All notable changes to the "vscode-pwa" extension will be documented here.
- Changed syntax, workbox v6+
- Fixed bug with cacheable response plugin
- upgrade to workbox v5.0.0
- update commands ; **import workbox** to **import workbox cdn**, **workbox.strategies** to **workbox strategies** and **workbox set config** to **workbox debug mode**
- add workbox bundler setup, more eloborated docs for guide!
- workbox 5.0 support
- fix little bug, type fix!
- default to a minimal app manifest
- include a 192x192 pixel icon and a 512x512 pixel icon. **Chrome** will automatically scale the icon for the device
- use arrow function syntax
- cache google fonts
- cache resources from external origins
- code cleanup / bug fixes
- add assets and images cache snippets
- fix bugs and compatibility
- added more workbox code snippets i.e background sync, page reload etc
- deleted unused code
- case to small
- updated docs
- add background sync
- doc updates
- add native app install banner
- little typo fix, code cleanup
- workbox window bug fix
- add tags
- production ready
- format code / styling
- basic service worker
- precache for npm
- workbox injectManifest
- workbox-cli devDependencies
- new logo add
- workbox window
- manifest
- rename
- clean code
- docs update
What we have...
- register service worker
- add web manifest to pages
- theme color
- import workbox
- workbox.strategies
Logo add, typo fix, docs upgrade!
Initial release!
Enjoy 😊 🐥