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Name Summary
List all used resources in all regions Github: List all resources
Install aws cli pip install awscli
, aws help
Load aws cli profile aws configure
List regions aws ec2 describe-regions
List instances aws ec2 describe-instances
AWS CLI config files ~/.aws/credentials
, ~/.aws/config
Reference Github: awslabs/aws-shell
Name Summary
List images by amazon aws ec2 describe-images
, aws ec2 describe-images --owners self amazon
Run a new instance aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-c3b8d6aa --count 1 --key-name mykey
Name Summary
List hosted zones aws route53 list-hosted-zones
List hosted zone by name aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name
List DNS records by hosted zone aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "/hostedzone/XXX"
1.5 AWS Products - Fundamental
1.6 AWS Products - Big Data
1.7 AWS Products - Orchestration
1.8 AWS Products - Enterprise
Name Summary
AWS WorkSpaces Desktops in the Cloud
AWS WorkDocs Secure Enterprise Storage and Sharing Service. e.g, Office 365, google doc
AWS WorkMail Secure Email and Calendaring Service. e.g, gmail and google calendar
1.9 AWS Products - Mobile
Name Summary
IGW(Internet gateway) An Internet gateway enables your instances to connect to the Internet
VPG(Virtual Private Gateway) The Amazon VPC side of a VPN Connection
NAT Gateway Enable instances in a private subnet to connect to the internet or other AWS services
Customer Gateway Your side of a VPN Connection
NAT NAT maps multiple private IP addresses to a single public IP address.
NAT Instance EC2 instances provide Port Address Translation for non-EIP instances to access Internet via IGW
Router Routers interconnect subnets and direct traffic between IGW, VPG, NAT instances and Subnets
Subnet A segment of a VPC’s IP address range where you can place groups of isolated resources
VPC Peering A networking connection between two VPCs enable traffic by private IP
ClassicLink Allow you to link an EC2-Classic instance to a VPC in your account, within the same region
License: Code is licensed under MIT License .
2 TODO RDS download snapshot to local