit for java/scala
- * interoperability
- */
-class UnitConversions[ResponseMsg] {
- // Converts the return type from Unit to BoxedUnit.UNIT
- def curryImplicitly[A](f: A => Unit): (A => BoxedUnit) =
- (a: A) => { f(a); BoxedUnit.UNIT }
- // Converts the return type from BoxedUnit to Unit
- def uncurryImplicitly[A](f: A => BoxedUnit): (A => Unit) =
- (a: A) => { f(a); () }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/Filter.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/Filter.scala
index 71361946..fa9e9de5 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/Filter.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/Filter.scala
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ package client
trait Filter {
- def onRequest[RequestMsg](request: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]): Unit
+ def onRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClient.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClient.scala
index 816e4817..6e99061d 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClient.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClient.scala
@@ -22,15 +22,9 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Future
import loadbalancer.{LoadBalancerFactory, LoadBalancer, LoadBalancerFactoryComponent}
import server.{MessageExecutorComponent, NetworkServer}
import cluster._
-import netty.NettyNetworkClient
import network.common._
import network.client.DarkCanaryResponseHandler
-import runtime.BoxedUnit
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.{NodeSpecification => JNodeSpecification, PartitionedNodeSpecification => JPartitionedNodeSpecification,
- RetrySpecification => JRetrySpecification, PartitionedRetrySpecification => JPartitionedRetrySpecification,
- RequestSpecification => JRequestSpecification, PartitionedRequestSpecification => JPartitionedRequestSpecification}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.UnitConversions
+import netty.NettyNetworkClient
object NetworkClientConfig {
var defaultIteratorTimeout = NetworkDefaults.DEFAULT_ITERATOR_TIMEOUT;
@@ -94,7 +88,6 @@ object NetworkClient {
* The network client interface for interacting with nodes in a cluster.
@@ -116,31 +109,17 @@ trait NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
* to send the request to
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is not connected when the method is called
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = {
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(0, Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit =
+ sendRequest(request, callback, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = {
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(0, Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit =
+ sendRequest(request, callback, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = doIfConnected {
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(0, Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(request, callback, 0, capability, persistentCapability)
@@ -155,69 +134,38 @@ trait NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
* to send the request to
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is not connected when the method is called
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
- val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(0, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- future
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] =
+ sendRequest(request, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, maxRetry:Int)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
- val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(maxRetry, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- future
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] =
+ sendRequest(request, maxRetry, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
- val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(0, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- future
+ sendRequest(request, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(0, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(request, future, capability, persistentCapability)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(maxRetry, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(request, future, maxRetry, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(maxRetry, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(request, future, maxRetry, capability, persistentCapability)
@@ -235,33 +183,16 @@ trait NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
* to send the request to
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is not connected when the method is called
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, maxRetry: Int)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = {
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(maxRetry, Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit =
+ sendRequest(request, callback, maxRetry, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os:OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = {
- val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
- val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(maxRetry, Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os:OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit =
+ sendRequest(request, callback, maxRetry, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(RequestSpecification[RequestMsg], NodeSpecification, RetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 12/17/2014")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = doIfConnected {
- // TODO: This still reroutes to the old sendRequest method so that we can test with it
- // TODO: Uncomment the below when we are completely satisfied to reroute it to the new sendRequest method.
-// val requestSpec = RequestSpecification(request)
-// val nodeSpec = new NodeSpecification().setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
-// val retrySpec = RetrySpecification(maxRetry, Some(callback))
-// sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
if (request == null) throw new NullPointerException
val loadBalancerReady = loadBalancer.getOrElse(throw new ClusterDisconnectedException("Client has no node information"))
@@ -272,42 +203,7 @@ trait NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
node.getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("No node available that can handle the request: %s".format(request)))
- doSendRequest(Request(request, node, is, os, if (maxRetry == 0) Some(callback) else Some(retryCallback[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](callback, maxRetry, capability, persistentCapability) _)))
- }
- /**
- * New sendRequest API. Functionally the same as the old one, but this takes three wrapper objects as input:
- * requestSpec: Handles the request object.
- * nodeSpec: Handles capability and persistent capability for the node.
- * retrySpec: Handles the maxRetry and callback used for the retry function.
- *
- * These wrapper objects contain overloading and/or defaulting to simplify development;
- * instead of adding new overloaded sendRequest methods, changes should be made to the
- * wrapper objects whenever possible.
- */
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestSpec: JRequestSpecification[RequestMsg], nodeSpec: JNodeSpecification, retrySpec: JRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os:OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = doIfConnected {
- if (requestSpec.getMessage() == null) throw new NullPointerException
- // Convert return type of callback from BoxedUnit to Unit
- val cb = retrySpec.getCallback();
- val unitConversion = new UnitConversions[ResponseMsg]
- val callback = unitConversion.uncurryImplicitly(cb)
- val loadBalancerReady = loadBalancer.getOrElse(throw new ClusterDisconnectedException("Client has no node information"))
- // Convert capability and persistentCapability from java.lang.Long to scala.Long
- val capability = Option(Long.unbox(nodeSpec.getCapability()))
- val persistentCapability = Option(Long.unbox(nodeSpec.getPersistentCapability()))
- val node = loadBalancerReady.fold(ex => throw ex,
- lb => {
- val node: Option[Node] = lb.nextNode(capability, persistentCapability)
- node.getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("No node available that can handle the request: %s".format(requestSpec.getMessage())))
- })
- doSendRequest(Request(requestSpec.getMessage(), node, is, os, if (retrySpec.getMaxRetry() == 0) Some(callback) else Some(retryCallback[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](callback, retrySpec.getMaxRetry(), capability, persistentCapability) _)))
+ doSendRequest(Request(request, node, is, os, if (maxRetry == 0) Some(callback) else Some(retryCallback[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](callback, maxRetry, capability, persistentCapability)_)))
@@ -354,49 +250,6 @@ trait NetworkClient extends BaseNetworkClient {
- /**
- * Sends the alternative one way message to a node in the cluster. The NetworkClient
defers to the current
- * LoadBalancer
to decide which Node
the request should be sent to.
- *
- * @param request the message to send
- *
- * @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if the cluster is currently in an invalid state
- * @throws NoNodesAvailableException thrown if the LoadBalancer
was unable to provide a Node
- * to send the request to
- * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the cluster is not connected when the method is called
- */
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) {
- doIfConnected {
- sendAltMessage(request, None, None)
- }
- }
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) {
- doIfConnected {
- sendAltMessage(request, capability, None)
- }
- }
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) {
- doIfConnected {
- if (request == null) throw new NullPointerException
- val loadBalancerReady = loadBalancer.getOrElse(throw new ClusterDisconnectedException("Client has no node information"))
- val node = loadBalancerReady.fold(ex => throw ex,
- lb => {
- val node: Option[Node] = lb.nextNode(capability, persistentCapability)
- node.getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("No node available that can handle the request: %s".format(request)))
- })
- doSendAltMessage(BaseRequest(request, node, is, os))
- }
- }
private[client] def retryCallback[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](underlying: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])(res: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = {
def propagate(t: Throwable) { underlying(Left(t)) }
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClient.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClient.scala
index 6f0d1fc6..eb2d6875 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClient.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClient.scala
@@ -119,26 +119,6 @@ trait BaseNetworkClient extends Logging {
- /**
- * Sends a request to the specified node in the cluster using the alternate channel.
- *
- * @param request the message to send
- * @param node the node to send the message to
- *
- * @return The second channel expects baseRequests and never returns responses
- * @throws InvalidNodeException thrown if the node specified is not currently available
- * @throws ClusterDisconnectedexception thrown if the cluster is not connected when the method is called
- */
- def sendAltMessageToNode[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: RequestMsg, node: Node)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = doIfConnected {
- if (request == null || node == null) throw new NullPointerException
- val candidate = currentNodes.filter(_ == node)
- if (candidate.size == 0) throw new InvalidNodeException("Unable to send message, %s is not available".format(node))
- doSendAltMessage(BaseRequest(request, node, is, os))
- }
* Broadcasts a message to all the currently available nodes in the cluster.
@@ -175,12 +155,6 @@ trait BaseNetworkClient extends Logging {
clusterIoClient.sendMessage(requestCtx.node, requestCtx)
- protected def doSendAltMessage[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = {
- filters.foreach { filter => filter.onRequest(requestCtx) }
- clusterIoClient.sendAltMessage(requestCtx.node, requestCtx)
- }
protected def doIfConnected[T](block: => T): T = {
if (shutdownSwitch.get) throw new NetworkShutdownException
else if (!startedSwitch.get) throw new NetworkNotStartedException
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/ClusterIoClientComponent.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/ClusterIoClientComponent.scala
index 3fce4a4f..b4d93d06 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/ClusterIoClientComponent.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/ClusterIoClientComponent.scala
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ trait ClusterIoClientComponent {
trait ClusterIoClient {
def sendMessage[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](node: Node, request: Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, request: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]): Unit
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]): Set[Endpoint]
def shutdown: Unit
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/NodeSpecification.java b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/NodeSpecification.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ec64c3..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/NodeSpecification.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects;
- * A NodeSpecification interface is to be extended by NodeSpecification.scala so that sendRequest can
- * take java objects as arguments. This file specifies getters for a NodeSpecification.
- */
-public interface NodeSpecification {
- Long getCapability();
- Long getPersistentCapability();
- Integer getAltPort();
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedNodeSpecification.java b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedNodeSpecification.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ea69152b..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedNodeSpecification.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects;
-import scala.collection.immutable.Set;
- * A PartitionedNodeSpecification interface is to be extended by NodeSpecification.scala so that sendRequest can
- * take java objects as arguments. This file specifies getters for a PartitionedNodeSpecification.
- */
-public interface PartitionedNodeSpecification extends NodeSpecification {
- Integer getAltPort();
- int getNumberOfReplicas();
- Integer getClusterId();
- Set getIds();
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedRequestSpecification.java b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedRequestSpecification.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a1418301..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedRequestSpecification.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects;
-import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.Node;
-import scala.Option;
-import scala.collection.immutable.Set;
-import scala.Function2;
- * A PartitionedRequestSpecification interface is to be extended by RequestSpecification.scala so that sendRequest can
- * take java objects as arguments. This file specifies getters for a PartitionedRequestSpecification.
- */
-public interface PartitionedRequestSpecification {
- Option getMessage();
- // Returns an optional anonymous function that takes two arguments
- Option, RequestMsg>> getRequestBuilder();
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedRetrySpecification.java b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedRetrySpecification.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dee823c3..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/PartitionedRetrySpecification.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects;
-import com.linkedin.norbert.RoutingConfigs;
-import scala.Option;
-import scala.Either;
-import scala.Function1;
-import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit;
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.RetryStrategy;
-import com.linkedin.norbert.RoutingConfigs;
- * A PartitionedRetrySpecification interface is to be extended by RetrySpecification.scala so that sendRequest can
- * take java objects as arguments. This file specifies getters for a PartitionedRetrySpecification.
- */
-public interface PartitionedRetrySpecification {
- int getMaxRetry();
- // Returns an anonymous function
- Function1, BoxedUnit> getCallback();
- Option getRetryStrategy();
- RoutingConfigs getRoutingConfigs();
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/RequestSpecification.java b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/RequestSpecification.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cbe6995..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/RequestSpecification.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects;
- * A RequestSpecification interface is to be extended by RequestSpecification.scala so that sendRequest can
- * take java objects as arguments. This file specifies getters for a RequestSpecification.
- */
-public interface RequestSpecification {
- RequestMsg getMessage();
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/RetrySpecification.java b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/RetrySpecification.java
deleted file mode 100644
index fda73efa..00000000
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/javaobjects/RetrySpecification.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-package com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects;
-import scala.Option;
-import scala.Either;
-import scala.Function1;
-import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit;
- * A RetrySpecification interface is to be extended by RetrySpecification.scala so that sendRequest can
- * take java objects as arguments. This file specifies getters for a RetrySpecification.
- */
-public interface RetrySpecification {
- int getMaxRetry();
- // Returns an anonymous function
- Function1, BoxedUnit> getCallback();
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ChannelPool.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ChannelPool.scala
index e96e21ca..a915c1fe 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ChannelPool.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ChannelPool.scala
@@ -17,20 +17,23 @@ package com.linkedin.norbert
package network
package netty
-import java.net.InetSocketAddress
-import java.util.UUID
-import java.util.concurrent._
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.cluster.Node
-import com.linkedin.norbert.jmx.JMX
-import com.linkedin.norbert.jmx.JMX.MBean
-import com.linkedin.norbert.logging.Logging
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.{BackoffStrategy, CachedNetworkStatistics}
-import com.linkedin.norbert.norbertutils.{Clock, SystemClock}
import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ClientBootstrap
import org.jboss.netty.channel.group.{ChannelGroup, DefaultChannelGroup}
-import org.jboss.netty.channel.{Channel, ChannelFuture, ChannelFutureListener, ConnectTimeoutException}
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.{ChannelFutureListener, ChannelFuture, Channel}
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.ConnectTimeoutException
+import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder
+import java.util.concurrent._
+import java.net.InetSocketAddress
+import jmx.JMX.MBean
+import jmx.JMX
+import logging.Logging
+import cluster.{Node, ClusterClient}
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger}
+import norbertutils.{Clock, SystemClock}
+import java.io.IOException
+import com.linkedin.norbert.network.common.{CachedNetworkStatistics, BackoffStrategy, SimpleBackoffStrategy}
+import java.util.UUID
+import scala.Some
class ChannelPoolClosedException extends Exception
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ class ChannelPool(address: InetSocketAddress, maxConnections: Int, openTimeoutMi
private val pool = new ArrayBlockingQueue[PoolEntry](maxConnections)
- private val waitingWrites = new LinkedBlockingQueue[BaseRequest[_]]
+ private val waitingWrites = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Request[_, _]]
private val poolSize = new AtomicInteger(0)
private val closed = new AtomicBoolean
private val softClosed = new AtomicBoolean
@@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ class ChannelPool(address: InetSocketAddress, maxConnections: Int, openTimeoutMi
private val jmxHandle = JMX.register(new MBean(classOf[ChannelPoolMBean], "address=%s,port=%d".format(address.getHostName, address.getPort)) with ChannelPoolMBean {
+ import scala.math._
def getWriteQueueSize = waitingWrites.size
def getOpenChannels = poolSize.get
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ class ChannelPool(address: InetSocketAddress, maxConnections: Int, openTimeoutMi
def getNumberRequestsSent = requestsSent.get.abs
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg](request: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]): Unit = if (closed.get) {
+ def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](request: Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = if (closed.get) {
throw new ChannelPoolClosedException
} else {
checkoutChannel match {
@@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ class ChannelPool(address: InetSocketAddress, maxConnections: Int, openTimeoutMi
- private def openChannel(request: BaseRequest[_]) {
+ private def openChannel(request: Request[_, _]) {
if (poolSize.incrementAndGet > maxConnections) {
log.warn("Unable to open channel, pool is full. Waiting for another channel to return to queue before processing")
@@ -236,9 +240,9 @@ class ChannelPool(address: InetSocketAddress, maxConnections: Int, openTimeoutMi
} else {
openFuture.getCause match {
case _:ConnectTimeoutException =>
- log.warn(openFuture.getCause, "Timeout when opening channel to: %s, marking offline".format(address))
- case _ =>
- log.error(openFuture.getCause, "Error when opening channel to: %s, marking offline".format(address))
+ log.warn("Timeout when opening channel to: %s, marking offline".format(address))
+ case cause =>
+ log.error(cause, "Error when opening channel to: %s, marking offline".format(address))
@@ -250,20 +254,21 @@ class ChannelPool(address: InetSocketAddress, maxConnections: Int, openTimeoutMi
- private def writeRequestToChannel(request: BaseRequest[_], channel: Channel) {
+ private def writeRequestToChannel(request: Request[_, _], channel: Channel) {
log.debug("Writing to %s: %s".format(channel, request))
+ request.startNettyTiming(stats)
channel.write(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener {
- def operationComplete(writeFuture: ChannelFuture) = if (!writeFuture.isSuccess) {
- // Take the node out of rotation for a bit
- log.warn("IO exception for " + request.node + ", marking node offline")
- errorStrategy.foreach(_.notifyFailure(request.node))
- channel.close
- request.onFailure(writeFuture.getCause)
- } else {
- request.startNettyTiming(stats)
+ def operationComplete(writeFuture: ChannelFuture) = {
+ request.endNettyTiming(stats)
+ if (!writeFuture.isSuccess) {
+ // Take the node out of rotation for a bit
+ log.warn("IO exception for " + request.node + ", marking node offline")
+ errorStrategy.foreach(_.notifyFailure(request.node))
+ channel.close
+ request.onFailure(writeFuture.getCause)
+ }
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ClientChannelHandler.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ClientChannelHandler.scala
index 7725e3ed..5258007e 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ClientChannelHandler.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/ClientChannelHandler.scala
@@ -96,11 +96,10 @@ class ClientChannelHandler(clientName: Option[String],
private val statsJMX = JMX.register(new NetworkClientStatisticsMBeanImpl(clientName, serviceName, stats, clientStatsStrategy))
override def writeRequested(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: MessageEvent) = {
- val request = e.getMessage.asInstanceOf[BaseRequest[_]]
+ val request = e.getMessage.asInstanceOf[Request[_, _]]
log.debug("Writing request: %s".format(request))
- if(request.expectsResponse) {
- //We assume that if a response is expected then the message is a Request or some derivative of Request.
- requestMap.put(request.id, request.asInstanceOf[Request[_,_]])
+ if(!request.callback.isEmpty) {
+ requestMap.put(request.id, request)
stats.beginRequest(request.node, request.id, 0)
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/DarkCanaryChannelHandler.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/DarkCanaryChannelHandler.scala
index 5b4d35fd..bfb0dcfe 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/DarkCanaryChannelHandler.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/DarkCanaryChannelHandler.scala
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ class DarkCanaryChannelHandler extends Logging {
darkCanaryResponseHandler match {
case Some(responseHandler) => {
mirrorToHost.remove(requestId) match {
- case null => log.error("Could not find hostRequestId for darkCanaryRequestId: %s".format(requestId.toString))
case hostRequestId => {
responseHandler.upstreamCallback(true, hostRequestId, request, message)
+ case null => log.error("Could not find hostRequestId for darkCanaryRequestId: %s".format(requestId.toString))
case None =>
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoClientComponent.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoClientComponent.scala
index a27bb8b1..3bf3e435 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoClientComponent.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoClientComponent.scala
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ trait NettyClusterIoClientComponent extends ClusterIoClientComponent {
class NettyClusterIoClient(channelPoolFactory: ChannelPoolFactory, strategy: CanServeRequestStrategy) extends ClusterIoClient with UrlParser with Logging {
private val channelPools = new ConcurrentHashMap[Node, ChannelPool]
- private val altChannelPools = new ConcurrentHashMap[Node, ChannelPool]
def sendMessage[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](node: Node, request: Request[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) {
if (node == null || request == null) throw new NullPointerException
@@ -47,19 +46,6 @@ trait NettyClusterIoClientComponent extends ClusterIoClientComponent {
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, request: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- if (node == null || request == null) throw new NullPointerException
- val pool = getAltChannelPool(node)
- try {
- pool.sendRequest(request)
- } catch {
- case ex: ChannelPoolClosedException =>
- // ChannelPool was closed, try again
- sendAltMessage(node, request)
- }
- }
def getChannelPool(node: Node): ChannelPool = {
// TODO: Theoretically, we might be able to get a null reference instead of a channel pool here
import norbertutils._
@@ -69,22 +55,6 @@ trait NettyClusterIoClientComponent extends ClusterIoClientComponent {
- def getAltChannelPool(node: Node): ChannelPool = {
- // TODO: Theoretically, we might be able to get a null reference instead of a channel pool here
- import norbertutils._
- atomicCreateIfAbsent(altChannelPools, node) { n: Node =>
- val (address, _) = parseUrl(n.url)
- val port = n.altPort match {
- case None =>
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("The altPort was never properly set.")
- 0
- case Some(altPort) =>
- altPort
- }
- channelPoolFactory.newChannelPool(new InetSocketAddress(address, port))
- }
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]): Set[Endpoint] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
channelPools.keySet.foreach { node =>
@@ -96,16 +66,6 @@ trait NettyClusterIoClientComponent extends ClusterIoClientComponent {
- // Now we also do the same for our altChannelPools.
- altChannelPools.keySet.foreach { node =>
- if (!nodes.contains(node)) {
- altChannelPools.get(node).unregisterJMX
- val pool = altChannelPools.remove(node)
- pool.close
- log.info("Closing alt channel pool for unavailable node: %s".format(node))
- }
- }
nodes.map { n =>
val requestStrategy = strategy
@@ -128,16 +88,6 @@ trait NettyClusterIoClientComponent extends ClusterIoClientComponent {
- // Do the same for altChannelPools
- altChannelPools.keySet.foreach { key =>
- altChannelPools.get(key) match {
- case null => // do nothing
- case pool =>
- pool.close
- altChannelPools.remove(key)
- }
- }
log.debug("NettyClusterIoClient shut down")
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoServerComponent.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoServerComponent.scala
index bb4edcb1..ac7353d9 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoServerComponent.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/netty/NettyClusterIoServerComponent.scala
@@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ import cluster.Node
trait NettyClusterIoServerComponent extends ClusterIoServerComponent {
class NettyClusterIoServer(bootstrap: ServerBootstrap, channelGroup: ChannelGroup) extends ClusterIoServer with UrlParser with Logging {
private var serverChannel: Channel = _
- private var serverAltChannel: Channel = _
def bind(node: Node, wildcard: Boolean) = {
- var (_, port) = parseUrl(node.url)
+ val (_, port) = parseUrl(node.url)
try {
val address = new InetSocketAddress(port)
log.debug("Binding server socket to %s".format(address))
@@ -39,28 +38,12 @@ trait NettyClusterIoServerComponent extends ClusterIoServerComponent {
} catch {
case ex: ChannelException => throw new NetworkingException("Unable to bind to %s".format(node), ex)
- if(!node.altPort.isEmpty) {
- port = node.altPort.get
- try {
- val address = new InetSocketAddress(port)
- log.debug("Binding server socket to %s".format(address))
- serverAltChannel = bootstrap.bind(address)
- } catch {
- case ex: ChannelException =>throw new NetworkingException("Unable to bind to %s."format(node), ex)
- }
- }
- def shutdown =
- if (serverChannel != null || serverAltChannel != null) {
- if (serverChannel != null) {
- serverChannel.close.awaitUninterruptibly
- }
- if (serverAltChannel != null) {
- serverAltChannel.close.awaitUninterruptibly
- }
- channelGroup.close.awaitUninterruptibly
- bootstrap.releaseExternalResources
- }
+ def shutdown = if (serverChannel != null) {
+ serverChannel.close.awaitUninterruptibly
+ channelGroup.close.awaitUninterruptibly
+ bootstrap.releaseExternalResources
+ }
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClient.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClient.scala
index b58331cf..9dad0c7a 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClient.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClient.scala
@@ -22,13 +22,22 @@ import common._
import loadbalancer.{PartitionedLoadBalancer, PartitionedLoadBalancerFactoryComponent, PartitionedLoadBalancerFactory}
import server.{MessageExecutorComponent, NetworkServer}
import netty.NettyPartitionedNetworkClient
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.client.NetworkClientConfig
+import client.NetworkClientConfig
import cluster.{Node, ClusterDisconnectedException, InvalidClusterException, ClusterClientComponent}
import scala.util.Random
import java.util
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.javaobjects.{NodeSpecification => JNodeSpecification, PartitionedNodeSpecification => JPartitionedNodeSpecification,
-RetrySpecification => JRetrySpecification, PartitionedRetrySpecification => JPartitionedRetrySpecification,
-RequestSpecification => JRequestSpecification, PartitionedRequestSpecification => JPartitionedRequestSpecification}
+object RoutingConfigs {
+ val defaultRoutingConfigs = new RoutingConfigs(false, false)
+ def getDefaultRoutingConfigs():RoutingConfigs = {
+ defaultRoutingConfigs
+ }
+class RoutingConfigs(SelectiveRetry: Boolean, DuplicatesOk: Boolean ) {
+ val selectiveRetry = SelectiveRetry
+ val duplicatesOk = DuplicatesOk
object PartitionedNetworkClient {
def apply[PartitionedId](config: NetworkClientConfig, loadBalancerFactory: PartitionedLoadBalancerFactory[PartitionedId]): PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] = {
@@ -65,33 +74,22 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
@volatile private var loadBalancer: Option[Either[InvalidClusterException, PartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId]]] = None
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](Set(id)).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification(callback = Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(id, request, callback, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](Set(id)).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification(callback = Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
+ sendRequest(id, request, callback, capability, None)
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, callback: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg] => Unit, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Unit = doIfConnected {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](Set(id)).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification(callback = Some(callback))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ if (id == null || request == null) throw new NullPointerException
+ val node = loadBalancer.getOrElse(throw new ClusterDisconnectedException).fold(ex => throw ex,
+ lb => lb.nextNode(id, capability, persistentCapability).getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("Unable to satisfy request, no node available for id %s".format(id))))
+ doSendRequest(PartitionedRequest(request, node, Set(id), (node: Node, ids: Set[PartitionedId]) => request, is, os, Option(callback)))
@@ -160,7 +158,8 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) {
doIfConnected {
if (id == null || request == null) throw new NullPointerException
- val node = loadBalancer.getOrElse(throw new ClusterDisconnectedException).fold(ex => throw ex, lb => lb.nextNode(id, capability, persistentCapability).getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("Unable to satisfy request, no node available for id %s".format(id))))
+ val node = loadBalancer.getOrElse(throw new ClusterDisconnectedException).fold(ex => throw ex,
+ lb => lb.nextNode(id, capability, persistentCapability).getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("Unable to satisfy request, no node available for id %s".format(id))))
doSendRequest(PartitionedRequest(request, node, Set(id), (node: Node, ids: Set[PartitionedId]) => request, is, os, None))
@@ -180,41 +179,19 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
* to send the request to
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](Set(id)).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification(0, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- future
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
+ sendRequest(id, request, None, None)
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](Set(id)).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification(0, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- future
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] =
+ sendRequest(id, request, capability, None)
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Future[ResponseMsg] = {
val future = new FutureAdapterListener[ResponseMsg]
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](Set(id)).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification(0, Some(future))
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(id, request, future, capability, persistentCapability)
@@ -233,35 +210,17 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
* to send the request to
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], request: RequestMsg)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]()
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)(is, os)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, request, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]()
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
+ sendRequest(ids, request, capability, None)
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], request: RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](Some(request))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]()
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, (node: Node, ids: Set[PartitionedId]) => request, capability, persistentCapability)(is, os)
* Sends a Message
to the specified PartitionedId
s. The PartitionedNetworkClient
@@ -279,104 +238,46 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
* to send the request to
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, requestBuilder, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, requestBuilder, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], dupOk : Boolean)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val routingConfigs = new RoutingConfigs(retryStrategy != None, dupOk)
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy, routingConfigs = routingConfigs)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, 0, capability, None, new RoutingConfigs(retryStrategy != None, dupOk))
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], dupOk : Boolean)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val routingConfigs = new RoutingConfigs(retryStrategy != None, dupOk)
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy, routingConfigs = routingConfigs)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, 0, capability, None, new RoutingConfigs(retryStrategy != None, dupOk))
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], routingConfigs : RoutingConfigs)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy, routingConfigs = routingConfigs)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, 0, capability, None, routingConfigs, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], routingConfigs : RoutingConfigs, retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy, routingConfigs = routingConfigs)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, 0, capability, None, routingConfigs, retryStrategy)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = doIfConnected {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, 0, capability, persistentCapability)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = doIfConnected {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, 0, capability, persistentCapability)
@@ -398,37 +299,18 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
* @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
// TODO: investigate interplay between default parameter and implicits
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, maxRetry, None, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, maxRetry, None, None)
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, maxRetry, capability, None)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int,
requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long],
persistentCapability: Option[Long],
@@ -436,14 +318,9 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
retryStrategy: Option[RetryStrategy] = retryStrategy)
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, retryStrategy = retryStrategy, routingConfigs = routingConfigs)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, None, requestBuilder, maxRetry, capability, persistentCapability, routingConfigs,
+ retryStrategy)
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg]), 2/2/2015")
def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, clusterId: Option[Int],
requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg, maxRetry: Int, capability: Option[Long],
persistentCapability: Option[Long],
@@ -452,166 +329,25 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = doIfConnected
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).setClusterId(clusterId).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](maxRetry, retryStrategy = retryStrategy, routingConfigs = routingConfigs)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec)
- }
- /**
- * Sends a Message
to the specified PartitionedId
s. The PartitionedNetworkClient
- * will interact with the current PartitionedLoadBalancer
to calculate which Node
s the message
- * must be sent to. This method is synchronous and will return once the responseAggregator has returned a value.
- *
- * @param ids the PartitionedId
s to which the message is addressed
- * @param requestBuilder A method which allows the user to generate a specialized request for a set of partitions
- * before it is sent to the Node
- * @param responseAggregator a callback method which allows the user to aggregate all the responses
- * and return a single object to the caller. The callback will receive the original message passed to
- * sendRequest
and the ResponseIterator
for the request.
- *
- * @return the return value of the responseAggregator
- * @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if the cluster is currently in an invalid state
- * @throws NoNodesAvailableException thrown if the PartitionedLoadBalancer
was unable to provide a Node
- * to send the request to
- * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
- * @throws Exception any exception thrown by responseAggregator
will be passed through to the client
- */
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
- requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
- responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec, responseAggregator)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
- numberOfReplicas: Int,
- requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
- responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result)
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec, responseAggregator)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
- requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
- responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result,
- capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec, responseAggregator)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
- requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
- responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result,
- capability: Option[Long],
- persistentCapability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
- {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec, responseAggregator)
- }
- @deprecated("Use sendRequest(PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg], responseAggregator), 2/2/2015")
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
- numberOfReplicas: Int,
- requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
- responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result,
- capability: Option[Long],
- persistentCapability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result = doIfConnected {
- val requestSpec = PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId](requestBuilder = Some(requestBuilder))
- val nodeSpec = new PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId](ids).setCapability(capability).setPersistentCapability(persistentCapability).setNumberOfReplicas(numberOfReplicas).build
- val retrySpec = PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg](retryStrategy = retryStrategy)
- sendRequest(requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec, responseAggregator)
- }
- // A version of the new sendRequest API (see below), that also takes a responseAggregator, a callback method that
- // allows the user to aggregate all the responses and return a single object to the caller.
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](requestSpec: PartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId],
- nodeSpec: PartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId],
- retrySpec: PartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg],
- responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result )
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result = doIfConnected {
- if (responseAggregator == null) throw new NullPointerException
- responseAggregator(sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestSpec, nodeSpec, retrySpec))
- }
- /**
- * Sends a Request
according to the requestSpec, nodeSpec, and retrySpec object specifications.
- * The PartitionedNetworkClient
- * will interact with the current PartitionedLoadBalancer
to calculate which Node
s the message
- * must be sent to. This method is synchronous and will return once the responseAggregator has returned a value.
- *
- * @param requestSpec Specifies the message to be sent and the requestBuilder, a method which allows the user to
- * generate a specialized request for a set of partitions before it is sent to the Node
- * @param nodeSpec Specifies the numberOfReplicas and the clusterId of the recipient Node
- * @param retrySpec Specifies the maxRetry (max number of retry attempts), a callback method,
- * a retryStrategy to apply in case of timeout, and a routingConfigs.
- *
- * @return the return value of the responseAggregator
- * @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if the cluster is currently in an invalid state
- * @throws NoNodesAvailableException thrown if the PartitionedLoadBalancer
was unable to provide a Node
- * to send the request to
- * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
- * @throws Exception any exception thrown by responseAggregator
will be passed through to the client
- */
- def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](requestSpec: JPartitionedRequestSpecification[RequestMsg, PartitionedId], nodeSpec: JPartitionedNodeSpecification[PartitionedId], retrySpec: JPartitionedRetrySpecification[ResponseMsg])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = doIfConnected
- {
- val requestBuilder = requestSpec.getRequestBuilder().getOrElse(throw new Exception("Request spec automatically creates a builder - this shouldn't happen ever."))
- if (nodeSpec.getIds() == null || requestBuilder == null) throw new NullPointerException
- // Convert clusterId from java.lang.Integer to scala.Int
- val clusterId = Option(Int.unbox(nodeSpec.getClusterId()))
- // Convert capability and persistentCapability from java.lang.Long to scala.Long
- val capability = Option(Long.unbox(nodeSpec.getCapability()))
- val persistentCapability = Option(Long.unbox(nodeSpec.getPersistentCapability()))
+ if (ids == null || requestBuilder == null) throw new NullPointerException
val nodes = clusterId match {
- case Some(clusterId:Int) => calculateNodesFromIdsInCluster (nodeSpec.getIds(), clusterId, capability, persistentCapability)
- case None => calculateNodesFromIds (nodeSpec.getIds(), nodeSpec.getNumberOfReplicas(), capability, persistentCapability)
+ case Some(clusterId:Int) => calculateNodesFromIdsInCluster (ids, clusterId, capability, persistentCapability)
+ case None => calculateNodesFromIds (ids, numberOfReplicas, capability, persistentCapability)
- log.debug("Total number of ids: %d, selected nodes: %d, ids per node: [%s]".format(nodeSpec.getIds().size, nodes.size,
+ log.debug("Total number of ids: %d, selected nodes: %d, ids per node: [%s]".format(ids.size, nodes.size,
nodes.view.map {
case (node, idsForNode) => idsForNode.size
} mkString("", ",", "")
- if (nodes.size <= 1 || !retrySpec.getRoutingConfigs().selectiveRetry || retrySpec.getRetryStrategy() == None) {
+ if (nodes.size <= 1 || !routingConfigs.selectiveRetry || retryStrategy == None) {
val queue = new ResponseQueue[ResponseMsg]
val resIter = new NorbertDynamicResponseIterator[ResponseMsg](nodes.size, queue)
nodes.foreach { case (node, idsForNode) =>
try {
- doSendRequest(PartitionedRequest(requestBuilder(node, idsForNode), node, idsForNode, requestBuilder, is, os, if (retrySpec.getMaxRetry() == 0) Some((a: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg]) => {queue += a :Unit}) else Some(retryCallback[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](queue.+=, retrySpec.getMaxRetry(), capability, persistentCapability)_), 0, Some(resIter)))
+ doSendRequest(PartitionedRequest(requestBuilder(node, idsForNode), node, idsForNode, requestBuilder, is, os, if (maxRetry == 0) Some((a: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg]) => {queue += a :Unit}) else Some(retryCallback[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](queue.+=, maxRetry, capability, persistentCapability)_), 0, Some(resIter)))
} catch {
case ex: Exception => queue += Left(ex)
@@ -619,14 +355,14 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
return resIter
} else {
val nodes = clusterId match {
- case Some(clusterId:Int) => calculateNodesFromIdsInCluster (nodeSpec.getIds(), clusterId, None, None)
- case None => calculateNodesFromIds (nodeSpec.getIds(), nodeSpec.getNumberOfReplicas(), None, None)
+ case Some(clusterId:Int) => calculateNodesFromIdsInCluster (ids, clusterId, None, None)
+ case None => calculateNodesFromIds (ids, numberOfReplicas, None, None)
var setRequests: Map[PartitionedId, Node] = Map.empty[PartitionedId, Node]
nodes.foreach {
case (node, pids) => {
- case(pid) => setRequests += pid->node
+ case(pid) => setRequests += pid->node
@@ -634,14 +370,14 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
/* wrapper so that iterator does not have to care about capability stuff */
def calculateNodesFromIdsSRetry(ids: Set[PartitionedId], excludedNodes: Set[Node], maxAttempts: Int)
- :Map[Node, Set[PartitionedId]] = {
+ :Map[Node, Set[PartitionedId]] = {
calculateNodesFromIds(ids, excludedNodes, maxAttempts, capability, persistentCapability).toMap
val resIter = new SelectiveRetryIterator[PartitionedId, RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](
- nodes.size, retrySpec.getRetryStrategy().get.initialTimeout, doSendRequest, setRequests,
- queue, calculateNodesFromIdsSRetry, requestBuilder, is, os, retrySpec.getRetryStrategy(),
- retrySpec.getRoutingConfigs().duplicatesOk)
+ nodes.size, retryStrategy.get.initialTimeout, doSendRequest, setRequests,
+ queue, calculateNodesFromIdsSRetry, requestBuilder, is, os, retryStrategy,
+ routingConfigs.duplicatesOk)
nodes.foreach {
case (node, idsForNode) => {
@@ -653,9 +389,9 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
try {
- requestBuilder(node, idsForNode), node, idsForNode, requestBuilder, is, os,
- Some((a: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg]) => {callback(a)}), 0, Some(resIter))
- )
+ requestBuilder(node, idsForNode), node, idsForNode, requestBuilder, is, os,
+ Some((a: Either[Throwable, ResponseMsg]) => {callback(a)}), 0, Some(resIter))
+ )
} catch {
case ex: Exception => queue += Left(ex)
@@ -665,6 +401,64 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
+ /**
+ * Sends a Message
to the specified PartitionedId
s. The PartitionedNetworkClient
+ * will interact with the current PartitionedLoadBalancer
to calculate which Node
s the message
+ * must be sent to. This method is synchronous and will return once the responseAggregator has returned a value.
+ *
+ * @param ids the PartitionedId
s to which the message is addressed
+ * @param requestBuilder A method which allows the user to generate a specialized request for a set of partitions
+ * before it is sent to the Node
+ * @param responseAggregator a callback method which allows the user to aggregate all the responses
+ * and return a single object to the caller. The callback will receive the original message passed to
+ * sendRequest
and the ResponseIterator
for the request.
+ *
+ * @return the return value of the responseAggregator
+ * @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if the cluster is currently in an invalid state
+ * @throws NoNodesAvailableException thrown if the PartitionedLoadBalancer
was unable to provide a Node
+ * to send the request to
+ * @throws ClusterDisconnectedException thrown if the PartitionedNetworkClient
is not connected to the cluster
+ * @throws Exception any exception thrown by responseAggregator
will be passed through to the client
+ */
+ def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
+ requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
+ responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result)
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
+ sendRequest(ids, requestBuilder, responseAggregator, None, None)
+ def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
+ numberOfReplicas: Int,
+ requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
+ responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result)
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
+ sendRequest(ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, responseAggregator, None, None)
+ def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
+ requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
+ responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result,
+ capability: Option[Long])
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
+ sendRequest(ids, requestBuilder, responseAggregator, capability, None)
+ def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
+ requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
+ responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result,
+ capability: Option[Long],
+ persistentCapability: Option[Long])
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result =
+ sendRequest(ids, 0, requestBuilder, responseAggregator, capability, persistentCapability)
+ def sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg, Result](ids: Set[PartitionedId],
+ numberOfReplicas: Int,
+ requestBuilder: (Node, Set[PartitionedId]) => RequestMsg,
+ responseAggregator: (ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg]) => Result,
+ capability: Option[Long],
+ persistentCapability: Option[Long])
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): Result = doIfConnected {
+ if (responseAggregator == null) throw new NullPointerException
+ responseAggregator(sendRequest[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](ids, numberOfReplicas, requestBuilder, capability, persistentCapability))
+ }
* Sends a RequestMessage
to one replica of the cluster. This is a broadcast intended for read operations on the cluster, like searching every partition for some data.
@@ -776,7 +570,7 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
def correctRequestPartitioning(nodes: Map[Node, Set[Int]], partitionToNodes: Map[Int, Set[Node]]): Map[Node, Set[Int]] = {
partitionToNodes.foldLeft(Map.empty[Node, Set[Int]]) { case (map, (partitionId, candidates)) =>
- val nodeToUse = if (candidates.size == 1) {
+ val nodeToUse = if(candidates.size == 1) {
} else {
// randomly select
@@ -784,12 +578,10 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
val randomIndex = random.nextInt(candidateSeq.size)
- {
val nodePartitions = map.getOrElse(nodeToUse, Set.empty[Int])
map + (nodeToUse -> (nodePartitions + partitionId))
- }
def sendRequestToReplicas[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, maxRetry : Int = 0)
@@ -797,7 +589,7 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
sendRequestToReplicas(id, request, maxRetry, None, None)
def sendRequestToReplicas[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, maxRetry : Int, capability: Option[Long])
- (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = sendRequestToReplicas(id, request, maxRetry, capability, None)
+ (implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = sendRequestToReplicas(id, request, maxRetry, capability, None)
def sendRequestToReplicas[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, request: RequestMsg, maxRetry : Int, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg], os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] = doIfConnected {
@@ -843,7 +635,7 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
def sendRequestToPartitions[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, partitions: Set[Int], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[Int]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
os: OutputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]): ResponseIterator[ResponseMsg] =
- sendRequestToPartitions(id, partitions, requestBuilder, None, None)
+ sendRequestToPartitions(id, partitions, requestBuilder, None, None)
def sendRequestToPartitions[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg](id: PartitionedId, partitions: Set[Int], requestBuilder: (Node, Set[Int]) => RequestMsg, capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long])
(implicit is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg],
@@ -928,7 +720,7 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
ids.foldLeft(Map[Node, Set[PartitionedId]]().withDefaultValue(Set())) { (map, id) =>
val node = lb.nextNode(id, capability, persistentCapability).getOrElse(throw new NoNodesAvailableException("Unable to satisfy request, no node available for id %s".format(id)))
map.updated(node, map(node) + id)
- }
+ }
private def calculateNodesFromIds(ids: Set[PartitionedId], numberOfReplicas: Int, capability: Option[Long],
@@ -976,4 +768,3 @@ trait PartitionedNetworkClient[PartitionedId] extends BaseNetworkClient {
diff --git a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorComponent.scala b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorComponent.scala
index f828dcea..5c4288e6 100644
--- a/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorComponent.scala
+++ b/network/src/main/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorComponent.scala
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class ThreadPoolMessageExecutor(clientName: Option[String],
private val statsActor = CachedNetworkStatistics[Int, Int](SystemClock, requestStatisticsWindow, 200L)
private val totalNumRejected = new AtomicInteger
- val requestQueue = new PriorityBlockingQueue[Runnable](maxWaitingQueueSize)
+ val requestQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Runnable](maxWaitingQueueSize)
val statsJmx = JMX.register(new RequestProcessorMBeanImpl(clientName, serviceName, statsActor, requestQueue, threadPool))
private val threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize, maxPoolSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS, requestQueue,
@@ -126,35 +126,7 @@ class ThreadPoolMessageExecutor(clientName: Option[String],
callback: Option[(Either[Exception, ResponseMsg]) => Unit],
val queuedAt: Long = System.currentTimeMillis,
val id: Int = idGenerator.getAndIncrement.abs,
- implicit val is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) extends Runnable with Comparable[RequestRunner[_,_]] {
- /**
- * CompareTo compares this RequestRunner with another and returns an integer indicating which one has a higher priority
- * to be executed. It pulls the priority from InputSerializer.priority (a higher priority goes first), and tiebreaks based on
- * the queuedAt time (an older, or lower time, message goes first).
- *
- * @param rr the request being compared with
- * @return a negative number if myPriority is higher than rrPriority (which would put my value closer to the front of the queue than rr's).
- * a positive number if rrPriority is higher than myPriority
- * a negative number if my message is older than rr's but they have the same priority
- * a positive number if my message is newer than rr's but they have the same priority
- * 0 if both messages have the same time and priority
- */
- @Override
- def compareTo(rr:RequestRunner[_,_]): Int = {
- val myPriority = is.priority
- val rrPriority = rr.is.priority
- if (myPriority == rrPriority) {
- // if the priorities are the same, we want the older request to go first, so if rr is older (has a smaller time) we want my > rr (a positive result)
- val myTime = queuedAt
- val rrTime = rr.queuedAt
- return (myTime - rrTime).asInstanceOf[Int]
- }
- else {
- // If rr has a higher priority then it should come out first - so we want my > rr (a positive result) if rrPriority>myPriority
- return rrPriority - myPriority
- }
- }
+ implicit val is: InputSerializer[RequestMsg, ResponseMsg]) extends Runnable {
def run = {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis
if(now - queuedAt > reqTimeout) {
@@ -219,7 +191,7 @@ class ThreadPoolMessageExecutor(clientName: Option[String],
def getActivePoolSize: Int
- class RequestProcessorMBeanImpl(clientName: Option[String], serviceName: String, val stats: CachedNetworkStatistics[Int, Int], queue: PriorityBlockingQueue[Runnable], threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor)
+ class RequestProcessorMBeanImpl(clientName: Option[String], serviceName: String, val stats: CachedNetworkStatistics[Int, Int], queue: ArrayBlockingQueue[Runnable], threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor)
extends MBean(classOf[RequestProcessorMBean], JMX.name(clientName, serviceName)) with RequestProcessorMBean {
def getQueueSize = queue.size
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClientSpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClientSpec.scala
index 07307cf2..54797bac 100644
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClientSpec.scala
+++ b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/client/NetworkClientSpec.scala
@@ -77,20 +77,6 @@ class NetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
// clusterIoClient.sendMessage(node, message, null) was called
- "send the provided message to the node specified by the load balancer for sendAltMessage via its altPort" in {
- clusterClient.nodes returns nodeSet
- clusterClient.isConnected returns true
- networkClient.clusterIoClient.nodesChanged(nodeSet) returns endpoints
- networkClient.loadBalancerFactory.newLoadBalancer(endpoints) returns networkClient.lb
- networkClient.lb.nextNode(Some(0x1), Some(2L)) returns Some(nodes(1))
- networkClient.start
- networkClient.sendAltMessage(request, Some(1L), Some(2L)) must notBeNull
- there was one(networkClient.lb).nextNode(Some(0x1), Some(2L))
- there was no(networkClient.lb).nextNode(None, None)
- }
"send the provided message to the node specified by the load balancer for sendRequest with the requested capability " in {
clusterClient.nodes returns nodeSet
clusterClient.isConnected returns true
@@ -193,12 +179,6 @@ class NetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
def request = requestCtx
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- invocationCount += 1
- requestCtx.onFailure(new Exception with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {NetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClientSpecification.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClientSpecification.scala
index 57ef7184..c22e1d33 100644
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClientSpecification.scala
+++ b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/BaseNetworkClientSpecification.scala
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ abstract class BaseNetworkClientSpecification extends SpecificationWithJUnit wit
val clusterClient = mock[ClusterClient]
val networkClient: BaseNetworkClient
- val nodes = List(Node(1, "", true, altPort=Some(1)), Node(2, "", true, altPort=Some(2)), Node(3, "", true, altPort=Some(3)))
+ val nodes = List(Node(1, "", true), Node(2, "", true), Node(3, "", true))
val nodeSet = Set() ++ nodes
val endpoints = nodeSet.map { n => new Endpoint {
def node = n
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/NodeSpecificationSpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/NodeSpecificationSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 031d97e6..00000000
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/NodeSpecificationSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2010 LinkedIn, Inc
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.linkedin.norbert
-package network
-package client
-import org.specs.SpecificationWithJUnit
-import org.specs.mock.Mockito
-import network.common.SampleMessage
-import scala.collection.mutable.MutableList
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network.client
- * Partitioned and non-partitioned nodeSpecification tests using specs
- */
-class NodeSpecificationSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
- "NodeSpecification" should {
- "create a new NodeSpecification object if capability is set" in {
- val nonPartitionedTest = new NodeSpecification()
- .setCapability(Some(1))
- .setPersistentCapability(Some(2))
- .build
- nonPartitionedTest.capability must beSome(1)
- nonPartitionedTest.persistentCapability must beSome(2)
- }
- "create a new PartitionedNodeSpecification object if capability is set" in {
- val PartitionedTest = new PartitionedNodeSpecification(Set(1))
- .setCapability(Some(2))
- .setPersistentCapability(Some(3))
- .setNumberOfReplicas(4)
- .setClusterId(Some(5))
- .build
- PartitionedTest.capability must beSome(2)
- PartitionedTest.persistentCapability must beSome(3)
- PartitionedTest.numberOfReplicas must be equalTo(4)
- PartitionedTest.clusterId must beSome(5)
- }
- "create a new NodeSpecification object if altPort is set" in {
- val altPortNonPartitionedTest = new NodeSpecification()
- .setCapability(Some(1))
- .setPersistentCapability(Some(2))
- .setAltPort(Some(3))
- .build
- altPortNonPartitionedTest.capability must beSome(1)
- altPortNonPartitionedTest.persistentCapability must beSome(2)
- altPortNonPartitionedTest.altPort must beSome(3)
- }
- "create a new PartitionedNodeSpecification object if altPort is set" in {
- val altPortPartitionedTest = new PartitionedNodeSpecification(Set(1))
- .setCapability(Some(2))
- .setPersistentCapability(Some(3))
- .setNumberOfReplicas(4)
- .setClusterId(Some(5))
- .setAltPort(Some(6))
- .build
- altPortPartitionedTest.capability must beSome(2)
- altPortPartitionedTest.persistentCapability must beSome(3)
- altPortPartitionedTest.numberOfReplicas must be equalTo(4)
- altPortPartitionedTest.clusterId must beSome(5)
- altPortPartitionedTest.altPort must beSome(6)
- }
- "throw an IllegalArgumentException if persistentCapability is set but not capability" in {
- new NodeSpecification()
- .setPersistentCapability(Some(2))
- .build must throwA[IllegalArgumentException]
- new PartitionedNodeSpecification(Set(1))
- .setPersistentCapability(Some(2))
- .build must throwA[IllegalArgumentException]
- }
- }
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/RequestSpecificationsSpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/RequestSpecificationsSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index aa1e597e..00000000
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/RequestSpecificationsSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Partitioned and non-partitioned RequestSpecification tests using specs
- */
-package com.linkedin.norbert
-package network
-package server
-import org.specs.SpecificationWithJUnit
-import org.specs.mock.Mockito
-import network.common.SampleMessage
-import scala.collection.mutable.MutableList
-class RequestSpecificationsSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
- val requestSpecificationTest: RequestSpecification[String] = RequestSpecification[String]("test")
- val partitionedRequestSpecificationTest2: PartitionedRequestSpecification[String, Int] = PartitionedRequestSpecification[String, Int](Some("partitionedTest"))
- "RequestSpecification" should {
- "create a new RequestSpecification object" in {
- requestSpecificationTest.message must be equalTo("test")
- }
- "convert a RequestSpecification object to a PartitionedRequestSpecification object" in {
- val partitionedRequestSpecificationTest: PartitionedRequestSpecification[String, Int] = requestSpecificationTest
- partitionedRequestSpecificationTest.message must beSome("test")
- }
- "create a new PartitionedRequestSpecification object" in {
- partitionedRequestSpecificationTest2.message must beSome("partitionedTest")
- }
- "convert a PartitionedRequestSpecification object to a RequestSpecification object" in {
- val requestSpecificationTest2: RequestSpecification[String] = partitionedRequestSpecificationTest2
- requestSpecificationTest2.message must be equalTo("partitionedTest")
- }
- }
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/RetryAndCallbackSpecificationSpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/RetryAndCallbackSpecificationSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 41338a87..00000000
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/RetryAndCallbackSpecificationSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Partitioned and non-partitioned retrySpecification tests using specs
- */
-package com.linkedin.norbert
-package network
-package server
-import org.specs.SpecificationWithJUnit
-import org.specs.mock.Mockito
-import network.common.SampleMessage
-import scala.collection.mutable.MutableList
-import com.linkedin.norbert.network
-class RetryAndCallbackSpecificationSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
- "RetryAndCallbackSpecification" should {
- "create a new retrySpecification object" in {
- val retrySpecificationTest: RetrySpecification[String] = RetrySpecification[String](9)
- retrySpecificationTest.getMaxRetry() must be equalTo(9)
- }
- "create a new partitionedRetrySpecification object" in {
- val partitionedRetrySpecificationTest: PartitionedRetrySpecification[String] = PartitionedRetrySpecification[String](9)
- partitionedRetrySpecificationTest.getMaxRetry() must be equalTo(9)
- }
- }
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/SampleMessage.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/SampleMessage.scala
index d79b845e..9fb10c95 100644
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/SampleMessage.scala
+++ b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/common/SampleMessage.scala
@@ -41,30 +41,4 @@ trait SampleMessage {
case class Ping(timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis)
val request = new Ping
- // A Ping which has an increased priority for testing prioritization.
- object PriorityPing extends Ping{
- implicit case object PriorityPingSerializer extends Serializer[PriorityPing, PriorityPing] {
- def requestName = "ping"
- def responseName = "pong"
- override def priority = 5
- def requestToBytes(message: PriorityPing) =
- NorbertExampleProtos.Ping.newBuilder.setTimestamp(message.timestamp).build.toByteArray
- def requestFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) = {
- val timestamp = (NorbertExampleProtos.Ping.newBuilder.mergeFrom(bytes).build.getTimestamp)
- PriorityPing(timestamp)
- }
- def responseToBytes(message: PriorityPing) =
- requestToBytes(message)
- def responseFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) =
- requestFromBytes(bytes)
- }
- }
- case class PriorityPing(timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis)
- val priorityRequest = new PriorityPing
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.scala
index 43b50c9c..fc0bcf30 100644
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.scala
+++ b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/partitioned/PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.scala
@@ -717,12 +717,6 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
def request = requestCtx
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- invocationCount += 1
- requestCtx.onFailure(new Exception with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
@@ -774,17 +768,6 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- if (!succ) {
- succ = true
- requestCtx.onFailure(new RemoteException("FooBar", "ServerError") with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- } else {
- succ = false
- requestCtx.onSuccess(requestCtx.outputSerializer.requestToBytes(requestCtx.message))
- }
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
@@ -832,16 +815,6 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- if (failOnce) {
- failOnce = false
- requestCtx.onFailure(new RemoteException("FooBar", "ServerError") with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- } else {
- requestCtx.onSuccess(requestCtx.outputSerializer.requestToBytes(requestCtx.message))
- }
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
@@ -887,12 +860,6 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
def request = requestCtx
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- invocationCount += 1
- requestCtx.onFailure(new Exception with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
@@ -928,12 +895,6 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
def request = requestCtx
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- invocationCount += 1
- requestCtx.onFailure(new Exception with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
@@ -968,12 +929,6 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientSpec extends BaseNetworkClientSpecification {
def request = requestCtx
- def sendAltMessage[RequestMsg](node: Node, requestCtx: BaseRequest[RequestMsg]) {
- invocationCount += 1
- requestCtx.onFailure(new Exception with RequestAccess[BaseRequest[RequestMsg]] {
- def request = requestCtx
- })
- }
def nodesChanged(nodes: Set[Node]) = {PartitionedNetworkClientSpec.this.endpoints}
def shutdown {}
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorSpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorSpec.scala
index 60a24537..e3f91ce0 100644
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorSpec.scala
+++ b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageExecutorSpec.scala
@@ -44,12 +44,8 @@ class MessageExecutorSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Mockito with WaitF
var handlerCalled = false
- var priorityHandlerCalled = false
var either: Either[Exception, Ping] = null
- var priorityEither: Either[Exception, PriorityPing] = null
- var messageCount = 0
- //this isn't used
val unregisteredSerializer = {
val s = mock[Serializer[Ping, Ping]]
s.requestName returns ("Foo")
@@ -58,17 +54,9 @@ class MessageExecutorSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Mockito with WaitF
def handler(e: Either[Exception, Ping]) {
handlerCalled = true
- messageCount += 1
either = e
- def priorityHandler(e: Either[Exception, PriorityPing]) {
- priorityHandlerCalled = true
- messageCount += 1
- priorityEither = e
- }
"MessageExecutor" should {
doAfter {
@@ -103,33 +91,11 @@ class MessageExecutorSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Mockito with WaitF
messageExecutor.executeMessage(request, Some(handler _))
handlerCalled must eventually(beTrue)
either.isRight must beTrue
either.right.get must be(request)
- "Run higher priority messages first" in {
- messageHandlerRegistry.handlerFor(request) returns timeStampHandler _
- messageHandlerRegistry.handlerFor(priorityRequest) returns priorityTimeStampHandler _
- // Put one priority request first to make sure that the second priorityRequest
- // gets in the queue before we start handling the regular request.
- messageExecutor.executeMessage(priorityRequest, Some(priorityHandler _))
- messageExecutor.executeMessage(request, Some(handler _))
- messageExecutor.executeMessage(priorityRequest, Some(priorityHandler _))
- messageExecutor.executeMessage(priorityRequest, Some(priorityHandler _))
- handlerCalled must eventually(beTrue)
- priorityHandlerCalled must beTrue
- // need to have run all the messages when we finish running the regular message
- messageCount must be(4)
- either.isRight must beTrue
- priorityEither.isRight must beTrue
- // check that the regular request was handled after the last priorityRequest
- priorityEither.right.get.timestamp must be_<(either.right.get.timestamp)
- }
"not execute the responseHandler if the handler returns null" in {
// messageHandlerRegistry.validResponseFor(request, null) returns true
messageHandlerRegistry.handlerFor(request) returns nullHandler _
@@ -235,9 +201,6 @@ class MessageExecutorSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Mockito with WaitF
def returnHandler(message: Ping): Ping = message
- def timeStampHandler(message: Ping): Ping = { waitFor(50.ms); return new Ping}
- def priorityReturnHandler(message: PriorityPing): PriorityPing = message
- def priorityTimeStampHandler(message: PriorityPing): PriorityPing = {waitFor(50.ms); return new PriorityPing}
def throwsHandler(message: Ping): Ping = throw exception
def nullHandler(message: Ping): Ping = null
diff --git a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageHandlerRegistrySpec.scala b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageHandlerRegistrySpec.scala
index 92678d0d..45b8000c 100644
--- a/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageHandlerRegistrySpec.scala
+++ b/network/src/test/scala/com/linkedin/norbert/network/server/MessageHandlerRegistrySpec.scala
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ class MessageHandlerRegistrySpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Mockito wit
messageHandlerRegistry.handlerFor(Ping.PingSerializer.requestName) must throwA[InvalidMessageException]
- //The below tests were no longer being used, they were not performing any checks
"return true if the provided response is a valid response for the given request" in {
// messageHandlerRegistry.validResponseFor(proto, NorbertExampleProtos.Ping.newBuilder.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis).build) must beTrue
@@ -65,6 +63,5 @@ class MessageHandlerRegistrySpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with Mockito wit
// messageHandlerRegistry.registerHandler(proto, proto, handler)
// messageHandlerRegistry.validResponseFor(proto, null) must beFalse
// }
- */