The issue tracker is for bugs and specific implementation discussion. It is not appropriate for product metadiscussion - it is a workroom, not a cocktail party.
Not every feature that spawns a drama thread on steemit.com necessarily warrants a commit/PR. Frequently, such threads occur even when nothing is broken or when things are working as intended. Not all problems encountered warrant technical solutions.
Issues opened that devolve into lengthy discussion of minor site features will be closed or locked. The issue tracker is not a general purpose discussion forum.
Product improvement suggestions are encouraged, however they should be sent to [email protected] for review.
Working code (usually) trumps all. Requests to make changes to steemit.com that include working, tested Pull Requests jump to the top of the queue. (This is not a guarantee that all functionality submitted as a PR will be merged, however.)
For many small changes, it may be easiest to send a Pull Request instead of opening an issue requesting a change be made. Anyone with a GitHub account can search the repo, edit a file in the browser, and send in a PR. It's easier than you might think!