Docker build scripts for generating from the local repo.
To build the docker image:
docker build -t mesos/website support/site-docker
To build and run the website inside a docker container please substitute with the actual location of Mesos source code tree in the command below and run it.
sudo docker run -it --rm -p 4567:4567 -v <path-to-mesos-source>:/mesos mesos/website
This will start a container, generate the website from your local Mesos Git repository, and make it available:
- On Linux, the site will be available at http://localhost:4567.
- On OS X, run
docker-machine ls
to find the IP address of your boot-to-docker VM; the site will be available at that IP, port 4567.
If you are running the container on a remote machine and need to tunnel it to localhost, you can run the following command to make the site available locally:
ssh -NT -L 4567:localhost:4567 <remote-machine>
Any changes to the site/source
directory will cause middleman to reload and regenerate the website, so you can just edit, save, refresh.
When you are done with the webserver, hit Ctrl-C in the docker terminal to kill the middleman webserver and destroy/remove the container.