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Starred repositories
Some Code Candy make NSArray etc collections like python collections
An iPhone client for the PusherChat-Rails example app, using libPusher
A vertical TabBar for iPad
NOUSguide / NGVolumeControl
Forked from BreezeFly/NGVolumeControlCustom control for changing iOS system volume
openplans / GeoReport-iPhone
Forked from ushahidi/Ushahidi_iPhoneFork with a branch for bugfixing and (default) branch for hacking up
Small example app that shows a container view controller
oscurrency / oscurrency
Forked from insoshi/insoshiAffero licensed Community Currency web software derived from Insoshi
The iPhone native portion of Harvard Mobile
benprew / pony
Forked from adamwiggins/ponyThe express way to send mail from Ruby.
wmoxam / phonie
Forked from carr/phoneRuby library for phone number parsing, validation and formatting
hasadna / open-shot
Forked from daonb/okqaA simple, open question and answer site. Shot being an hebrew acronym for Q&A.
A time tracker plugin for Redmine
derobins / wmd
Forked from cky/wmdStack Overflow branch of WMD (No longer maintained - Please use PageDown instead)
ricodigo / shapado
Forked from patcito/shapadoFree and open source Q&A software, open source stackoverflow style app written in ruby, rails, mongomapper and mongodb.
hmarr / mongoengine
Forked from MongoEngine/mongoengine[Moved to mongoengine/mongoengine]
ASKBOT / askbot-devel
Forked from OSQA/osqaAskbot is a Django/Python Q&A forum. **Contributors README**: https://github.com/ASKBOT/askbot-devel#how-to-contribute. Commercial hosting of Askbot and support are available at https://askbot.com
LukeDurrant / Ask4AppReviews
Forked from arashpayan/appiraterA utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app. but promotes positive app reviews and asked for feedback (through email) if the user is having issues
Adds ability to make product bundles
AvianFlu / ntwitter
Forked from jdub/node-twitterAsynchronous Twitter REST/stream/search client API for node.js
couchbase / couchdbx-app
Forked from janl/couchdbx-appCouchDBX Mac OS X Application Bundle
spree / deface
Forked from BDQ/defaceRails plugin that allows you to customize ERB views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.
sinatra / sinatra-book
Forked from cschneid/sinatra-bookTutorial + Cookbook
catsby / CocoaREST
Forked from jonmarimba/CocoaRESTCocoa classes to interact with RESTful services (including Twitter)
pebble / pebblekit
Forked from zalewszczak/pebblekitPebble's app development toolkit for the Pebble smartwatch, Android and iOS
rpetrich / LameSwitcher
Forked from kylehowells/CardSwitcher_oldCardSwitcher is a WebOS style multitasking interface for iOS.
lilyball / uicolor-utilities
Forked from erica/uicolor-utilitiesHelpful utilities for UIColor
Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator
TheStalwart / Theremin
Forked from pweiskircher/ThereminUndead Mac OS X MPD Client.
hypercrypt / NSString-Hashes
Forked from atreat/NSString-Sha1Simple Category of NSString that allows for easy MD5, SHA1 and SHA2 hashing