This folder provides some simple tests for each model. They can be run with the following syntax:
./workflow.R --settings <pecanfile>
# for example to run the ed workflow:
./workflow.R --settings pecan.ed.xml
Since workflow.R is a simple rscript you can pass in standard R flags, such as --vanilla, etc.
- workflow.R : Generic workflow to run PEcAn; it will skip previously completed steps.
- pecan.ed.xml : pecan configuration to run ED on ebifarm.
- pecan.sipnet.xml : pecan configuration to run SIPNET on NIWOT.
- pecan.biocro.xml : pecan configuration to run BIOCRO
- add
to workflow.R after PEcAn.all is loaded - the run will stop when it gets to the specified function, at which point you can step through.
- Do not commit changes to workflow.R used for debugging
For example, you can add debugonce(run.meta.analysis)
to workflow.R
and then
R --vanilla -- --settings <pecanfile>
source "workflow.R"