# Note that we use TF 1.15. This is because we use the tf.contrib package,
# which was removed from TF 2.0.
conda create --name drfact python=3.7
conda activate drfact
pip install tensorflow==1.15
# pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0
# We use TensorFlow Hub to download BERT, which is used to initialize DrFact.
pip install tensorflow-hub bert-tensorflow
pip install spacy -U
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
Link: https://allenai.org/data/genericskb
Put the GenericsKB-Best.tsv
file under the ./knowledge_corpus/
Note that the language
and knowledge_corpus
folder are at the same level.
Run CorpusPrepro.ipynb
, NounChunkVocab.ipynb
and ChangeFormat.ipynb
All the preprocessed data here should be at /path/to/knowledge_corpus/
Put the BERT ckpts bert/pretrained_models/wwm_uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16/*
to /path/to/bert_large/
Set up the environment.
python index_corpus.py \
--do_preprocess \
--entity_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.vocab.txt \
--wiki_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.drkit_format.jsonl \
--max_entity_length 5 \
--max_mentions_per_doc 20 \
--tokenizer_type bert_tokenization \
--vocab_file ${BERT_PATH}/vocab.txt \
--multihop_output_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/drfact_output_bert200 \
Run indexing in parallel (num_shards=3
for (( c=0; c<=3; c++ ))
python fact2fact_index.py \
--do_preprocess \
--entity_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.vocab.txt \
--wiki_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.drkit_format.jsonl \
--fact2fact_index_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/fact2fact_index \
--multihop_output_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/drfact_output_bert200 \
--num_shards 3 --my_shard $c \
Combine the single files.
python fact2fact_index.py \
--do_combine \
--entity_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.vocab.txt \
--wiki_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.drkit_format.jsonl \
--fact2fact_index_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/fact2fact_index \
--multihop_output_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/drfact_output_bert200 \
--num_shards 3 \
(Note that we can also embed mentions by replace do_embed_facts
with do_embed_mentions
Run computation (num_shards=1
if only have one gpu).
python index_corpus.py \
--do_embed \
--do_embed_facts \
--entity_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.vocab.txt \
--wiki_file ${CORPUS_PATH}/gkb_best.drkit_format.jsonl \
--max_entity_length 5 \
--max_mentions_per_doc 20 \
--tokenizer_type bert_tokenization \
--bert_ckpt_dir ${BERT_PATH}/ \
--vocab_file ${BERT_PATH}/vocab.txt \
--bert_config_file ${BERT_PATH}/bert_config.json \
--ckpt_name bert_model.ckpt --embed_prefix bert_large \
--multihop_output_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/drfact_output_bert200 \
--predict_batch_size 128 \
--max_seq_length 128 \
--doc_layers_to_use -1 \
--doc_aggregation_fn concat \
--qry_layers_to_use 4 \
--qry_aggregation_fn concat \
--max_query_length 64 \
--projection_dim 200 \
--doc_stride 128 \
--num_shards 1 \
Run combination.
python index_corpus.py \
--do_combine \
--do_embed_facts \
--max_entity_length 5 \
--max_mentions_per_doc 20 \
--multihop_output_dir ${INDEX_PATH}/drfact_output_bert200 \
--num_shards 1 \
--projection_dim 200 \
--tokenizer_type dummy \
--shards_to_combine 1 \
Clean the data:
rm ${INDEX_PATH}/drfact_output_bert200/${PREFIX}_fact_feats_*.*
Run the QADataPrepro.ipynb
for preprocessing the datasets.
Then, we link the concepts in the questions and answers:
SPLIT=arc_easy_train NUM_CHOICES=-1; \
python link_questions.py \
--csqa_file $ORI_DATA_DIR/${SPLIT}_processed.jsonl \
--output_file $DATA_DIR/linked_${SPLIT}.all.jsonl \
--indexed_concept_file ${VOCAB} \
--do_filtering ${NUM_CHOICES} \
SPLIT=arc_easy_dev NUM_CHOICES=3; \
python link_questions.py \
--csqa_file $ORI_DATA_DIR/${SPLIT}_processed.jsonl \
--output_file $DATA_DIR/linked_${SPLIT}.all.jsonl \
--indexed_concept_file ${VOCAB} \
--do_filtering ${NUM_CHOICES} \
bash drfact.sh