WhisperDragonBlazor is CommonSecrets compatible password/secrets manager for browsers. Made with Blazor.
Not there yet
You have to have newish internet browser
.NET 6 or newer
Move to src folder and the run
dotnet run
And then you can open http://localhost:5000 in your browser
Move to src folder and the run
dotnet publish -c Release
and content should be in bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot folder.
In case you want to build a docker image that serves the WhisperDragonBlazor then use following command
docker build -t whisperdragonblazor .
and if you want to run that then
docker run -p 8080:80 whisperdragonblazor
and you can access it via browser by using http://localhost:8080/
All code files (*.cs, .blazor) and HTML files (.html) are under Unlicense
The CSS file (mvp.css) is under MIT License.