We can pass values from the client to the server through the URL or through the body of the request.
When you submit a form, you can use either the "POST" or "GET" method. The "POST" method sends the form submission through the body of the request. The "GET" method for a form submission sends the form submission values through the url.
I remember this like this:
Post has four letters and so does form.
Get has three letters and so does url.
You can always append values to a URL.
Anything after the ?
is the query string - the area where values are stored.
The values are stord in a identifier=value
You can have multiple identifier=value
by separating them with the &
While there are multiple ways to retrieve values, we will stick with:
func (r *Request) FormValue(key string) string
FormValue returns the first value for the named component of the query. POST and PUT body parameters take precedence over URL query string values. FormValue calls ParseMultipartForm and ParseForm if necessary and ignores any errors returned by these functions. If key is not present, FormValue returns the empty string. To access multiple values of the same key, call ParseForm and then inspect Request.Form directly.