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Image tool

The Python program scripts/ can be used to perform the operations that are necessary to manage keys and sign images. Using this script should be preferred to the manual steps described in doc/

This program is written for Python3, and has several dependencies on Python libraries. These can be installed using 'pip3':

pip3 install --user -r scripts/requirements.txt

This tool currently supports rsa-2048, rsa-3072, ecdsa-p256 and ed25519 keys. You can generate a keypair for one of these types using the 'keygen' command:

./scripts/ keygen -k filename.pem -t rsa-2048

or use rsa-3072, ecdsa-p256, or ed25519 for the type. The key type used should match what MCUboot is configured to verify.

This key file is what is used to sign images, this file should be protected, and not widely distributed.

You can add the -p argument to keygen, which will cause it to prompt for a password. You will need to enter this password in every time you use the private key.

There is a development key distributed with MCUboot that can be used for testing. Since this private key is widely distributed, it should never be used for production. Once you have generated a production key, as described above, you should replace the public key in the bootloader with the generated one.

For Zephyr, the keys live in the file boot/zephyr/keys.c. For mynewt, follow the instructions in doc/ to generate the key file.

./scripts/ getpub -k filename.pem

will extract the public key from the given private key file, and output it as a C data structure. You can replace or insert this code into the key file. However, when the MCUBOOT_HW_KEY config option is enabled, this last step is unnecessary and can be skipped.

Image signing takes an image in binary or Intel Hex format intended for the primary slot and adds a header and trailer that the bootloader is expecting:

Usage: imgtool sign [OPTIONS] INFILE OUTFILE

  Create a signed or unsigned image

  INFILE and OUTFILE are parsed as Intel HEX if the params have .hex
  extension, otherwise binary format is used

  --vector-to-sign [payload|digest]
                                  send to OUTFILE the payload or payloads
                                  digest instead of complied image. These data
                                  can be used for external image signing
  --sha [auto|256|384|512]        selected sha algorithm to use; defaults to
                                  "auto" which is 256 if no cryptographic
                                  signature is used, or default for signature
  --sig-out filename              Path to the file to which signature will be
                                  written. The image signature will be encoded
                                  as base64 formatted string
  --pure                          Expected Pure variant of signature; the Pure
                                  variant is expected to be signature done
                                  over an image rather than hash of that
  --fix-sig-pubkey filename       public key relevant to fixed signature
  --fix-sig filename              fixed signature for the image. It will be
                                  used instead of the signature calculated
                                  using the public key
  -k, --key filename
  --public-key-format [hash|full]
                                  In what format to add the public key to the
                                  image manifest: full key or hash of the key.
  --max-align [8|16|32]           Maximum flash alignment. Set if flash
                                  alignment of the primary and secondary slot
                                  differ and any of them is larger than 8.
  --align [1|2|4|8|16|32]         Alignment used by swap update modes.
  -v, --version TEXT              [required]
  -s, --security-counter TEXT     Specify the value of security counter. Use
                                  the `auto` keyword to automatically generate
                                  it from the image version.
  -d, --dependencies TEXT         Add dependence on another image, format:
                                  "(<image_ID>,<image_version>), ... "
  --pad-sig                       Add 0-2 bytes of padding to ECDSA signature
                                  (for mcuboot <1.5)
  -H, --header-size INTEGER       [required]
  --pad-header                    Add --header-size zeroed bytes at the
                                  beginning of the image
  -S, --slot-size INTEGER         Size of the slot. If the slots have
                                  different sizes, use the size of the
                                  secondary slot.  [required]
  --pad                           Pad image to --slot-size bytes, adding
                                  trailer magic
  --confirm                       When padding the image, mark it as confirmed
                                  (implies --pad)
  -M, --max-sectors INTEGER       When padding allow for this amount of
                                  sectors (defaults to 128)
  --boot-record sw_type           Create CBOR encoded boot record TLV. The
                                  sw_type represents the role of the software
                                  component (e.g. CoFM for coprocessor
                                  firmware). [max. 12 characters]
  --overwrite-only                Use overwrite-only instead of swap upgrades
  -e, --endian [little|big]       Select little or big endian
  -c, --clear                     Output a non-encrypted image with encryption
                                  capabilities,so it can be installed in the
                                  primary slot, and encrypted when swapped to
                                  the secondary.
  --skip-encryption               Set encryption flags and TLV's without
                                  applying encryption.
  --compression [disabled|lzma2|lzma2armthumb]
                                  Enable image compression using specified
                                  type. Will fall back without image
                                  compression automatically if the compression
                                  increases the image size.
  --encrypt-keylen [128|256]      When encrypting the image using AES, select
                                  a 128 bit or 256 bit key len.
  -E, --encrypt filename          Encrypt image using the provided public key.
                                  (Not supported in direct-xip or ram-load
  --save-enctlv                   When upgrading, save encrypted key TLVs
                                  instead of plain keys. Enable when
                                  BOOT_SWAP_SAVE_ENCTLV config option was set.
  -F, --rom-fixed INTEGER         Set flash address the image is built for.
  -L, --load-addr INTEGER         Load address for image when it should run
                                  from RAM.
  -x, --hex-addr INTEGER          Adjust address in hex output file.
  -R, --erased-val [0|0xff]       The value that is read back from erased
  --custom-tlv [tag] [value]      Custom TLV that will be placed into
                                  protected area. Add "0x" prefix if the value
                                  should be interpreted as an integer,
                                  otherwise it will be interpreted as a
                                  string. Specify the option multiple times to
                                  add multiple TLVs.
  --non-bootable                  Mark the image as non-bootable.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

The main arguments given are the key file generated above, a version field to place in the header (1.2.3 for example), the alignment of the flash device in question, and the header size.

The header size depends on the operating system and the particular flash device. For Zephyr, it will be configured as part of the build, and will be a small power of two. By default, the Zephyr build system will already prepended a zeroed header to the image. If another build system is in use that does not automatically add this zeroed header, --pad-header can be passed and the --header-size will be added by imgtool. If --pad-header is used with an Intel Hex file, --header-size bytes will be subtracted from the load address (in Intel Hex terms, the Extended Linear Address record) to adjust for the new bytes prepended to the file. The load address of all data existing in the file should not change.

The --compression option enables LZMA compression over payload. Details about internals of image generated with this option can be found here here This isn't fully supported on the embedded side but can be utilised when project is built on top of the mcuboot.

The --slot-size argument is required and used to check that the firmware does not overflow into the swap status area (metadata). If swap upgrades are not being used, --overwrite-only can be passed to avoid adding the swap status area size when calculating overflow.

The optional --pad argument will place a trailer on the image that indicates that the image should be considered an upgrade. Writing this image in the secondary slot will then cause the bootloader to upgrade to it.

A dependency can be specified in the following way: -d "(image_id, image_version)". The image_id is the number of the image which the current image depends on. The image_version is the minimum version of that image to satisfy compliance. For example -d "(1, 1.2.3+0)" means this image depends on Image 1 which version has to be at least 1.2.3+0.

The --public-key-format argument can be used to distinguish where the public key is stored for image authentication. The hash option is used by default, in which case only the hash of the public key is added to the TLV area (the full public key is incorporated into the bootloader). When the full option is used instead, the TLV area will contain the whole public key and thus the bootloader can be independent from the key(s). For more information on the additional requirements of this option, see the design document.